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The Industry Side of Certification, Enforcement, and Clearances Monica Starks GS Group LLC dba Green Solutions Environmental Services.

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Presentation on theme: "The Industry Side of Certification, Enforcement, and Clearances Monica Starks GS Group LLC dba Green Solutions Environmental Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Industry Side of Certification, Enforcement, and Clearances Monica Starks GS Group LLC dba Green Solutions Environmental Services Star Construction & Development

2 Have You Heard… “I’m the Supervisor…my workers work under my certification.” “Yep we are EPA Certified Renovators and can work on lead jobs!” “What do you mean I need a map in my combination Lead Inspection/Risk Assessor Report?” “Did I hear you say take dust wipes on ceiling fan blades?” “You want a wipe on exterior concrete? I thought exterior was only a visual!”

3 Have You Heard… “I did notify the State but the weather was so nice we thought we’d work this weekend!” “Sign…What kind of sign?” “You can’t shut my job down! What am I supposed to do?” “I can’t reach the ceiling to shoot it with an XRF…no I didn’t presume it was LBP, was I suppose to?” “This paint chip sample represents the whole house!”

4 Certification A lot of work going on! Good news for contractors! A lot of confusion over what type of certifications are required on a lead abatement project EPA Certified Renovator vs. State Abatement Worker/Supervisor certification Confusion over whether all workers on the project need State certification City of Detroit Property Maintenance Code Lead Ordinance – only certified lead inspectors/risk assessors can perform evaluation of property

5 Certification What happens when the Michigan Lead Abatement Act and Lead Hazard Control Rules aren’t followed? ENFORCEMENT! DON’T HAVE YOUR JOBSITE SHUT DOWN! AS A LEAD INSPECTOR/RISK ASSESSOR COMPLIANCE AUDITS ARE AVAILABLE TO KEEP YOU FROM BEING CITED

6 ENFORCEMENT Reasons why you could face enforcement: Non-certified workers Failure to follow HUD Guidelines including but not limited to: Improper signage Incorrect mil thickness for plastic sheeting Improper waste disposal Proper XRF techniques Improper testing Failing to identify LBP surfaces that are inaccessible for testing

7 Clearances City of Detroit Lead Clearance Certificate State Clearances Scope of work completed Exterior must pass visual Interior dust wipe samples Containment

8 Have You Also Heard… “Nice job!” “All State requirements have been followed. We’ll send you a letter of resolution for the complaint.” “We would like to offer you more work.” “This is a very detailed report.” “We’ll recommend your work!”

9 Questions

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