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Reading Comprehension For incoming first graders.

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Presentation on theme: "Reading Comprehension For incoming first graders."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reading Comprehension For incoming first graders

2 What is reading comprehension?  Reading comprehension is the ability to read text, process it and understand its meaning.

3 Can my child…  Compare and Contrast characters, events, and stories  Identify the main character and setting  Identify the problem and solution  Identify a cause and effect  Identify the MAIN IDEA and three details  Make predictions  Make connections to the story  Text to Self  Text to Text  Text to World  Summarize the story in their own words  Retell the story in order  Name the main character  List the most important events

4 What is a RETELL?

5 Another way to retell… 

6 Now you try it!

7 Make it and Take it!

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