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Lecture IX: Multi-tenant Architecture CS 4593 Cloud-Oriented Big Data and Software Engineering.

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Presentation on theme: "Lecture IX: Multi-tenant Architecture CS 4593 Cloud-Oriented Big Data and Software Engineering."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lecture IX: Multi-tenant Architecture CS 4593 Cloud-Oriented Big Data and Software Engineering

2 Outline Multi-Tenant Architecture Concepts Practice Multi-tenant at data layer Multi-tenant database Multi-tenant at logic layer Multi-tenant at UI layer

3 SaaS & Multi-Tenancy SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) Software managed by SaaS vendor, run on SaaS server Tenancy = client organization ~10 users, small/medium business Multi-instance separate instance for each tenant Multi-tenancy single instance of software serving multiple tenants

4 Why Multi-Tenancy Economy of scale large number of tenants sharing the cost of single software instance  cost saving for each individual user  Examples?

5 Multi-Tenancy Example

6 Single vs. Multi

7 Variant Multi-tenant Architecture

8 Multi-instance Multi-tenant

9 Multi-Tenancy in Practice Complexity of Application Size of Machine Blade Big iron Small Large 10000 Email 100 CRM 10 ERP 1000 Proj Mgmt 1 Banking 10000100 10 1000 10000 1001000 # tenants per database Economy of scale decreases with application complexity At the sweet spot, compare TCO of 1 versus 100 databases

10 A Typical Blade Server IBM HS20 (Wikipedia) IBM BladeCenter HS12: CPU (single, dual, quad-core xeon 2~3 GHz) Memory (max): 24 GB Internal storage (max): 293 GB 24G / (10k tenant) = 2.4M/tenant

11 Multi-Tenancy in Practice Complexity of Application Size of Machine Blade Big iron Small Large 10000 Email 100 CRM 10 ERP 1000 Proj Mgmt 1 Banking 10000100 10 1000 10000 1001000 # tenants per database Economy of scale decreases with application complexity At the sweet spot, compare TCO of 1 versus 100 databases

12 Outline Multi-Tenant Architecture Concepts Practice Multi-tenant at data layer Multi-tenant database Multi-tenant at logic layer Multi-tenant at UI layer

13 Multi-Tenant Databases (MTD) Consolidating multiple businesses onto same operational system Consolidation factor dependent on size of the application and the host machine Support for schema extensibility Essential for ERP applications

14 Multi-Tenant Databases (MTD) Support atop of the database layer Non-intrusive implementation Query transformation engine maps logical tenant- specific tables to physical tables Various problems, for example: Various table utilization (“hot spots”) Metadata management when handling lots of tables

15 Classic Web Application (Basic Layout) Pack multiple tenants into the same tables by adding a tenant id column  Great consolidation but no extensibility Account AcctId 1 2 Name Acme Gump...TenId 17 351Ball 421Big

16 Private Table Each tenant gets his/her own private schema No sharing SQL transformation: Renaming only High meta-data/data ratio Lots of tables: linear in # of tenants, each with own meta-data Low buffer utilization (~8k for index/data for each table)

17 Private Table Account AcctId 1 2 Name Acme Gump...TenId 17 351Ball 421Big

18 CRM Schema

19 Handling Lots of Tables Simplifying assumption: No extensibility Experiment setup: CRM schema with 10 tables 10,000 tenants are packed onto one DBMS (DB2, 1G Memory) Data set size remains constant

20 Handling Lots of Tables Parameter: Schema Variability Number of tenants per schema instance 0 (least variable): all tenants share one instance (= 10 tables) 1 (most variable): each tenant has separate instance (= 100k tables)

21 Handling Lots of Tables – Results 10 fully shared Tables 100.000 private Tables

22 Extension Table Split off the extensions into separate tables Additional join at runtime Row column for reconstructing the row (discussion: consider Acct17)

23 Extension Table (Cont’d)

24 Good: Better consolidation than Private Table layout common attributes go to same table Bad: Number of tables still grows in proportion to number of tenants tenants in same domain may often have varied schema so large # of *extension* tables (such as Healthcare_account)

25 Extension Table Account17(A, N, H, B) = select Ae.A, Ae.N, Ha.H, Ha.B from Account_ext as Ae, Healthcare_account as Ha where Ae.Tenant = Ha.Tenant & Ae.Row = Ha.Row and Ae.Tenant = 17

26 Universal Table Generic structure with VARCHAR value columns n-th column of a logical table is mapped to ColN in an universal table Extensibility: # of columns may expand as needed Disadvantages Very wide rows  Many NULL values Not type-safe  Casting necessary No index support (note column index not very meaningful)

27 Universal Table logical table (private after renaming)

28 Pivot Table 1. Each field of a row in logical table is given its own row. 2. Multiple pivot tables for each type (int, string, e.g.)

