Learning to Learn The fine art of doing it your way.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning to Learn The fine art of doing it your way."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning to Learn The fine art of doing it your way

2 Learning Styles Four spokes on the learning wheel:

3 learning by feeling relating new information to old experience being sensitive to your “gut reaction” being conscious of the feelings and responses of others

4 learning by watching and listening Observing carefully before making a judgement looking for different perspectives Watching carefully before being willing to try

5 Learning by doing taking action taking risks experimenting

6 learning by thinking logical analysis of ideas objectivity systematic planning organizing thoughts

7 Five senses organizing our world: Eyes Ears Touch Taste Smell

8 Three senses organize our thinking Eyes Visual learners rely most on their eyes – they need to see something. They want it in print. Ears Aural learners rely most on their ears – they need to hear something. They want it out loud. Touch Kinesthetic learners want to hold it in their hands – they want to try it themselves.

9 Seven kinds of intelligence: i. Kinesthetic hands-on thinking ii. Interpersonal social grace iii. Intrapersonal self awareness iv. Linguistic language skills v. Spacial inner compass vi. Mathematical /logicalproblem solving vii. Musical inner soundtrack

10 hands-on thinking “feeling” how it’s done – knowing where your knees and elbows are

11 social grace remembering names and faces and likes and birthdays Knowing the right thing to say.

12 self awareness knowing personal limits & potential

13 language skills reading, writing, playing word games, telling stories

14 inner compass seeing patterns reading maps visualizing end results

15 problem solving logical, sequential thinking – debate – numbers

16 inner soundtrack link concepts to melodies – memorize rhymes with rhythms

17 Multiple intelligence - review i. hands-on thinking ii. social grace iii. Self-awareness iv. Language skills v. Inner compass vi. Problem solving vii. Inner soundtrack

18 So what does all that have to do with me? Knowing that there are different ways to learn, several different senses to appeal to, and different kinds of intelligence to draw on, can make the whole business of learning much easier. How do you like to learn? Which sense do you rely on most? What kind(s) of intelligence are strongest in you?

19 Don’t take my word for it. Check out these web sites to find out more about learning styles and multiple intelligence theories. VARK - A Guide to Learning Styles Learning Styles

20 Making it easy for yourself What kind of learner you are does not need to limit what kind of learning you do. Study skills are the tools and knowledge we use to change the way information is packaged. If it comes to us in a form we can’t easily use we have to change it.

21 If you’re listening to someone talk and know you won’t remember a thing they say unless you see it in writing – write it down If you’ve been reading forever and know that you remember things you hear better than things you read, try taping your own voice. If you need to try it out for yourself, find a willing victim and give it a go. Once you know what works for you run with it. Repackaging information

22 Tried and True Study Tips 1. Day light is better. Try not to set your study time in the wee hours of the morning. 2. A regular time and space are helpful especially with all the tools to hand.. 3. Study in short bursts – some books suggest we can only soak in information for ½ an hour at a time. Try setting a two hour maximum limit and following the 30 - 3 - 2 schedule. Study / break /review.

23 More Study Tips Memorize from general to specific – study the big picture then learn the details. Summarize and summarize until you have sifted out the gem of real wisdom. Be sure to put information into your own words – you are less likely to remember someone else’s words, and you won’t remember something you haven’t understood.

24 You guessed it – more study tips. Tell a willing victim what you learned today – teaching is the best way to learn. A calendar is invaluable – keep track of due dates and test dates.

25 The Last Word We receive information in all sorts of packages. Knowing how to change the packaging so we can get at the information, organize it in our way, and store it away for when we need it, is learning to learn.

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