Status of H-mode confinement Database by K. Thomsen  The International Global H-mode Confinement Database: Storage and Distribution Fusion Engineering.

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Presentation on theme: "Status of H-mode confinement Database by K. Thomsen  The International Global H-mode Confinement Database: Storage and Distribution Fusion Engineering."— Presentation transcript:

1 Status of H-mode confinement Database by K. Thomsen  The International Global H-mode Confinement Database: Storage and Distribution Fusion Engineering and Design 60 (2002) 347-352  The development of a two-term model for the confinement in ELMy H-Modes using the Global Confinement and Pedestal Databases (based on DB3V10 and DB3V10X) Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 44 (2002) A429-A435  Multi-Machine Global Confinement and H-mode Threshold Analysis IAEA 2002 (J. Snipes)  A Two Term Model of the Confinement in ELMy H-modes using the Global Confinement and Pedestal Databases IAEA 2002 (JG Cordey)

2 New Server and Address  Windows 2000 Advanced Server  MS SQL Server 7 Enterprise Edition  Internet Information Server 5 or HmodePublic Calls to get redirected  FTP Server  Old Server was shut down 14 th October 2002

3 Progress in Data documentation  Review sheets  Normal level of acuracy  List of Variables  Data descriptions  Progress on Nuclear Fusion Paper

4 Review Sheets

5 Normal Level of Accuracy

6 Description of Data

7 Working versions  DB3V11 JFT-2M new ELMy H-mode data point AUG revised version of new data JET revised version of new data JT-60U revised version of new data MAST new ELMy H-mode data (no TAUTH yet)  Hdb3v11_Pdb3v2 Pedestal database extract that corresponds to data in DB3v11 Not official version – JET, JFT-2M and MAST data not in PDB3v2 yet  DB3V11 and Hdb3v11_Pdb3v2 available from sql server and secure web pages sql server:

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