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. 50g of laughter,.10g Forgiveness,.100kg of never ending love,. 501g respect,. 502 cups of resilience,. 100kg of love,.900 mugs of cheerfulness and laughter,.10.

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Presentation on theme: ". 50g of laughter,.10g Forgiveness,.100kg of never ending love,. 501g respect,. 502 cups of resilience,. 100kg of love,.900 mugs of cheerfulness and laughter,.10."— Presentation transcript:

1 . 50g of laughter,.10g Forgiveness,.100kg of never ending love,. 501g respect,. 502 cups of resilience,. 100kg of love,.900 mugs of cheerfulness and laughter,.10 cups of sharing,.20 spoonful's of sharing Ingredients By Hope

2 3 litres of laughter, 20 grams of inspiration, 600 grams of forgiveness, 6,000 litres of funniness, 6 table spoons of smiles, 10 table spoons of love, 60 bags of integrity, 90 bags of creativity, 10,000 tea spoons of cheerfulness, 21 table spoons of resilience. By Jorjana Fletcher

3 1 litre of kindness, 12 spoonfuls of never ending love, 2 grams of cheerfulness, 8 spoonfuls of happiness, 3 grams of respect, 28 spoonfuls of determination, 2 kilograms of smiles. By Rianna

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