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 The Setsubun festival is held on the 3 rd of February every year.  This is the start of spring in Japan.

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3  The Setsubun festival is held on the 3 rd of February every year.  This is the start of spring in Japan.

4  The Setusbun Festival is held to chase away evil spirits and bring good spirits to the people of Japan.

5  During the Setsubun festival people decorate their houses with fish heads and leaves from holy trees to get rid of evil spirits.  They also throw roasted beans and yell “Oni wa soto! Fuku wa uchi” translating to “Devils out! Happiness in”

6  The setsubun festival started in the 13 th century with people using the smell of dried sardine heads and burning wood to scare evil spirits. They also used the sounds of drums.

7   biw=1440&bih=712&gbv=2&tbm=isch&tbnid=WECKVcjFNUYulM:&imgrefurl=h ttp:// japan.aspx%3Fduration%3D14%26passengers%3D2&docid=4QY7vI8m9bmhJ M&imgurl= HiTours/Products/Far%252520East/Essence%252520of%252520Japan/Highlight s/Resized/Himeji%252520Castle%252520Spring.ashx&w=511&h=280&ei=mjenTr 7jMPPUiALyz_DZDQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=613&vpy=359&dur=1856&hovh= 166&hovw=303&tx=104&ty=100&sig=101915719900363093295&page=5&tbnh =112&tbnw=204&start=69&ndsp=18&ved=1t:429,r:8,s:69&hovw=303&tx=104&ty=100&sig=101915719900363093295&page=5&tbnh =112&tbnw=204&start=69&ndsp=18&ved=1t:429,r:8,s:69

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