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Lori Ross. Geographical Information It’s not just maps!!!

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Presentation on theme: "Lori Ross. Geographical Information It’s not just maps!!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lori Ross

2 Geographical Information It’s not just maps!!!

3 Atlases Geographical Dictionaries

4 Atlases World Atlases Historical Atlases Desk and Student Atlases Road Atlases Maps Travel Books Magazines Rand McNally National Geographic Print versus Digital

5 Gazetteers and Geographical Dictionaries “A gazetteer is an alphabetical list of place names with information that can be used to locate the areas that the names are associated with”(Johnson, 2003: 40).

6 Biographical Sources Living and deceases people Obituaries Subject – based Contemporary People Ethnic/Cultural Heritage Fictional People

7 Contemporary People Ethnic/Cultural Heritage Cultural Heritage

8 Evaluating Biographical Resources Scope Accuracy Length of entry Criteria for inclusion Audience Authority Frequency of updates Photo References for further reading

9 The End

10 Works Cited Bopp, R. E., & Smith, L. C. (2011). Reference and information services: An introduction. Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited. Cassell, K. A., & Hiremath, U. (2009). Reference and information services in the 21st century (Second ed.). New York, NY: Neal-Schuman. Johnson, J. M. (2003). Geographic information: How to find it, how to use it (p. 40). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

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