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USAS-R Preview Release ITC Regional Leads January 28 th, 2016 1.

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Presentation on theme: "USAS-R Preview Release ITC Regional Leads January 28 th, 2016 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 USAS-R Preview Release ITC Regional Leads January 28 th, 2016 1

2 Disclaimer  This is a preview release and the intent is to get it in the user’s hands to provide feedback 2

3 Overview  Documentation  Functionality Differences  USAS-R Menu  Exercises/Hands on 3

4 Documentation 4

5  SSDT Public Wiki  USAS-R Documentation Space  Differences from Classis USAS  Navigation  Grids  Queries  Icons  Palettes  USAS-R Manual  “how to” as well as helpful information  Setup to follow menu 5

6 Functionality Differences From Classis USAS 6

7 Enhanced Query * Only in Requisition and Reports  Three tabs  Basic - made up of a few standard fields for that record  Advanced - more elaborate search where the user selects the property field to search on, the operation to search by, and enters what they are searching for  Expert - for a user that prefers to write their own query using the properties and operations, and is useful for troubleshooting and for easy sharing of queries with other users  Wildcard %  Each tab has a 'Rows per Page' which means the number of rows you want displayed per page for your query results.  Default is 20  Can be changed (5,10, 20, 50, 100, 1000)  The page numbers will be displayed at the top and bottom of the result listing.  All query result columns in blue are sortable (A-Z or Z-A)  Can be saved and recalled 7

8 Grids  Most data types show up in customizable grids  User able to select what appears, as well as order  Grid is lazy loaded  Meaning scroll down through all data and is loaded as you go  No maximum records returned and no page numbers  No limitation on fields they can query on  Filter grid results from filter row  Wildcard %  Advanced query against any field related to data type  Can be saved and recalled  Available as filters in detail reports SSDT YouTube Channel – USASR Grid Video 8

9 Dynamic Reporting  Select data from nearly any data type  Filter the data using basic and advanced query criteria  Determine columns to include as well as order  Sort by any field  Control breaks with totals  Variety of output types  Text, pdf, excel, csv, along with other lesser known formats  Paper layout  Portrait, landscape  Saved and recalled later 9

10 Custom Fields  Fields that districts can create for themselves  Available in nearly all interfaces (phased in as interfaces are rewritten)  Can be used anywhere a normal field is used including queries and reports  Enabled or disabled  Specify to be included in grid  Any Type  Text, code, money, number, date, date/time, web address, email user or Boolean.  Code type – user can define their own list of codes with definitions which will produce dropdown boxes in interface  Special custom fields – created date/time, last modified date/time  Created user and last modified user will automatically be updated by the system 10

11 Fields from Classic turned into Custom Fields  All ‘User Defined’ Fields  All ‘Entered Date’ and ‘Posted by User’ fields  Vendor Category  Vendor Withhold Child Support Flag  Minority Vendor Flag  Vendor Email Address  Bank Code (cash account)  EMIS Fund Category (cash account)  Requisition Type  Requisition Approval Status  Requisition Workflow Context  PO Transmitted Flag These are used in Classis USAS only when the USACON requisition approval system flag is Yes. Districts using the classic requisition approval system will have ‘Classic Requisition Approval’ module enabled and these CF enabled automatically when their data is imported. 11

12 Posting Periods  Ability to have multiple posting periods open at one time  No longer necessary to completely close out before opening the next reporting period  Possible to re-open prior periods  Transaction dates will be required to be in an open posting period 12

13 Customizable Business Rules  Rules Engine  Various types of business rules written and easily applied on the fly  Without logging out or shutting down  USAS-R will come with its own set of required business rules as well as optional ones that may be enabled/disabled  Can be written for each individual district 13

14 Security  Fine grained security  District can create ‘Roles’ and then assign permissions  Create, View, Update, Delete, Report  Users may be assigned one or more Roles 14

15 Accounts  XREF codes more useful  Available in all account types and visible in transaction entry  Fully integrated in the system  Filtering, sorting, inclusion on reports (any report that includes account code)  Appropriation codes will default to the same budget ‘roll-up’ as Classic USAS  Will have to create appropriation accounts now will not automatically do it when creating new budget and ones doesn’t exist.  Use Rules Engine to customize level to use any account code dimension  Criteria used must be the same within a fund but different criteria may be used for different funds  Classic roll-up = Fund/SCC, 2 digit function, 1 digit object 15

16 Projects  New option to view projects/PTD information  Initial version of USAS-R will remain one project per cash account 16

17 Vendors  Memo vendor numbers no longer required/No separate range of numbers  Default Payment Type  Check, ACH and electronic  Multi-vendor flag obsolete  PO which are non-vendor specific will have no vendor entered. Vendor is entered on each invoice  Multiple locations  Designate default PO, check, 1099 address  Will still need to maintain multiple vendors for different locations  Permission USAS_PRIVACY_TAXID needs granted for user to be able to see 1099 and New Hire Taxpayer ID fields 17

