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National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer 1 Emergency Plan and Procedures in Nuclear Gauging and X-ray Analysis.

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Presentation on theme: "National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer 1 Emergency Plan and Procedures in Nuclear Gauging and X-ray Analysis."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer 1 Emergency Plan and Procedures in Nuclear Gauging and X-ray Analysis

2 National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer 2 Content Introduction Sources of Emergency Types of Emergency Emergency Plan Emergency Response Action Emergency Equipment Emergency Preparedness Accident Investigation and Reporting ContentContent

3 National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer 3 IntroductionIntroduction  Accidents can happen with nuclear gauges and X-ray analyzers.  The plan is required to minimize the impact caused by accident and to fulfill the requirements of Basic Safety Standards Regulations.

4 National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer 4 Sources of Emergency  Accidents and incidents involving nuclear gauges and X-ray analysers can happen as a result of:  Loss of control to personnel working with the devices;  Loss of control to the devices;  Loss of control to the sources;  Fire involving nuclear gauges; and  Transport accident.

5 National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer 5  Loss of control to personnel working with the devices:  Workers or other persons receiving or suspected of receiving a radiation dose exceeding the operational or annual dose limits.  It usually happens when unauthorised persons manage to get access to the device or to the controlled or supervised area when the device is in operation.  It is likely to happen with a portable device or with a controlled or supervised area where there is inadequate provision of warning signs and safety interlock systems. Sources of Emergency

6 National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer 6  Loss of control to the devices or sources:  It can occur as a result of failure of a licensee or a user to keep track the movements or use of the devices or sources according to procedure, that finally can lead to accidents or incidents;  Physical damage to a sealed source or its housing;  Lost, stolen or whereabouts unknown;  Increase in radiation leakage from a nuclear gauge;  Leak of radioactive material from a sealed source; or  The device falls into the hand of unauthorised person. Sources of Emergency

7 National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer 7  Loss of control to the devices or sources:  Due to various control measures taken during design and manufacturing of the source and the device, the accident happened is very much localised in nature and of limited magnitude.  The effect of such accident is usually confined only to immediate vicinity of the device (emergency Level 1) and will not spread to other areas. Sources of Emergency

8 National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer 8  For X-ray analysers, possible accidents or incidents that can occur as a result of loss of control of personnel, devices and sources are as follows:  Workers or other persons receiving or suspected of receiving a radiation dose exceeding the operational or annual dose limits;  Increase in radiation leakage from an X-ray analyser;  Physical damage to the tube housing or the analyser’s enclosure; and  An X-ray lost, stolen or whereabouts unknown. Sources of Emergency

9 National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer 9  It is important for the emergency to be classified in order to:  Facilitate in the establishment and implementation of emergency plan; and  Provide an effective emergency response.  It is classified based on magnitude of the consequences or severity of the hazard involved. Types of Emergency

10 National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer 10  It can be classified as:  Level 1 - consequences are limited to a single room / plant / building. Examples are:  failure of shutter to close;  increase in radiation leakage from the device; and  leakage of the radiation source.  Level 2 - consequences have spread out but limited to the perimeter of the facility or premise and it may include:  consequences caused by loss of radiation source;  transport accident; and  fire involving nuclear gauges.  Level 3 and Level 4 - are not likely to happen with the use of nuclear gauging and X-ray analyzer. Types of Emergency

11 National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer 11  A simple emergency plan should be established to properly manage the situation arising from accidents or incidents involving nuclear gauges or X-ray analysers.  It is established with aims:  to limit the exposure to as low as reasonably achievable;  to control and bring the situation back to normal immediately after an accident happened; and  to gather information for the purpose of assessment and taking corrective action. Emergency Plan

12 National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer 12  The plan should be:  Clear, specific, simple and concise;  Meet all the local requirements and needs;  Able to address all possible accidents that can happen with nuclear gauges and X-ray analysers belong to a licensee; and  Able to identify the emergency organisation involved and response action taken during the accident. Emergency Plan

