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Presentation on theme: "EUROPEAN GEOSCIENCES UNION GENERAL ASSEMBLY 2014 Geology Institute of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences 1 DENSITY VARIABILITY - FUNDAMENTAL BASIS."— Presentation transcript:

1 EUROPEAN GEOSCIENCES UNION GENERAL ASSEMBLY 2014 Geology Institute of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences 1 DENSITY VARIABILITY - FUNDAMENTAL BASIS OF STRUCTURE FORMATION AND TECTONIC-GEODYNAMIC EVOLUTION OF THE EARTH Hatam Guliyev 1, Ibrahim Guliyev 1, Gurban Yetirmishli 2 Vienna, Austria, 27 April – 02 May 2014 E-mail: Republican Seismic Survey Center of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences 2

2 It was shown that there are some common geomechanical basis of processes of consolidation, deconsolidation, phase transitions, formation of zones of small shear stiffness (waveguides), realization of material and energetic mass flow in the internal structures of the Earth based on fundamental properties of basic systems of equations of nonlinear mechanics of the deformed bodies, data and results of Green, Ringwood, Liu’s known experimental studies. Its instability for different geological media was shown studying the distribution of medium density depending on deformation changes. It was shown that distinguishing various forms of instability there is general deformation mechanism of consolidation process of compressible medium according to which transfer to deconsolidation occurs at certain stages due to specific change of equilibrium states. Instability of deformation process contributes to emergence of geometric structures in composition of geological medium which are favorable to form deconsolidation zones and zones of small shear stiffness. Destruction by delamination at various depth of the Earth's interior can lead to formation of voids of various scale. Various forms of instability can be realized in the process of further evolution in the vicinity of these free surfaces, and voids can be filled by the loosened mass, i.e. deconsolidation process occurs under compression conditions. More hard bodies of local scale in the form of rod, strips, plates, cylindrical bodies, voids etc. can exist at different depth of mantle. These bodies can lose the stability within compression conditions. Therefore, part of their material and environment are loosened and deconsolidation process occurs again. The above described cases significantly depends on the realized form of deformation. Unevenness of deformation has a great value. Partial melting and magma formation can occur in these deconsolidated zones depending on mineral associations, petrochemical properties, thermobaric conditions and depth. This process becomes more feasible in case, when water appears as a result of dehydration in the considered zones. Some of these zones of deconsolidation can turn to focus of liquefied mass and give the beginning to mass flow on various directions in further evolution. DENSITY VARIABILITY - FUNDAMENTAL BASIS OF STRUCTURE FORMATION AND TECTONIC-GEODYNAMIC EVOLUTION OF THE EARTH Abstract 2

3 Diagram of the matter density distribution of the Earth on depth: a) the existing notion b) the proposed notion b)b) Problem statement a)a) Distribution of the medium density depending on its arbitrary deformation (Hatam Guliyev,2007-2008). – current density; – initial density; – the main components of Green deformation tensor 3

4 In case of homogeneous deformation: then Comprehensive deformation For elastic body under compression Р – pressure; – Poisson’s ratio; Е – elasticity modulus 4

5 Dependence on Influence of deformation non-uniformity Lin-Gong Liu’s experimental results on phase transition of orthopyroxene (90% MgSiO 3  Al 2 O 3 ). Dependence and sequence of phase transitions for orthopyroxene on 2 4 6 8 10 12 -0.4 -0.35 -0.3 -0.25 -0.2 -0.15 -0.1 -0.05 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0       0 7 14 21 28 22.6445.3467.698 8.44 17.14 24.55 EnstatitIlmenitPerovskitGarnet 0 7 14 21 28 22.6445.3467.698 0 7 14 21 28 22.6445.3467.698 8.44 17.14 24.55 EnstatitIlmenitPerovskit 8.44 17.14 24.55 EnstatiteIlmenitePerovskite 0 7 14 21 28 22.6445.3467.698 5

6 Instability of deformation process Instability of deformation process is one of sources of inhomogeneity Diagram of half-space loading in the vicinity of the cylindrical void Various possible variants Dependence of critical pressures on the thin-walled parameter. - Euler’s critical load (uniaxial compression along axis of the cylinder); - Critical value under comprehensive compression, when an external impact on the cylindrical surface is given in the form of conservative loads. PP Instability in the structure Subsurface instability 6

7 Instability in contact zones of various media 7

8 Critical values. Some numerical results in case of comprehensive deformation of the medium and in the presence of the cylindrical void in it 8

9 Alternative magmatic foci As a result of the instability, walls of the reformed voids and disturbances are "went-off" as in mines and the medium fills voids by shattering. At the same time, in case of dehydration, water may also appear here. It`s also necessary to take into account the fact that such zones are transformed into natural "pumps". They attract the temperature of the medium, accumulate along and partial melting starts at a relatively low pressure. Various variants of magma formation can be implemented at various depths. 9

10 CONCLUSION 1. The new approach that allows studying processes of non-uniform deformation under high pressures considering appropriate phase transitions for various rocks was developed basing on non-linear theory of deformation of the continuous medium. 2. It was shown that specific deformations that differ from processes of comprehensive deformed homogeneous media occur due to inhomogeneity of structural constructions of the Earth interior and a variety of impact systems. 3. Consolidation processes can turn into deconsolidation process - a density variation can occur with the growth of the Earth's depth. Voids, zones of small shear stiffness (waveguides) can form due to the deformation at various depths; foci of the diluted mass can form in these zones in certain cases which can become a source of mass flow in further evolution. 10 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION!

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