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VOCABULARY ENGLISH IV Jatarrie Rayford Forrest Robinson Derion Blackman 12 C.

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1 VOCABULARY ENGLISH IV Jatarrie Rayford Forrest Robinson Derion Blackman 12 C

2 AMELIORATE (V)  Make something bad or unsatisfactory better.  A hot meal can ameliorate the discomforts of even the coldest day.

3 CALLOW (ADJ)  Inexperienced and immature.  The callow boater didn’t have a life preserver, paddle, or radio onboard his sailboat.

4 APLOMB(N)  self-confidence or assurance, esp. when in a demanding situation.  The head teacher handled the truancy problem with perfect aplomb.

5 INVEIGH (V)  Speak or write about with hostility  He belonged to a sect that inveighed against homosexuality.

6 STRINGENT (ADJ)  strict, precise, and exciting.  My brother was able to enter the Governor’s residence with no problems, even if it had very stringent entrance regulations.

7 EPITOME (N)  a person or thing that is a perfect example of a particular quality or type.  Leaving home and going back to college is the epitome of bittersweet.

8 EXHORT (V)  Strongly encourage or urge (someone) to do something.  The priest planned to exhort the congregation to abstain from alcohol.

9 LASSITUDE (N)  A state of physical or mental weariness; lack of energy.  Frustrated by her friend’s lassitude, she left her sitting in clearing and continued hiking up the trail.

10 INGRATIATE (V)  bring oneself into favor with someone by flattering or trying to please them.  I ingratiate myself to make a formal best friend relationship with him.

11 UNCTUOUS (ADJ)  (of a person) excessively or ingratiatingly flattering ; oily.  The soap felt unctuous when it slipped from any hands.

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