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Spanish Settlement in Texas 1650-1800 Chapter 6 San Antonio 1718.

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1 Spanish Settlement in Texas 1650-1800 Chapter 6 San Antonio 1718

2 Fierce rivals, Spain and France both wanted to claim Texas. Spain controlled the lands to the west. France controlled the lands to the east. Each country would have to establish permanent settlements in Texas to keep its rival out. Rival- enemy, foe, challenger

3 The Race to Claim Texas For France and Spain, two of the most powerful countries in Europe in the late 1600”s the race was on for the control of Texas. Texas lay between Spanish Mexico and French Louisiana. I lay between French and Spanish claims...who will get me?

4 After Spanish officials found out that La Salle had established Fort St. Louis for the French, they sent expeditions to Texas by sea and by land. The goal was to find and destroy La Salle’s fort The Spanish found Fort St. Louis abandoned and lying in ruins. They found the bodies of three French settlers, which they buried.

5 We went to look and found all the houses sacked, the boxes all broken, and the bottle cases also, the other furnishings that the settlers had had; more that 200 books in the French language, broken, and the pages thrown in the patios were rotten. We discerned that the aggressors of these dead had taken all that they had outside the houses, and divided it, and that which was of no use to them they destroyed. General Alonso de Leon, journal, April 22, 1689

6 Father Damian Massanet On the mission to destroy La Salle’s fort- traveled and met the Caddoes- said they would make good Catholics because the Caddoes were friendly. They were Tejas... Got permission to colonize Texas and build the first settlement in Texas a mission for the Caddo in East Texas


8 Name ___________ Spanish Missions Text book page 123

9 Mission Spain’s main tool for colonizing Texas Convert Natives to Roman Catholic religion and instruct them to be loyal Spanish subjects The Spaniards also hoped the Natives would become skilled labor, (ranching, farming, weave cotton into cloth, make tools, furniture) to make money for the mission and send the money home to Spain. Make money for Mama: mercantilism

10 After destroying the remains of the fort, the Spanish explored East Texas. They visited with several Caddoes, whom they called Tejas. They found the soil fertile, the climate good, and the native peoples friendly. A priest, Father Damian Massanet, who traveled with the expedition interpreted the Caddoes friendliness as an eagerness to become Catholic. Spain begins building missions

11 Mission San Francisco de Tejas Father Damian Massanet First Roman Catholic Mission built in East Texas For the Tejas- the Caddo- The friendly REVIEW

12 Who established the first Hispanic Settlement in East Texas? A Roman Catholic mission built in East Texas Father Damian Massanet

13 Between 1690- 1693, ten missions were started. The Spanish noticed the Natives were not willing to give up their way of life to work on the missions. Over the next 20 years, Spain paid little attention to colonizing Texas.

14 What did Spain need between Mexico City and the East Texas missions? East Texas Mexico City

15 What did Spain need between Mexico City and the East Texas missions? Spain needed a halfway point for supplies and rest East Texas Mexico City

16 Spain needed a half way point between Mexico City and East Texas Say hello to San Antonio!


18 1718 founding of San Antonio In April 1718 Martin de Alarcón crossed the Rio Grande with ten families and seventy-two persons. He assisted in the founding of San Antonio de Valero Mission. (the Alamo) Four days later Alarcón founded San Antonio de Béxar Presidio.(military base) The families clustered around the presidio and mission formed the beginnings of Villa (Town) de Béxar, destined to become the most important town in Spanish Texas. It would serve as a half way point for the East Missions: supplies, rest stop.. San Antonio East Texas

19 Which river is San Antonio situated on?

20 What country created San Antonio, Texas? Spain Why? It would serve as a half way point for the East Missions: supplies, rest stop.. What was the name of the mission? San Antonio de Valero Mission What was the name of the Presidio? San Antonio de Béxar Presidio What was the name of the village that grew up around the mission and presidio? Villa de Bexar Review

21 San Antonio de Velaro 1718 - the Alamo

22 War broke out between France and Spain regarding who would control the Mediterranean islands of Sicily and Sardinia. When the French in Louisiana learned about the war, they decided to attack a Spanish mission. The French soldiers looted a mission in East Texas, and stole the livestock including several chickens that the French commander tied to his saddle. Spain and France @ war

23 I started the “Chicken War” in Texas that made Spaniards run out of East Texas

24 When the French commander tied the chickens to his saddle, the chickens began squawking and flapping wildly. The commanders horse reared up, throwing the officer to the ground. As the other soldiers scrambled to help their leader, some of the Spaniards managed to escape. One of the friars found his way to a near-by presidio ( a Spanish military base.)