13 National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer 13  Emergency organization:  It is one of the components of the emergency plan.  It is important to indicate the groups of people involved in the emergency response action and their assigned responsibilities.  It highlights line of command for any action to be taken during an emergency.  It must be integrated into other emergency response plans of an organisation.  A typical emergency organisation is shown below. Emergency Plan

14 National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer 14 Emergency Response Center Emergency Director RPO/RPS Work/Shift Supervisor Radiation Workers Response Unit/Team Fire Squad/First Aid Outside Support Group Malaysia Nuclear, Fire Dept., Polis, Hospital Organization Chart Emergency Plan

15 National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer 15  Reporting procedures:  All accidents and incidents must be reported for mitigating actions to be taken without undue delay.  Reporting procedures must be made according to the hierarchy given in the emergency organisation.  A radiation worker who discovers an accident or incident must immediately take action to control it and report to his/her Work/Shift Supervisor.  Upon receiving notification, the Work/Shift Supervisor should immediately come to the site and take preliminary actions to control the exposure and assess the situation. Emergency Plan

16 National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer 16  The Work/Shift Supervisor should then inform the RPO/RPS to take further action. The RPO/RPS shall verify adequacy of the control measure provided and classify the emergency into Level 1 or Level 2.  The RPO/RPS together with the Work/Shift Supervisor should take action to mitigate accident Level 1 and Level 2.  For Level 2, if the RPO/RPS is unable to handle, he/she should inform the Emergency Coordinator, who in turn should seek assistance from external support groups. Emergency Plan

17 National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer 17  The RPO/RPS should supervise personnel from external support groups involved in the emergency mitigation.  The RPO/RPS must inform the AELB by phone of the occurrence of the accident/ incident within 24 hours and must submit a written full accident report within 30 days from the date of occurrence. Emergency Plan

18 National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer 18  When an accident happened, actions need to be taken immediately to minimise any consequences resulted from the accident.  The procedures to take action must be standardised, established and made known to all personnel involved so that actions can be taken in a fast and accurate manner. Emergency Response Action

19 National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer 19  Overexposure:  In the event of monthly dose received by personnel or public is suspected or found to be higher than the operational or annual dose limit, the Work/Shift Supervisor must make safe the device responsible for the suspected overexposure and inform the RPO/RPS for further actions.  The RPO/RPS should:  Ensure the immediate return of any dosimeter(s) to assist enquiries of the events leading up to the suspected overexposure; Emergency Response Action

20 National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer 20  The RPO/RPS should (cont.):  Obtain sufficient details of the events leading up to the suspected overexposure ;  Notify forthwith the Atomic Energy Licensing Board (AELB );  Carry out detailed investigation to assess the actual doses received ;  Prepare a detailed report of the incident to be submitted to the AELB; and  Prevent the individual(s) involved from taking part in further work with ionizing radiations. Emergency Response Action

21 National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer 21  Accessibility to high dose rate area:  In the event of a nuclear gauge or an X-ray analyser giving rise to a dose rate exceeding the limit designated as a controlled area or supervised area, the Work/Shift Supervisor should :  Immediately clear the area of all personnel and keep personnel out of the area by putting notices and alarm;  Provide local shielding if necessary and practicable, and set up a barrier to mark the new boundary of the Controlled or Supervised Area; and  Inform the RPO/RPS for further actions. Emergency Response Action

22 National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer 22  The RPO/RPS should:  Plan a means of retrieving the device ;  Notify forthwith the AELB ;  In the event of difficulty retrieving the device, report details to the Emergency Coordinator. Inform and, if necessary, obtain the assistance of outside support groups ;  In the event of personnel overexposure involved, implement procedures as described in Overexposure ;  Carry out a leakage test on the source if the device is to be used again ; Emergency Response Action

