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Annual TITLE I Meeting – Nov. 20, 2015, 8:15 am Presented by: *Dr. David Reynolds, Principal *Ms. Wendy Lo, Instructional Specialist *Mrs. Gloria Montes.

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Presentation on theme: "Annual TITLE I Meeting – Nov. 20, 2015, 8:15 am Presented by: *Dr. David Reynolds, Principal *Ms. Wendy Lo, Instructional Specialist *Mrs. Gloria Montes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Annual TITLE I Meeting – Nov. 20, 2015, 8:15 am Presented by: *Dr. David Reynolds, Principal *Ms. Wendy Lo, Instructional Specialist *Mrs. Gloria Montes and Ms. Agatha Yang, School Community Coordinators Emery Park School Alhambra Unified School District 2015-2016 ASES Room

2 AGENDA  Welcome  Purpose of Title I Annual Meeting  California State Standards (CSS)  Achievement Levels for School Performance o SBAC Baseline Data o Program Improvement (PI) Status o Supplemental Educational Services (SES)  Multi-Tiered System of Support/Pyramid of Interventions  Assessment Tools  Parent Involvement: What Can Parents Do?

3 Purpose of Title I Annual Meeting Required by Section 1118(c)(1) Convene an annual meeting at a convenient time to which all parents of participating children shall be invited and encouraged to attend to inform parents of their school’s participation under this part and to explain the requirements of this part, and the right of the parents to be involved. Title I Program Purpose: Provide supplemental resources to improve instruction in high poverty schools to ensure all students meet state standards.

4 School Advisory Committee (SAC)  Advise the principal and staff on the school’s program for underachieving students.  Advise the School Site Council on the development of the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA), which outlines our goals & objectives to raise student achievements.

5 California State Standards (CSS) formerly Common Core The new standards in English Language Arts and Mathematics are:  Rigorous  Research-based  Preparing students for college and career  Internationally benchmarked to ensure students will be globally competitive

6 What’s Different? 3 Key Ideas for Parents about the CSS 1. Thinking Deeply  Emphasis on critical thinking  More analyzing, discussing, evaluating, justifying and explaining  Understanding deeply – especially in writing

7 California State Standards (CSS): 2. Integrated Learning  Emphasis on learning across disciplines (reading with math and social studies standards combined in one task)  Units of Study: Students spend more time working together with different settings, structures and tools

8 California State Standards (CSS): 3. Showing How They Know  Emphasis on proof and evidence  Teaching and assessments are based on the idea of “show me how you know”  Worksheets, fact memorization and skill & drill are limited

9 Achievement Levels for School Performance  The Federal “No Child Left Behind Act” (NCLB) requires that all students perform at, or above, the proficient level on their State’s standards-based assessment by 2014.  Districts and schools must achieve Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP). This refers to steadily increasing the percentage of academic proficiency from year to year.  The Academic Performance Index (API) measures school performance, sets academic growth targets, and monitors growth over time based on the CST results. FEDERAL Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) STATE Academic Performance Index (API) DISTRICT -Interim Assessments -Performance Tasks In ELA & Math These are in a state of TRANSITION right now!

10 California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP)

11 Emery Park School overall SBAC in ELA & Math

12 Socio-Economically Disadvantaged (SED) in English Language Arts (ELA) SED OverallELA Claims 67 %

13 SED in Math SED OverallMath Claims

14 Program Improvement (PI) Status ….. based on old CST scores! (2012-2013) – PI Year 1  Parents were notified of PI status and school choice offered  An Improvement Plan was developed  10% of Title I money was used for staff professional development (2013-2014), (2014-2015), (2015-2016) – PI Year 2 (frozen)  Parents were notified of PI status and school choice offered  Improvement Plan is implemented/revised  Staff professional development continues  Supplemental Educational Services (SES) are provided to eligible students by invitation

15 How Emery Park Raises Student Achievement  Teachers participate in Professional Development (School & District)  Trainings (GLAD, Illuminate, CSS)  Grade-Level Collaboration  Vertical Teaming/Collaboration  Analyze Data  Technology (Chromebooks, iPads)  Supplemental Materials  Robotics  Appropriate Placement in Programs (Tier II, Tier III)

16 Response to Intervention: Our Practices  Data Analysis for Targeted Instruction “Every student by name, every need met.”  Multi-Tiered System of Support -also known as “Pyramid of Interventions”

17 Pyramid of Interventions Tier I Tier II Tier III Core Instruction: Curriculum intended for all students, but tailored to each student’s needs Supplemental Instruction: A prescribed supplemental instruction with a research- based program for students struggling to achieve in Tier I Core Replacement: Intensive intervention in small groups for students who have not had success in Tier I or II FEW students SOME students MOST students

18 Pyramid of Interventions cont’d Tier I Tier II Tier III Core Instruction: California State Standards Strategic Teaming (K-3) Universal Access (4-8) Differentiated Instruction Writers’ Workshop ELD Intervention Programs: Read Naturally REWARDS Making Connections Phonics for Reading Core Replacement: Inside FEW students SOME students MOST students Best Practices: Thinking Maps Depth & Complexity Icons GLAD Illuminate Formative/Common Assessments

19 How will we know if it’s working? Assessment Tools: ASSESSMENTWHENWHO Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) SpringGrades 3-8 in ELA & Math STAR: CST, CMA & CAPA SpringGrades 5-8 in Science District Performance Tasks At the end of each trimester Grades K-8 in ELA & Math ELD Progress ProfilesOn going all year long Grades K-8 for English Learners only California Physical Fitness Test Spring5 th & 7 th Grade only Teacher Created Material/Text Support Materials On going all year long Grades K-8 Individual Intervention Learning Plan (IILP) – for Tier II & III, on going

20 What can YOU do?  Discuss daily learning with your child : Ask about what your child is learning -ask “Why?” and “How?” – Reciprocate  Monitor progress : Parent Conferences, Gradebook, Student Planner, email teachers  Get involved: School Site Council (SSC), English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC), PTA, Volunteers  Emery Park’s website:  SBAC practice  AUSD website:

21 Parent Involvement cont’d School Attendance is important!

22 Emery Park School…. Improving Student Achievement Together ! Dr. Reynolds: 626.943.3340 Wendy Lo: 626.943.3349

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