25 The Friar exaggerated. Instead of reporting seven French soldiers, he claimed that a large French force was invading Texas. As the news spread, families, missionaries, and soldiers in East Texas panicked. All Spaniards were ordered to leave East Texas in fear of a large French force.

26 All East Texas missions were abandoned. The entire Spanish population withdrew to San Antonio


28 Without even trying, the French had chased the Spanish out of East Texas. This “Chicken War” showed the Spanish presence in Texas as weak. Prediction... Spain showed a weak presence in Texas

29 Cause Chicken War/ Spain has weak presence in Texas Effect Spanish governor decided to demonstrate control over Texas. Runaways...abandoned East Texas missions would reopen.

30 Spain’s easternmost Mission and Military Base (Presidio) Spanish reopened six missions abandoned during the Chicken War Fortified area with a military base Would serve as Spain’s “eyes and ears” for French activity- block French invasion of Texas East Texas


32 The relationship between the Spanish and French colonies became more peaceful. The Spanish focused on their missionary work and building colonies. The French continued to develop trade with the Native Texans, but did not try and settle the region.

33 Now that France was no longer a threat, Spain could establish more missions and settlements in Texas However, Native American groups challenged the Spaniards ’ claim to the land in the north and west.

34 The Tonkawa in the North Central Plains need help from the Spanish. The Comanche kept raiding the Tonkawa. The Tonkawa were not eager to settle into mission life, but they needed Spanish protection. Help, the Comanches keep mercilessly raiding us

35 Cause The Spanish see this as an opportunity to help the Tonkawa and expand to the north Effect Spain builds three more missions and a presidio

36 Arguments Drought/ disease Tonkawas refuse to work in the mission Apache raid destroys what is left of a mission Spaniards abandon mission FAILURE/ missions relocated

37 Then... Success at last! Thank you Jose Escandon

38 Jose de Escandon Established 15 missions in South Texas 3,000 settlers, soldiers and priests Settle land between Rio Grande and Nueces River Nueces Rio Grande Put 15 M’s between the two rivers


40 Jose de Escandon Nuevo Santander Also placed 6,000 people in over 20 towns throughout Nuevo Santander One of those towns, built on the Rio Grande is Laredo Nuevo Santander granted to Spanish ranchers Many of these families still there today Larado Nuevo Santander- other side of Rio Grande- original Tejano Rio Grande Make 20 T’s and a couple of sheep Write Nuevo Santander


42 Lipan Apaches More missions northwest To settle missions northwest, the Spanish need to make peace with the Lipan Apache who agreed to adopt mission life for protection against their enemies the Comanche and Wichita

43 A large group of Comanche waged a surprise attack on the mission. Death/ destruction Spanish and allies fight back and lose/ Driven out by Comanche 2 nd attack Failure again

44 It turned out that the midpoint settlement located on the San Antonio River was the safest location to establish missions and settlers. This area originally served as a half –way point for supply caravans traveling to the other missions. Mission San Antonio de Valero, a presidio, and about ten families called the settlement La Villa de Bexar. The Ala mo The chapel of San Antonio de Valero is known as what? The Alamo

45 Mission San Jose In 1720, soon after the building of the Alamo, a second mission was founded in San Antonio about five miles downstream. Named San Jose, this new mission was founded by Antonio Margil de Jesus, who had previously left a failed mission in East Texas. He was arguably the most famous missionary to serve in Texas. A model among the Texas missions, San Jose gained a reputation as a major social and cultural center. Among the San Antonio missions, it also provided the strongest garrison against raids from Indians. **from failure to success

46 Mission San Jose Established by Fray Antonio Margil de Jesus

47 Mission San Jose, founded by Antonio Margil de Jesus Moved from East Texas Failed in East Texas Moved to San Antonio- success!

48 Who built Mission San Jose? Father (Fray) Antonio Margil de Jesus Why did he build it? To try again when the mission failed in East Texas...this time he succeeded...

49 All of Spain’s missions failed except... In which area were Spain’s mission’s successful? San Antonio

50 1764 King Carlos III realized changes would be necessary to maintain control of his settlements. He had them all move near San Antonio- one was moved to Goliad.

51 Which two missions in San Antonio are you suppose to remember? Mission San Antonio de Velaro (Alamo) and Mission San Jose What year was Mission San Antonio de Velaro (Alamo) built? 1718 Why was it built? A half way point between Mexico City and East Missions Who built Mission San Jose? Father (Fray) Antonio Margil de Jesus Why was it built? It failed in East Texas and was built again in San Antonio and succeeded...

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