23 National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer 23  The RPO/RPS should (cont.):  in the event of loss of the source, implement procedures as described in Missing Source;  declare that emergency situation is over and the situation is back to normal; and  prepare a detailed report of the incident to be submitted to the AELB. Emergency Response Action

24 National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer 24  Physical damage:  In the event of physical damage or suspected mechanical or chemical injury to a sealed source, X-ray tube or its housing, the Work/Shift Supervisor should cease to use or prevent usage of the device until it has been thoroughly examined, tested and confirmed fit for reuse and inform the RPO/RPS for further actions.  The RPO/RPS should:  Use survey meters to assess for any possible damage to inherent shielding of the source housing;  In the event of damaged shielding or failure of shutter to close, provide additional shielding and store the device until alternative full shielding or shutter operation can be restored; Emergency Response Action

25 National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer 25  The RPO/RPS should (cont.):  Identify the requirement of and establish Controlled Areas by setting up barriers and notices ;  Implement procedures as described in Leakage of Radiation Source to test for leakage of radioactive substances from the sealed source involved;  Declare that emergency situation is over and the situation is back to normal; and  Prepare a detailed report of the incident to be submitted to the AELB. Emergency Response Action

26 National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer 26  Missing source:  In the event that a sealed source, a gauging device or an X-ray analyser is lost, stolen, mislaid or unaccounted for, the Work/Shift Supervisor should immediately inform the RPO/RPS for further actions.  The RPO/RPS should :  Use available personnel and survey meters to search all possible areas within the premise ;  If the search within the premise is not successful, the emergency is now in Level 3;  Inform the Emergency Coordinator and extend the search to areas outside the premise to ensure that all possibilities for the source whereabouts are investigated; Emergency Response Action

27 National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer 27  The RPO/RPS should (cont ):  Implement procedures as described in Physical Damage when the source, the device or the machine is found ;  When all possibilities are exhausted and the source or the device is still not found, inform the Emergency Coordinator to request for the assistance of outside support groups ;  Notify forthwith the AELB and, if necessary, also the Police ;  Declare that emergency situation is over and the situation is back to normal; and  Prepare a detailed report of the incident to be submitted to the AELB. Emergency Response Action

28 National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer 28  Leak of a radiation source:  In the event of physical damage to a sealed source or its housing, potential damage caused by abnormal mechanical pressure on the source, it has to be assumed that the source is damaged and may leak radioactive substance.  In such situation, the Work/Shift Supervisor should :  Isolate the source, its housing and items that have been in contact with them and avoid moving them unnecessarily;  Erect barriers around the potentially contaminated area(s), prevent access to them and restrict the movement of persons that have entered them; and  Inform the RPO/RPS for further action. Emergency Response Action

29 National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer 29  The RPO/RPS should :  Inform the Emergency Coordinator and request for an immediate leakage test of the source ;  In the event that the source is found to be leaking, notify forthwith the AELB;  Obtain further guidance from the AELB on the extent of any contamination, the collection and disposal of contaminated items and assessment of internal doses ;  Declare that emergency situation is over and the situation is back to normal; and  Prepare a detailed report of the incident to be submitted to the AELB. Emergency Response Action

30 National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer 30  Fire involving nuclear gauges:  The Work/Shift Supervisor should :  Immediately vacate the area of any personnel ;  Switch off ventilation system and electricity supply to the affected areas ;  Fight the fire using any readily available fire fighting equipment. Request the assistance of in-house fire fighting team; and  If fire cannot be put out, inform the RPO/RPS for further action. Emergency Response Action

31 National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer 31  The RPO/RPS should:  Classify the emergency into Level 1 or Level 2;  For Level 2, inform the Emergency Coordinator and request for an assistance from outside support groups especially the Fire Department;  Erect barriers around the site, prevent access to them and restrict the movement of persons that have entered them; Emergency Response Action

32 National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer 32  The RPO/RPS should (cont.):  Supervise the Fire Department and other personnel involved;  Notify forthwith the AELB ;  Declare that emergency situation is over and the situation is back to normal; and  Prepare a detailed report of the accident to be submitted to the AELB. Emergency Response Action

