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Hajar mountains In The UAE

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1 Hajar mountains In The UAE
By Sam Janssen

2 What Are Hajar Mountains
Hajar Mountains are mountains in the UAE and they can grow up to 2,000 meters high. They Start in the north of UAE  parallel to the coast but moving gradually further away as it goes.

3 Flora and Fauna in the Hajar Mountains.
The Hajar mountains are beautiful and home to many animals and plants. Animals include the Mountain Gazelle, Arabian Thar and the Arabian Leopard. Plants are the Wild Olive and Fig trees.

4 What are Quarries Quarries are man-made pits where sand and stone are extracted from.

5 Quarries are made in the Hajar Mountains to get stones for buildings and roads.
This is bad for the environment. Destroys Habitat Causes Erosion Creates an unsafe environment

6 Loss of Habitat By making Quarries some animals have to find another place to live. Although just a few animals are affected, they are part of an ecosystem. The whole system is affected. Plants can’t grow in the Quarries, so they are destroyed. After the Quarries are not been used anymore an ugly landscape remains. The animals and plants can’t return.

7 Soil Erosion By digging Quarries in the mountains the plants disappear and the soil can be blown away by the wind. More desert is created. The roads for trucks to get the stones from the Quarries destroy the soil as well. Plants are also removed to built the roads leading to more erosion. Landslides can occur when it rains.

8 No Safe Environment The digging causes vibrations, it will scare away the animals. The digging causes dust. The dust goes in the air and makes the air we breath even more polluted. Landslides can occur after rain causing injuries and deaths. The digging causes noise which can harm us as well.

9 What can we do better Try to not to create Quarries, use less natural stones. If Quarries have to be made better management is needed to cause less damage to the environment. After Quarries are not used anymore, bring back the plants and clean up the mess.

10 What does the Government do?
Thirteen Quarries have been closed. They are making plans to bring back plants and animals. Strict Guidelines are introduced to not harm the environment

11 Which animals and plants are most endangered.
Most endangered animal is the Arabian Leopard. Only a few hundred are left. At the moments most trees in the Hajar mountains are endangered.


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