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David Cope and Quinn Lin.  3 Examples of Irony in the Macbeth play  Thesis: There are many examples of irony used in this particular story which Shakespeare.

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Presentation on theme: "David Cope and Quinn Lin.  3 Examples of Irony in the Macbeth play  Thesis: There are many examples of irony used in this particular story which Shakespeare."— Presentation transcript:

1 David Cope and Quinn Lin

2  3 Examples of Irony in the Macbeth play  Thesis: There are many examples of irony used in this particular story which Shakespeare used to enhance the excitement of his stories.  3 examples include: Macbeth and Duncan’s Relationship, The way Macbeth treats his staff, and The witches prophecies.


4  Quotation: “this castle hath a pleasant seat; the air/ Nimbly and sweetly recommends itself/ unto our senses” (Act 1 Scene 6)  This shows how Duncan loves his castle and it’s such a positive place for him, however the audience knows that Macbeth is planning on killing him at his own castle creating irony.

5  Quotation: “he was a gentleman on whom I built/ an absolute trust” (Act 1 Scene 4)  Here Duncan talks about how much trust he has in Macbeth and how he is such a gentleman, but Macbeth plans on killing him to take his throne.

6  Quotation: “You know your own degrees; sit down: at first and last the hearty welcome.” (Act 3 Scene 4 Line 1)  Here Macbeth is giving his staff orders and tells them to sit down at the dinner table according to rank. This is ironic because everyone at that table has earned their position to be at the table with the exception of Macbeth as he killed Duncan for his position.

7  Quotation: “Who can be wise, amazed, temperate, and furious….Courage to make’s love known?” (Act 2 Scene 3 lines 124-134)  This explains how Macbeth is pretending to be sad about Duncan's death and he makes it seem like he is loyal to his previous king in front of his staff but the audience knows that it was Macbeth that killed him.

8  “For them the vacuous Duncan have I murdered; put rancours in the vessel of my peace only for them” (Act 1 Scene 3 Lines 50-53)  The witches made it seem to Macbeth that he is secure as the king of Scotland however the audience knows that Macduff and Lennox are planning to attack Scotland with England's army.



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