29 Pivot Table Row: 0 Int String

30 Reconstruct Tenant Table from Pivot Table Row: 0 Int String Account17(H, B) = select Ps.Str, from Pivot_str as Ps, Pivot_int as Pi where Ps.Tenant = Pi.Tenant & Ps.Table = Pi.Table & Ps.Row = Pi.Row & Ps.Col = 2 & Ps.Col = 3 & Ps.Tenant = 17 & Ps.Table = 0 align (Only Hospital & Beds)

31 Reconstruct Tenant Table (cont’d) Row: 0 Int String Account17(A, N, H, B) = select Pi’.int, Ps’.str, Ps.Str, from Pivot_int as Pi’, Pivot_str as Ps’, Pivot_str as Ps, Pivot_int as Pi where Pi’.Tenant = Ps’.Tenant & Ps’.Tenant = Ps.Tenant & Ps.Tenant = Pi.Tenant & Pi’.Table = Ps’.Table & Ps’.Table = Ps.Table & Ps.Table = Pi.Table & Pi’.Row = Ps’.Row & Ps’.Row = Ps.Row & Ps.Row = Pi.Row & Pi’.Col = 0 & Ps’.Col = 1 & Ps.Col = 2 & Ps.Col = 3 & Ps.Tenant = 17 & Ps.Table = 0 align: same tenant, table, row 4-way join

32 Pivot Table: Performance Generic type-safe structure Eliminates handling many NULL values Performance Depends on the column selectivity of the query (number of reconstructing joins) E.g., query on A17(H,B) is more selective than A17(A,N,H,B) See previous example

33 Pivot Table  Chunk Table Row: 0 Chunk 0Chunk 1 Field 0Field 1Field 2Field 3 Pivot table Chunk table one row for each field one row for each chunk

34 How to Chunk or Fragment Original Rows Many possible fragmentations One idea: group fields by their “popularity”

35 Chunk Table Row: 0 Chunk 0Chunk 1 Account17(A, N, H, B) = select Cis.Int1, Cis.Str1, Cis’.Str1, Cis’.Int1 from Chunk Cis, Chunk Cis’ whereCis.Chunk = 0 & Cis’.Chunk =1 & Cis.Row = Cis’.Row & Cis.Tenant = Cis’.Tenant & Cis.Table = Cis’.Table 2. merge chunk1. align rows 3. reconstruct original row 2-way join

36 Chunk Table vs. Universal Table Chunk 0Chunk 1 # of rows (for each original row) = # of chunks Chunk 0 only one row for each original row Universal as extreme chunking: only one chunk per row

37 Chunk Table Performance Row: 0 Chunk 0Chunk 1

38 Querying Chunk Tables Query Transformation Row reconstruction needs many self- and equi- joins Can be automatically translated

39 Querying Chunk Tables Compilation Scheme: 1. Collect all table names and their corresponding columns from the logical source query 2. Obtain table definitions: for each table a. obtain the Chunk Tables and the meta-data identifiers representing the used columns b. generate a query that filters the correct columns (based on the meta-data identifiers) and aligns the different chunk relations on their ROW column. 3. Extend each table reference in the logical source query by corresponding table definition (obtained in step 2)

40 Query Example: Step 1 Step 1 result: tables = {Account17} columns = {Account17.Beds, Account17.Hospital}

41 Query Example: Step 2 Int String

42 Query Example: Step 3 (Chunk Table) Chunk 0Chunk 1

43 Summary Multi-tenancy database critical to scale SaaS solution Varied schema layout schemes different degrees of consolidation & extensibility optimal layout depends on particular data set, work load, etc. Novel Chunk Table layout

44 Outline Multi-Tenant Architecture Concepts Practice Multi-tenant at data layer Multi-tenant database Multi-tenant at logic layer Multi-tenant at UI layer

45 Web-Worker Model Web role is frontend, Worker Role is backend Web role is worker role with Web Servers

46 Design Issues Application Web Roles and Worker Roles Stateless design Easy-to-Scale Fault Tolerance and Recovery Under-the-cover Multiple instances Each runs in Virtual Machine Handled automatically by hypervisor

47 Stateless is important Why? Random assignment of tasks to workers No overhead of reading user profiles Easy Replacement and Recover

48 Agent and Fabric Fabric Allocate resources according to configuration file Detect and restart failed web roles and workers Agent Exposes the API Monitors the failure conditions of the application

49 Code Samples Queue var lowMessages = new List (); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { var message = new BrokeredMessage() { MessageId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() }; message.Properties["Priority"] = Priority.Low; lowMessages.Add(message); } this.queueManager.SendBatchAsync(lowMessages).Wait();

50 Code Samples Worker protected override async Task ProcessMessage(BrokeredMessage message) { // Simulate message processing for High priority messages. await base.ProcessMessage(message); Trace.TraceInformation("High priority message processed by " + RoleEnvironment.CurrentRoleInstance.Id + " MessageId: " + message.MessageId); } protected virtual async Task ProcessMessage(BrokeredMessage message) { // Simulating processing. await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2)); }

51 Worker Models


53 Queue Models


55 Outline Multi-Tenant Architecture Concepts Practice Multi-tenant at data layer Multi-tenant database Multi-tenant at logic layer Multi-tenant at UI layer

56 Partitioning Tenants Web role Authentication URL-Path Sub-domains Custom domains

57 Partitioning Tenants Client Layer Ajax Android client

58 Summary Multi-Tenant Architecture Concepts Practice Multi-tenant at data layer Multi-tenant database Multi-tenant at logic layer Multi-tenant at UI layer

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