Seminar on Strengthening Cooperation with the Candidate Countries and Western Balkan Countries in the Field of Civil Protection 24-26 February 2008, Bled,

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Presentation on theme: "Seminar on Strengthening Cooperation with the Candidate Countries and Western Balkan Countries in the Field of Civil Protection 24-26 February 2008, Bled,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Seminar on Strengthening Cooperation with the Candidate Countries and Western Balkan Countries in the Field of Civil Protection 24-26 February 2008, Bled, Slovenia Cross-border cooperation among Slovenia, Candidate Countries and Western Balkan Countries - best practices Milena Dobnik Jeraj Ministry of Defence, Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief

2 Seminar on Strengthening Cooperation with the Candidate Countries and Western Balkan Countries in the Field of Civil Protection 24-26 February 2008, Bled, Slovenia GOALS/OBJECTIVES Support to enhancement of national disaster management systems Mutual assistance in case of disasters Support in the EU accession and pre-accession process Framework: bilateral, regional, IOs, EU

3 Seminar on Strengthening Cooperation with the Candidate Countries and Western Balkan Countries in the Field of Civil Protection 24-26 February 2008, Bled, Slovenia BILATERAL COOPERATION (1) Bilateral agreements (civil protection)  with Croatia (1999) education and training, early warning, planning, mutual assistance etc.  good cooperation among border regions (trilateral cooperation Croatia, Hungary Slovenia – also Euroregio West-Nyugat Pannonia)

4 Seminar on Strengthening Cooperation with the Candidate Countries and Western Balkan Countries in the Field of Civil Protection 24-26 February 2008, Bled, Slovenia BILATERAL COOPERATION (2) Bilateral agreements initiated with FYROM and Montenegro All Western Balkan countries  Exchange of information (legislation, planning, equipment)  Education and Training  In the frame of international organisations  Mutual assistance in case of disasters

5 Seminar on Strengthening Cooperation with the Candidate Countries and Western Balkan Countries in the Field of Civil Protection 24-26 February 2008, Bled, Slovenia BILATERAL COOPERATION (3) S upport in EU-accession process  Agreement between the governments on experts support on EU issues with Croatia (2003) and FYROM (2003) – Civil protection included (also 112, Seveso II Directive)  Exchange of experience, expertise  Practical information on cooperation with(in) EU

6 Seminar on Strengthening Cooperation with the Candidate Countries and Western Balkan Countries in the Field of Civil Protection 24-26 February 2008, Bled, Slovenia REGIONAL COOPERATION Stability Pact for SEE – Disaster Preparedness and Prevention Initiative -Slovenia -Chair-in-Office in 2007 -Disaster Management Training Programme -Support to other projects Other regional frameworks

7 Seminar on Strengthening Cooperation with the Candidate Countries and Western Balkan Countries in the Field of Civil Protection 24-26 February 2008, Bled, Slovenia FUTURE ACTIVITIES (1) B ilateral agreements/activities F urther support for the European course of the Western Balkan countries -Sharing information, knowledge and experiences -EU Presidency, 2 events: Seminar on Strengthening Cooperation with Candidate Countries and Western Balkan Countries, 24-26 February 2008 Meeting of Directors-General for Civil Protection, 19-21 May 2008, Ljubljana, Slovenia

8 Seminar on Strengthening Cooperation with the Candidate Countries and Western Balkan Countries in the Field of Civil Protection 24-26 February 2008, Bled, Slovenia FUTURE ACTIVITIES (2) Support for regional cooperation in the Western Balkans /South Eastern Europe

9 Seminar on Strengthening Cooperation with the Candidate Countries and Western Balkan Countries in the Field of Civil Protection 24-26 February 2008, Bled, Slovenia EU COOPERATION (1) Cooperation in EU civil protection instruments/activities Joint training, exercises, exchange of experts – networking (people to people contacts) Facilitate provision of EU Civil Protection assistance (procedures, operational points of contacts)

10 Seminar on Strengthening Cooperation with the Candidate Countries and Western Balkan Countries in the Field of Civil Protection 24-26 February 2008, Bled, Slovenia EU COOPERATION (2) Support to national capacity building Early warning systems and the single European emergency call number 112 - technical and financial support and expertise Dissemination of knowledge on EU pre-accession assistance instruments at national and EU levels

11 Seminar on Strengthening Cooperation with the Candidate Countries and Western Balkan Countries in the Field of Civil Protection 24-26 February 2008, Bled, Slovenia CONTACTS Ministry of Defence Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief Vojkova 61, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Telephone: +386 1 471 3322 Fax: +386 1 431 8117 E-mail:

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