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C&I 212 Dr. Brown. Federal Role in Education  Bill of Rights (10th Amendment)  Morrill Acts  Smith-Hughes Act (1917), George-Barden Act (1946)  GI.

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Presentation on theme: "C&I 212 Dr. Brown. Federal Role in Education  Bill of Rights (10th Amendment)  Morrill Acts  Smith-Hughes Act (1917), George-Barden Act (1946)  GI."— Presentation transcript:

1 C&I 212 Dr. Brown

2 Federal Role in Education  Bill of Rights (10th Amendment)  Morrill Acts  Smith-Hughes Act (1917), George-Barden Act (1946)  GI Bill (1944)  National Defense Act (1958)  Anti-discrimination acts (1964, 1972, 1973)  ESEA – Title I (1965, IASA 1994, NCLB 2001)

3 NCLB Rationale  Close achievement gaps between students of different economic, racial, ethnic backgrounds  Students should learn from highly qualified teachers  All students should graduate from high school and achieve high standards  Schools should be safe and drug free

4 NCLB Principles  Accountability Measure yearly progress of all students State-created standards Adequate yearly progress (AYP) Highly Qualified Teachers  Research-based instruction “scientifically-based” research  Local control and flexibility Can use 50% of fed $ to other programs  Parental options Parents may transfer students to other schools

5 AYP Basics  Criteria: Math and reading assessment, test participation rate and other (attendance/graduation rate)  Baseline was set by each state in 2001, with 12 years to achieve goal Test Scores: 40% (2003) – 100% (2014) Participation: 95% Graduation Rate: 65% (2003) – 85% (2014)  All subgroups (larger that 45 students) must meet AYP or a subgroup may increase by 10% (Safe Harbor)  Example; Illinois AYP Information; AYP Awards ExampleIllinois AYP InformationAYP Awards

6 AYP Success and Failure  Success is “rewarded”  Failure: Published Improvement plan Professional development  2 years of failure: (Academic Early Warning) All of the above Students can transfer within the district  3 years of failure: (Academic Early Warning 1) All of the above Supplemental education  4 years or more: (Academic Watch 1, 2, 3+) Restructuring, replace staff, turn over operation to the state (5 years)

7 Race to the Top - Overview  Newest Federal Education initiative  Competitive grants to states  $20 - $700 Million (depending on state)  Phase 1: Tennessee and Delaware ($820 million total)  Phase 2: 10 states awarded ($3.4 billion)  Illinois was a finalist in both phases  “Phase 3”: 7 state were awarded funds Illinois will receive $43 million.

8 Race to the Top – Reform Areas  Adopting standards and assessments that prepare students to succeed in college and the workplace and to compete in the global economy;  Building data systems that measure student growth and success, and inform teachers and principals about how they can improve instruction;  Recruiting, developing, rewarding, and retaining effective teachers and principals, especially where they are needed most; and  Turning around our lowest-achieving schools.

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