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Glycolysis Eric Niederhoffer SIU-SOM Glucose Pyruvate Lactate 10 steps No O 2 Energy (ATP) and metabolites 3 regulated steps.

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Presentation on theme: "Glycolysis Eric Niederhoffer SIU-SOM Glucose Pyruvate Lactate 10 steps No O 2 Energy (ATP) and metabolites 3 regulated steps."— Presentation transcript:

1 Glycolysis Eric Niederhoffer SIU-SOM Glucose Pyruvate Lactate 10 steps No O 2 Energy (ATP) and metabolites 3 regulated steps

2 Pathway Overview n What does glycolysis do for us? Process Glc (Frc) monomers Form 3-C metabolites Generate ATP and NADH Input to Glycogen, PPP TCA PPP Glycogen ATP NADH Glc G6P F6P F16BP DHAP +G3P 1,3-BPG 3-PG 2-PG PEP Pyr Input to TCA cycle Lactate PGK PK (reg) G3P DH LDH HK (reg) PFK-1 (reg) Regenerate NAD +

3 Regulation Glc G6P F6P F16BP DHAP +G3P 1,3-BPG 3-PG 2-PG PEP Pyr PK HK PFK-1 Epinephrine (cardiac muscle) cAMP ATP F26BP PFK-2 (active) PFK-2 (inactive) AC PKA (active) PKA (inactive)

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