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Exploring Goals & Activities Hints for Everyday Living with Lupus.

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Presentation on theme: "Exploring Goals & Activities Hints for Everyday Living with Lupus."— Presentation transcript:

1 Exploring Goals & Activities Hints for Everyday Living with Lupus

2 Today’s session schedule n Discuss goals & needs n What things can help you cope at home & in your daily life the 6-Ps n Introduce Journal of Self-Discovery as treatment tool n Activity to use journal & help define your own needs n Take home activity

3 What is an occupational performance issue? n Occupation as an activity a person needs or wants to do n Includes self-care, productivity & leisure n Depends on personal stage in life & personal situation

4 Self-care could include: n Dressing n Grooming n Personal hygeine Feeding

5 Productivity is? n Work roles n Household tasks n Such as?

6 Productivity includes: n Household Management: –shopping –banking –laundry –cleaning the house –yard work n Raising a family & other caregiving roles n Paid work n School Volunteer activites

7 What do you do for fun? n Leisure activities include:

8 Leisure may include: n Reading n Physical activites or exercises n Fun with friends n Watching TV n Cross stitching

9 Common issues for people with lupus n Challenges in bathing, grooming or dressing n Need for adequate footwear n The jaw can tire which effects eating n Increased need for restful sleep n Often can continue to work- P/T n Change in roles such as within a family n Sunlight restrictions can impact both leisure and productive areas n Less social activity due to fatigue or less physical ability n Amount of an activity can be lessened due to fatigue and pain symptoms

10 The principle of the 6-Ps n Priortize n Plan n Pace n Protect n Posture n Postive attitude

11 Prioritize n Needs to be done n Would like to have done n What can wait n Make caring for self a priority

12 Plan n Daily, weekly & long term n How many commitments & are they realistic n Do you have a rest break scheduled n Is plan flexible n Energy saving shortcuts n Can someone help you

13 Pace n Break large jobs into smaller ones n Plan to clean house over a week rather than 1 day n Take rest breaks n Don’t over tire yourself

14 Protect your joints n Control Pain –NSAIDS –Hot/Cold packs n Use splints as prescribed n Don’t use swollen or painful joints n Elevate & care for swollen joints n For repeated action or heavy work take a break or slow down n Use larger handled utensils or tools n Use a cart for groceries, at work, at home

15 Posture n Maintain good body alignment n Use good lifting techniques –not too heavy an object –bend with knees not waist –keep items close to body n Use body segments with joints in good alignment n Don’t over reach or stretch uncomfortably n Have workstations & countertops at comfortable heights n Sit when possible

16 Positive attitude n Effects on quality of life n Manageable course of disease n Personal resources n Stress reduction & relaxation techniques n A laugh a day

17 Personal Ideas

18 Use of a journal n Explore who I am n Explore needs n Explore goals n Express feelings & thoughts n Part of a plan for taking charge of one’s life

19 Journal of Self Discovery Section 1: Necessities of my Life n Section 2: Goals for Myself n Section 3: Thoughts About How I am Feeling

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