18 Requisitions  Vendor no longer required  If the district wants to require a vendor be entered may be done so via a rule  Account code not longer required  If the district wants to require an account code be entered may be done so via a rule  Audit trail handled correctly  Once requisition is converted to a po may not be changed or deleted  Can not convert one requisition to multiple pos  Requisition is updated it keeps track of original ‘posted by’ user 18

19 Purchase Orders  Vendor is optional  Vendor may be entered anytime prior to first invoice  If vendor is not entered prior to first invoice it will assume non-vendor specific po and vendor will be entered on the invoices  Once an invoice has been processed against po, no longer possible to enter a vendor 19

20 Disbursements  Checks now called Disbursements  Physical checks, ACH transactions and other electronic postings  Payee name and address information now stored on disbursement record at time of posting, in addition to reference to vendor used  Payable items now grouped by vendor or invoice  Grouping vendor works similarly to Classic  Grouping by invoice allows the user to get a separate disbursement per invoice  Used when district may need multiple checks for same vendor  Disbursement void – can void the invoice and re-open po or reuse the invoice. If reuse the invoice a payable is created automatically 20

21 Bank Accounts  New option, enter bank account information  When posting disbursements district will be prompted for the bank account the checks are being created from 21

22 Distributions/Error Corrections  Similar to ACTMOD  Works for both expenditure and revenue accounts  No po or check required  Enter transaction with items that are + and – in order to increase or decrease expenditures or receipts in the accounts  Anticipated to replace positive/negative reduction of expenditure transaction used to correct expenditure accounts charged 22

23 Account Filters  USASEC  Does not match on username  Assigned correct account filters via Admin/User interface 23

24 Pending Transactions  New option  Show transactions sent from USPS (and other third parties) waiting to be posted to USAS  District will be able to review the transaction and either validate, post or reject the transaction 24

25 USAS-R Menu Menu options may look different for each user as they will only see the options available to them based upon their user account’s Role/Permissions 25

26 Core Contains the central pieces of USAS-R. Almost all transactions/processing requires an account code or vendor. 26

27 Adds/Deducts  Used to update addition/deduction fields on the accounts  Same option that was in USASWeb 27

28 Approp Accounts  Appropriation accounts must be manually added  Fund  2 digit function  1 digit object  SCC  Unlinked is not supported 28

29 Budget Accounts  Same option as in USASWeb 29

30 Cash Accounts  Same option as in USASWeb 30

31 Revenue Accounts  Same option as in USASWeb 31

32 Vendors  No memo vendors  No multi-vendors  FYTD & CTD amounts are non-modifiable  Default Payment Type  ACH  Check = classic warrant check  Electronic = classic memo check  Vendor Locations  Default po, check and 1099 32

33 Transaction Contains the district’s daily functions for expenditure and receipt processing 33

34 AP Invoices  Same as in USASWeb with exception of a new cancel status  Partial cancel  Full cancel 34

35 Disbursements  ALL disbursements regardless of type are numbered automatically  Reference number  Types included  Physical, ACH and electronic  Accounts payable, refund, payroll  Currently doesn’t support ACH processing (still has ACH fields for EDGE)  Can not create a disbursement in ‘Disbursement Grid’ (produced by PAYABLES)  Physical check number assigned when printed  Printing Options (XML and PDF), starting number will pull highest on file if not specified  Void, Resequence, Reconcile, Unreconcile  Check Stub Information is setup in ‘Module Configuration’ option from Admin menu 35

36 Distributions/Error Corrections  Works for both expenditure and revenue accounts  No po or check required  Enter transaction with items that are + and – in order to increase or decrease expenditures or receipts in the accounts  Anticipated to replace positive/negative reduction of expenditure transaction used to correct expenditure accounts charged 36

37 Payables  Payables are automatically generated after an item is filled thru AP Invoice  Two Views  Detail  Vendor  Posting Disbursement doesn’t required physical check number at that time for a ‘check’ vendor  Posting Disbursement window  After post disbursement can choose to continue on to print (takes you to disbursements) or go back and go to disbursements later to print 37

38 Payables  Posting Disbursement window  Grouping Options  Vendor  Works similarly to Classic  Invoice  Groups by invoice allows the user to get a separate disbursement per invoice  Used when district may need multiple  Sort  Bank Account (displays active bank accounts for Admin/Bank Account option)  After post disbursement  Displays Warnings/Errors  Errors- disbursement is not created  can choose to continue on to print (takes you to disbursements) or go back and go to disbursements later to print 38

39 Pending Transactions  Transaction currently sitting out there from a different system/software waiting to be posted to USAS  Example – payroll file from USPS-R  Click on Edit to Post, Reject or Validate  Reject sends a message back to USPS-R but removes the pending transaction in USAS-R  Prompts for transaction date and bank account as well we electronic payment option 39

