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Picoblaze Overview EENG 2910. Introduction 8-bit microcontroller for Xilinx devices Soft Core – Soft Processor 5% of the resources of spartan 3 (3S200.

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Presentation on theme: "Picoblaze Overview EENG 2910. Introduction 8-bit microcontroller for Xilinx devices Soft Core – Soft Processor 5% of the resources of spartan 3 (3S200."— Presentation transcript:

1 Picoblaze Overview EENG 2910

2 Introduction 8-bit microcontroller for Xilinx devices Soft Core – Soft Processor 5% of the resources of spartan 3 (3S200 devicee) Compact, and Flexible Utilized for simple data processing and control

3 Introduction 8-bit data width 8-bit ALU with carry and zero flag 16 8-bit general-purpose registers 64-byte data memory 18 bit instruction width 10-bit instruction address (supports 1024 instr.) 256 input ports and 256 output ports 2 clock cycles per instruction


5 Instruction Set Logical Instructions Arithmetic Instruction Compare and test Instruction Shift and rotate Instruction Data Movement Instruction Program flow control Instructions Interrupt related Instruction

6 Programming Model (Notation) sX, sY : represents General Purpose Register Pc : Program Counter Tos : top-of-stack pointer of the call/return stack c, z, i: carry, zero, and interrupt flags Kk : 8 bit constant or port id Ss : 6-bit constant data memory address AAA: 10-bit constant instruction memory address.

7 Instruction Format op sX, sY : register-register format (sX, sY – operand, op – operation, sX – destination, sX  sX op kk) op sX, kk: register-constant format (?) op sX: single – register format – used in shifting and rotating instructions with one operand. op AAA : single-address format. E.g jump and call instruction. AAA – address. Op - instruction without operand

8 Operations (Examples) Logical Operation (6 instructions) : and, or, xor Arithmetic operation (8): add, addcy or addc (addcy – add with carry flag), sub, subcy or subc. Compare and Test operation: compare sX, sY or comp sX, sY, compare sX, kk or comp sX, kk if sX=sY then z  1 else z  0; if sX>sY then c  1 else c  0; test sX, SY t  s X and s Y ; if t = 0 then else z  0; C  t(7) xor t(6) xor....xor t(0)

9 Operations Shift and Rotate Instruction sl0 sX – Shift a register left 1 bit and shift 0 into the LSB. sX  sX(6…0) & 0; c  sX(7) sl1 sX – shift a register left 1 bit and shift 1 into LSB. sX  sX(6…0) & sX(0); c  sX(7) slx sX – shift a register left 1 bit and shift sX(0) into the LSB. sla sX – shift left 1 bit and shift c into LSB similarly, sr0, sr1, srx, sra sX, rl sX, rr sX etc.

10 Data Movement Computation done via Registers and ALU Movement between - registers – load -Register and data RAM – Fetch and Store -Register and I/O port : input and output Load sX, sY; load sX, kk; - sX  (sY or kk); fetch sX, (sY) or fetch (sX, sY);- sX  RAM(sY); Fetch sX, SS, - sX  RAM(sY); store sX, (sY) (or store sX, sY) –RAM[sX]  sX; - move data from register to data RAM. Input sX, (sY), or in sX, sY –move data from input port to a register. sX  in_port Output sX, (sY) (out sX, sY) move data from a register to the input port

11 Program Flow Jump, call, and return – load a value to the program counter and modify program flow. Unconditionally or conditionally based on zero and carry flags. Jump AAA – unconditional jump Jump c, AAA – jump if carry flag is set ( if c = 0 then pc  AAA else pc = pc + 1) Jump nc, AAA; jump z, AAA; jump nz, AAA

12 Program flow - Call and Return Implementation of functions Call – loads a new value to the pc, saves it current value to a stack (special buffer). The routine contains a return( obtains the saved value from the stack and increment by 1) at the end. Picoblaze support nested function (LIFO). Picoblaze has 31-word stack.

13 Program flow Call AAA (unconditionally call subroutine) tos  tos Stack [tos]  pc; Pc  AAA Call c, AAA (conditionally call subroutine) If (c = 1) tos  tos Stack [tos]  pc; Pc  AAA Else Pc  pc + 1 Return (ret) Return c, (ret c)

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