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The Institute for Quantum Computing Why Quantum Information? Improving the capacity of information processing devices: Moore’s law Taking.

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Presentation on theme: "The Institute for Quantum Computing Why Quantum Information? Improving the capacity of information processing devices: Moore’s law Taking."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Institute for Quantum Computing

2 Why Quantum Information? Improving the capacity of information processing devices: Moore’s law Taking advantage of the Quantum Mechanical laws –The Superposition principle: Quantum Computing –Can’t measure without leaving a fingerprint Quantum Cryptography QM allows to perform tasks intractable with today’s computers

3 Institute for Quantum Computing Founded in 2002 Attracted more than $140M from the private and public sector The University of Waterloo has committed 30 faculty positions Presently 15 faculty; 16 pdfs; 65 graduate students; 7 admin staff

4 Strategic Objectives 1.Establish IQC as global centre of research excellence 2.Become international magnet for students 3.Transfer knowledge to industry & govt 4.Increase public awareness & understanding

5 Members Sciences -Physcis -Chemistry Sciences -Physcis -Chemistry Engineering E&CE Mathematics Applied Math C&O CS Sciences Physics Chemistry

6 People

7 Building Architects: KPMB and HDR 140 000 sqft 15 000 sqft of clean room and metrology Completion September 2010 We are at present completing schematic design

8 Building

9 Quantum -Computation -Cryptography -Communication -Metrology Algorithms and Protocols Building blocks Integration Research

10 Experimental work -nuclear and electron spin resonance -coherent spintronics physics -quantum dots -single photon sources -single photon detectors -superconducting qubits -atom trapping

11 Cryptography in a Quantum World

12 Graduate Program/Courses 1) Introduction to Quantum Information Processing CO481/681, CS467/667, Phys467/767, Winter 00: 2) Quantum Error Correction, CO 639, Winter 2004,Daniel Gottesman 3) Topics in Quantum Information, CO 781, Spring 2004 4) Quantum Algorithms and Complexity, C0 781 Topics in Quantum Information, Winter 2005 5) Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics PHYS 490 / PHYS 773 Winter 2005, Emerson, Laflamme 6) Quantum Information Processing Device, PHYS 771, ECE770, Winter 2006 7) Quantum Optics PHYS771, Spring 2006, G Weihs 8) Quantum Algorithms and Complexity CO 860 Advanced Topics in Algorithms and Complexity Spring 2006, A. Ambainis 9) Quantum Information Processing, CO681, CS667, Phys767 Fall 2006, Richard Cleve 10) Quantum computing since Democritus, Phys 490, S. Aaronson, Fall, 2006 11) Introduction to Quantum Information Processing, (Undergraduate) CO481, CS467, Phys467, Winter 2007, Michele Mosca 12) Quantum Information Theory, Error-correction, and Cryptography, C0 781 Topics in Quantum Information, Fall 2006 Debbie Leung, Ashwin Nayak

13 Canadian Institute for Advanced Research -Private/Public funded organization that promote excellence in research in Canada -created in 2002 -study issues at the core of quantum information science -program provides teaching relief and resources for interaction

14 QuantumWorks

15 Thanks

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