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The Rise & Fall of the New Deal Left (1932-1968).

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Presentation on theme: "The Rise & Fall of the New Deal Left (1932-1968)."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Rise & Fall of the New Deal Left (1932-1968)

2 Normalcy Warren Harding (1921-23) Herbert Hoover (1929-33) Calvin Coolidge (1923-29) Laissez- faire Associationism

3 FDR & the New Deal Depression Govt. as Solution –Regulation Safety Net / Welfare State –Social Security –Work Programs Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933-45) “Action and action now.”

4 Thunder on the Left Huey Long Fr. Charles Coughlin Dr. Francis Townsend

5 New Deal Coalition Labor Seniors Agriculture Women African Americans Solid South Urban Machine Louis Howe

6 Election of 1948 Fair Deal Dixiecrats Wallace Harry S Truman (1945-53)

7 Moderate Republicans McCarthy & Korea Election of 1952 Accept New Deal programs & role of government Dwight Eisenhower (1953-61)

8 Election of 1960 John F. Kennedy (1961-63)

9 New Frontier JFK LBJ Great Society Goldwater & 1964 Lyndon Johnson (1963-69)

10 Election of 1968 Viet Nam & Credibility Gap Civil Rights & Southern Strategy Counter -Culture Law & Order Richard Nixon (1969-74)

11 Backlash Watergate Ford 1976 Election Malaise Iranian Crisis Jimmy Carter (1977-81) Gerald Ford (1974-77)

12 Election of 1980 New Right: Moral Majority Christian Right Pro-Life Pro-Business “Government is the problem.”

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