Service Pack 2 System Center Configuration Manager 2007.

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1 Service Pack 2 System Center Configuration Manager 2007

2 SP2: Operating System Updates Configuration Manager SP2 adds support for the following platforms: −Windows 7 −Windows Server 2008 R2 −Windows Vista Sp2 −Windows Server 2008 SP2 This means: −Managed Client support – Client can be a target for apps, inventory, updates and more. −Site Role host support – Servers can host all site infrastructure roles

3 Improved Client Policy Evaluation in SP2 Faster policy processing −Before SP2, policy download was queued locally for 2 minutes before processing −This 2 minute delay has been removed in Service Pack 2 More efficient software distribution configured to run at user logon −Before SP2, user policy requests were not downloaded for 10 minutes after user logon event −This caused a delay is User/Group targeted advertisements −A common scenario is an App-V distribution environment where User or Security Group targeting is used −This 10 minute delay has been removed in Service Pack 2 −User or Security Group targeted advertisements are instantly available after user logon in Service Pack 2

4 BranchCache Support in SP2 Integration enables ConfigMgr organizations to: −Significantly reduce WAN traffic −Reduce transfer loads on DPs Client downloads (apps, updates…) benefit from local peer client cache The first client will download to Branch Cache 2 nd, 3 rd … downloads will be sourced by local cache Peer transferred content is also cached for later peer sharing Multiple peers can be leveraged to peer transfer content simultaneously Clients that are Branch Cache enabled will transfer content from peers if available before hitting DP Configuration Document available

5 SP2: 64-bit Architecture Development Service Pack 2 will also continue to deliver new support for x64 architectures, including: −X64 support for OpsMgr ‘07 Client Agent −Update to OpsMgr MP for x64 OS −x64 performance counters (the management pack is a separate release) −Remote control support added for x64 Windows XP and x64 Windows Server 2003 −App-V x64 Client support

6 Asset Intelligence Certificate Requirement Removal ConfigMgr SP1 introduced Asset Intelligence v1.5 With SP1, Asset Intelligence could be configured to use an online synchronization for updates With Service Pack 2, the requirement to have the certificate has been removed −The initial release required a certificate Software Assurance is not required for this functionality, including SP1

7 Intel vPro Technology: Integration Enhancements in SP2 OOB Wireless Management: Wireless Profile Management End Point Access Control: 802.1x support Persistent Data Storage: Non Volatile Memory or Third Party Data Store (3PDS) Access Monitor: Audit Log Remote Power Management: Power State Configuration from ConfigMgr Console

8 Additional Areas Operating System deployment −Multi-select and delete driver catalog drivers from the console −Task sequence UI now displays package names as in the console Better feedback on AD extension success / failure

9 Configuration Manager 2007 Feature Summary: SP2 Windows 7 Windows Server 2008 R2 Windows Vista Sp2 Windows Server 2008 SP2 Operating System Updates Faster local policy processing through the removal of 2 minute hard coded delay More efficient software distribution configured to run at user logon through removal of 10 minute hard coded delay at User Logon. Improved Client Policy Evaluation Support for Windows Server 2008 R2 enabled infrastructure BranchCache Support X64 support for OpsMgr ‘07 Client Agent Update to OpsMgr MP for x64 OS x64 performance counters (the management pack is a separate release) Remote control support added for x64 Windows XP and x64 Windows Server 2003 App-V x64 Client support 64-bit Architecture Development The requirement to have a certificate to configure online sync of software catalog has been removed Asset Intelligence Certificate Requirement Removal OOB Wireless Management: Wireless Profile Management End Point Access Control: 802.1x support Persistent Data Storage: Non Volatile Memory or Third Party Data Store (3PDS) Access Monitor: Audit Log Remote Power Management: Power State Configuration from ConfigMgr Console Intel vPro enhancements Multi-select and delete driver catalog drivers from the console Task sequence UI now displays package names as in the console Better feedback on AD extension success / failure Other areas

10 2008200920102011 System Center Roadmap

11 © 2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

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