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Working conditions Little safety and unhealthy Upton Sinclair Mother Jones.

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2 Working conditions Little safety and unhealthy Upton Sinclair Mother Jones




6 The Unions Tradesmen = Highly skilled Create Trade Unions Ex: All industrial workers Create Industrial Unions EX: Both opposed by owners and many politicians

7 Breaking up a strike! Law Lockouts Strike breakers

8 Why Hate Unions? The Unions Opposition

9 Fear of Marxism Business leaders fear a Marxist revolution!

10 1.Marxism Karl Marx All about Class struggle Removal of all things Bougouise -religion, certain art, old values What is Bougouise? Middle class or people who own the means of production


12 Marx’s dream No classes Proletariat takes over through revolution

13 2. Anarchism Usually violent (especially in Europe) Idea that Society does not need a Government to function.

14 3. Nativism/ Nationalism Fear of immigrants (xenophobia) Why? Business leaders fear change, revolution, and loss of personal property!

15 The Unions United Mine Workers Knights of Labor AFL or American Federation of Labor Women’s Trade Union League

16 Clashes Haymarket Riot 1.Nationwide strike for 8 hour day 2.Someone throws a bomb in Chicago killing 7 police and 4 workers Railroad Strike 1.Strike over wage cuts 2.President Hayes sends in the Army

17 Pullman strike Pullman town owned by Pullman Co. Cleveland sends in troops( violent) and court issues and order to stop strike.

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