33 National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer 33  Transport accident:  This is relevant only for portable nuclear gauges.  Transportation of portable nuclear gauges is normally done according to Transport Regulations.  There should be a transport document prepared by the consignor, which describes immediate response actions to be taken during an emergency. Emergency Response Action

34 National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer 34  Transport accident (cont.):  In the event of a vehicle involved in an accident, the driver should take immediate action according to instructions given in the transport document. In addition, the driver should:  Put up a physical barrier and warning signs around the accident site;  Immediately inform the RPO/RPS and provide all the necessary information to him/her; and  Take further action based on advice of the RPO/RPS. Emergency Response Action

35 National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer 35  Transport accident (cont.):  The RPO/RPS should :  Advise the driver on further course of actions to be taken for emergency Level 1 ;  For emergency Level 2, inform the Emergency Coordinator and request for an assistance from outside support groups nearest to the accident site ;  Together with the driver, supervise the outside support personnel involved ; Emergency Response Action

36 National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer 36  Transport accident (cont.):  The RPO/RPS should (cont.):  Notify forthwith the AELB and the consignor;  Declare that emergency situation is over and the situation is back to normal; and  Prepare a detailed report of the incident to be submitted to the AELB. Emergency Response Action

37 National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer 37  This emergency equipment include protective devices and radiation measuring equipment.  The equipment should be of the right number and type.  For X-ray analysers - one survey meter, one or two units of personnel dosimeters and radiation protection devices.  For nuclear gauges - one survey meter that can measure both radiation and contamination, one or two units of direct reading medium range personnel dosimeters and other radiation protection devices, such as, ropes, shielding material and warning signs.  The equipment and devices reserved for emergency should not be used for routine work. Emergency Equipment

38 National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer 38  Emergency plan has to be made sure that it is always in the state of readiness and ready to be utilised whenever they are needed. It is, therefore, very important:  The plan to be made known to all workers.  The plan to be regularly tested (exercised) based on certain relevant scenarios:  To identify any shortcomings with personnel involved, equipment, the plan and procedures.  To familiarize those involved with their responsibilities, the plan, procedures and the equipment. Emergency Preparedness

39 National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer 39  to update and review the plan and make the necessary changes. In updating the plan, feedbacks from assessment of the exercise should be taken into account  for personnel involved in the plan to be given appropriate training so that their knowledge can continue to be upgraded and their skill can be further improved  for the equipment reserved for emergency to be regularly checked, tested and calibrated so that they are always in good working condition with acceptable performance. This equipment, which is reserved for emergency, should not be used for routine radiological survey. Emergency Preparedness

40 National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer 40  All accidents and incidents involving nuclear gauges and X-ray analysers must be investigated and reported to the relevant authorities.  The objective of investigation is to find the root cause of the accident.  Accident investigation must be a planned activity, which include consideration of what needs to be done before and during investigation.  Among activities that need to be done before investigation includes. Accident Investigation and Reporting

41 National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer 41  Among activities that need to be done before investigation includes:  Having a policy requiring all accidents to be reported.  Identifying and training the investigator.  Assembling the tools for investigation.  Deciding on who is/are supposed to read the report and implement the recommendations made. Accident Investigation and Reporting

42 National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer 42  Activities that must be done during investigation include acquisition of all information that would explain the causes of the accidents.  The licensee must prepare an accident report, which shall include findings of the investigation. The accident report must be submitted to the AELB within 30 days after the accident. Accident Investigation and Reporting

43 National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer 43 Accidents and incidents can happened within various applications of nuclear gauges and X-ray analyzers. Therefore, it is very important to have an effective emergency plan in place so that when accidents/incidents really happen, the impact caused can be minimized. ConclusionConclusion

44 National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer 44 Summary

45 National Committee for the Certification of Radiation Protection Officer 45 THANKS YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION

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