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Changes In Cuba Following Revolution  Universal Health Care  Universal Education  Universal Housing  Rations supplied by the government.

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2 Changes In Cuba Following Revolution  Universal Health Care  Universal Education  Universal Housing  Rations supplied by the government.

3 Political Dissent in Cuba  Again, La Mentirita. Batista supporters were summarily executed.  The government controlled all media (however, Key West is well within broadcast range).  Speaking out against Fidel or the government is forbidden.

4 Fidelista Firing Squad

5 Embargo  Eisenhower (Ike) is upset, begins the early embargo.  Raul pushes for asking USSR for assistance economically and militarily.  The USSR would soon be supplying 70% of goods imported to Cuba.

6 American Automobiles

7 Russian Support

8 Bay of Pigs  April of 1961, 1400 Cuban exiles, trained by the CIA, attempted an invasion from south of Havana, the Bay of Pigs.  Initially successful.

9 Bay of Pigs (cont.)  Fidel realized that they might have gained a foothold, but quickly dispatched the Cuban Army before they could become more successful.  After capture, many were executed, but most (1,100) were exchanged for goods from the US.

10 Cuban Missile Crisis  AQB1sA9k AQB1sA9k

11 Mariel Boat Lift  1980 Jimmy Carter and Fidel agreed that anyone who wanted to would be allowed to leave Cuba for the US.  Fidel used this opportunity to empty jails and mental health wards, sending them to Miami.  Scarface emerged from this phenomenon.

12 “Special Period”  Soviet Union Collapses, leaving Cuba without friends.  Food was scarce, repair of machinery quite difficult.  Soviet era technology dropped into significant disrepair.

13 Final Project:  In terms of what we have covered over the last week, complete a “Current Event” surrounding Cuba. Using what you now know, reflect upon historical connections that impact modern Cuba, in terms of your CE.

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