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Idiom of the Day. Literal – words mean exactly what they say Figurative – words have a different meaning from what they say.

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Presentation on theme: "Idiom of the Day. Literal – words mean exactly what they say Figurative – words have a different meaning from what they say."— Presentation transcript:

1 Idiom of the Day

2 Literal – words mean exactly what they say Figurative – words have a different meaning from what they say

3 shoot the breeze

4 Idiom or Idiomatic Phrase _______________________ Sentence using Idiom ___________________________ _____________________________________________ ___ Literal Meaning of Word _________________________ _____________________________________________ ___ shoot the breeze. shoot bullets at the wind

5 Idiom or Idiomatic Phrase _______________________ Sentence using Idiom ___________________________ _____________________________________________ ___ Figurative Meaning of Word ______________________ _____________________________________________ ___ shoot the breeze. to talk about nothing important

6 Bessie and Babe

7 Bessie the Yellow Cow grew to a large size that made her the perfect mate for Babe the Blue Ox. She had long yellow eyelashes that tickled the lumberjacks standing a mile away every time she blinked. She made enough milk for all the dairy products for Paul Bunyan and the lumberjacks.

8 The only thing that Bessie and Babe argued about was the weather. Babe loved the ice and snow and Bessie loved warm summer days. One winter, Bessie got so thin and sick looking that Paul asked his friend to make her a pair of green glasses so that she would think it was summer. After that, Bessie became happy and fat again.

9 Sam, the cook, made so much butter from her winter milk that Paul Bunyan could use the leftovers to make the white painted roads slippery in the summer. With the roads slippery all year, pulling logs became much easier for Babe the Blue Ox. So Babe started to like the summer almost as much as Bessie.

10 mate Similar to wife or husband but for an animal.

11 eyelashes

12 tickle

13 lumberjack A person who cuts down trees.

14 dairy products Food made from the milk of a cow.

15 argue To not agree with someone.

16 leftovers Extra food that you could not eat but you save for later.

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