40 Purchase Order  Vendor is not required; entered anytime prior to entering first invoice  If vendor is not entered assumed to be non-vendor specific  Account code (charge) box can use % as wildcard for description or – to differentiate dimensions  Amended POs not supported 40

41 Receipts  Same as USASWeb 41

42 Refunds  Same as USASWeb  Exception, aren’t required to assign a check number  Check (disbursement) number assigned when printing  Must go to Disbursement to print out physical check 42

43 Requisitions  Account code and vendor not required  Audit Trail maintained correctly  Once requisition is converted to PO can not be changed or deleted  Same requisition can’t be converted to multiple POs  Requisition updated – keeps track of original requisitioner  Mass Convert Requisitions 43

44 Report Allows the user to generate a report from either a listing of predefined reports or create custom report using the ‘Detail’ Option 44

45 ACCSTS  Combines budget and revenue activity on single report  Default date range is the current posting period  All accounts will be selected by default.  Sort is by full account code, then activity, with a subtotal only on activity.  It will not include accounts without transactions 45

46 Detail  Dynamic Reporting of all data objects in USAS-R  Expandable Tree format  Filtering  Columns and order of columns  Sort, subtotals, page breaks  Variety of output formats  Save and recall 46

47 Admin Contains programs that control how processing is defined and done on the system as well as other options that only an administrator would access 47

48 Account Filters  Similar to USASDAT/USASEC – account filters  Same rules apply – order is important 48

49 Bank Account  Similar to Bank Codes in ACTSCN  Start/stop dates  Used when creating disbursements 49

50 Custom Field  Fields districts can create for themselves  Can be used in queries, grid, reports  Enabled/disabled  Numerous types  Text, code, money, number, date, date/time, web address, email, user or Boolean, special CF i.e. created date/time, last modified date/time  Some fields from Classic are now CF  In documentation 50

51 DBA  Data Base Administrator  Direct queries against database  Mostly used for SSDT debugging tool 51

52 Imports  Import data from Classic USAS into USAS-R  Anonymize data  Training purposes 52

53 Module Configuration  Configuration details for installed modules  Disbursements – how many line items, check stubs, etc 53

54 Modules  Displays all available modules within the software version the entity is using  Required  Won’t be able to uninstall  Installed  + = not installed  - = installed 54

55 Monitor  Admin ability to view various types of events occurring within the system as well as status  Grid in two different tabs  Events  Status 55

56 OPUs  Similar to OPUEDT or USASWeb/Configuration/OPUs 56

57 Organization  Similar to USACON 57

58 Posting Periods  Open, closed, current  Can re-open if corrections need made  Archived  Data imported into classic currently can’t re-open  Transaction dates will be required to be in an open posting period  Current period effects the calculations such as MTD, FYTD 58

59 Project  Similar to PTD fields 59

60 Remap Budgets  Used in conjunction with a rule that can be created to define what level of reporting they require for their appropriations  Once rule is created and enabled use this option to ‘remap budget accounts’  System Default for all budgets is the fund, 2 digits of function, first digit of the object and the special cost center 60

61 Role  Similar to VMS identifiers  Defines basic functions, responsibilities, tasks of a user  Roles are granted one or more ‘Permissions’  Specific functionality within the software  Create, update, delete, view, report  Setup in hierarchy – top level gives all access  Roles are defined by the entity  Treasurer  Accounts Payable  Payroll  Roles are assigned to users  Can assign more than one 61

62 Rules  Various types of business rules and applied ‘on the fly’  Create, activate, search, edit, disable (enable) and delete a rule  Edit, disable or enable a rule have to ‘activate’ before it takes effect  USAS-R comes with its own set of required business rules as well as optional ones that may be enabled/disabled  Bundled means it came with USAS-R  Mandatory means it can’t be disabled  Customized rules can also be written for individual districts  Examples custom validations, sending emails or even updating fields based on certain criteria 62

63 Show Sessions  Same as USASWeb  Lists active sessions  May terminate 63

64 User  Username entered is the username they use to login  Assigned one or more Roles  Assigned account filters  Create, search, edit, change password or delete a user 64

65 Utilities Contains information on the user currently logged in 65

66 Change Password  If the user knows old password they can change it via ‘change password’ link found on login page or under Utilities  Passwords can be changed by Admin under ‘Users’ using the padlock icon 66

67 Show Profile  Same as USASWeb  Detailed information about user currently logged in 67

68 USPS Integration Controls if and how the software is connected to the USPS-R system 68

69 Security Configuration  Generates an application ID and Key for USAS-R which is entered into USPS-R system (same thing must be done in USPS-R to enter in this option)  Disable communication  Must also enter information in USPS Module Configuration found under the ‘Module Configuration’ menu option 69

70 Test Configuration  Test the connection between USAS-R and USPS-R  Module & Security Configuration must be done first  Summary appears stating whether the connection was refused or successful 70

71 Exercises See Handout 71

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