Research for the International Linear Collider Professor Andy White October 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Research for the International Linear Collider Professor Andy White October 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Research for the International Linear Collider Professor Andy White October 2005

2 What do we know now (2005)?

3 What don’t we know now (2005)! - Why particles have mass - Whether all four forces merge at high energies - If we live in more than Four dimensions - What is the Dark Matter - What is the Dark Energy - …?

4 Contributions to the Higgs mass Produces an infinite result due to summation over momenta of particles in the circular loop. Is there a Hiigs field that gives mass to particles?

5 A possible cure? …add a contribution that cancels the bad contributions: But this requires new particles !


7 A better merging if SUSY is included!

8 Many of our present questions should be answered at the Large Hadron Collider

9 UTA is a member of the ATLAS Collaboration

10 …but ATLAS discoveries will need have detailed follow up and verification before we know what the real nature of the new physics is!

11 ILC - Accelerator 5 bunch trains/s 337 ns between collisions Luminosity : 3.4x10 34 cm -2 s -1 (6000xLEP) Physics rates e+e- qq 330/hr e+e- W+W- 930/hr e+e- tt 70/hr e+e- HX 17/hr Background rates e+e- qq 0.1 /Bunch Train e+e-  X 200 /Bunch Train ~ 90 – 1000 GeV Superconducting RF Technology

12 ZHH Emphasize precision measurements – in a difficult environment – many multijet final states. σ(e+e-gZHH) = 0.3 fb ILC - Physics ?? Optimizing the physics for 1 or 2 detectors??

13 SiD Detector Solenoid

14 ILC – Detector Requirements - Good momentum resolution e.g. for ZH with Z -> µµ - Vertex resolution for flavor tagging c/b - Good jet energy energy and jet-jet mass resolution - Good coverage for missing energy - Good separation of charged/photons/neutral clusters -> Good pattern recognition, two track separation

15 Physics examples driving calorimeter design Higgs production e.g. e + e - -> Z h separate from WW, ZZ (in all jet modes) Higgs couplings e.g. - g tth from e + e - -> tth -> WWbbbb -> qqqqbbbb ! - g hhh from e + e - -> Zhh Higgs branching ratios h -> bb, WW *, cc, gg,  Strong WW scattering: separation of e + e - -> WW -> qqqq e + e - -> ZZ -> qqqq and e + e - -> tt Missing mass peak or bbar jets

16 Physics examples driving calorimeter design -All of these critical physics studies demand:  Efficient jet separation and reconstruction  Excellent jet energy resolution  Excellent jet-jet mass resolution + jet flavor tagging Plus… We need very good forward calorimetry for e.g. SUSY selectron studies, and… ability to find/reconstruct photons from secondary vertices e.g. from long-lived NLSP ->  G

17 Can we use a “traditional” approach to calorimetry? (using only energy measurements based on the calorimeter systems) 60%/  E 30%/  E H. Videau Target region for jet energy resolution

18 Don’t underestimate the complexity!

19 Digital Hadron Calorimetry Physics requirements emphasize segmentation/granularity (transverse AND longitudinal) over intrinsic energy resolution. - Depth  4 (not including ECal ~ 1 ) + tail-catcher(?) -Assuming PFlow: - sufficient segmentation (#channels) to allow efficient charged particle tracking. - for “digital” approach – sufficiently fine segmentation (#channels) to give linear energy vs. hits relation - efficient MIP detection (threshold, cell size) - intrinsic, single (neutral) hadron energy resolution must not degrade jet energy resolution. 

20 GEM-based Digital Calorimeter Concept

21 GEM – production 70  m 140  m Copper edges Hole profile Exposed kapton

22 GEM – operation -2100V ∆V ~400V 0V

23 (10 x 10) – 4 active area = 96 channels Trace edge connector -> Fermilab 32 ch board 305mm x 305mm layer Disc/DAQ under design by U.W.

24 First 30cm x 30cm 3M GEM foils

25 Development of GEM sensitive layer 9-layer readout pc-board 3 mm 1 mm Non-porous, double-sided adhesive strips GEM foils Gas inlet/outlet (example) Cathode layer Absorber strong back Fishing-line spacer schematic Anode(pad) layer (NOT TO SCALE)

26 DHCAL/GEM Module concepts GEM layer slides into gap between absorber sheets Include part of absorber in GEM active layer - provides structural integrity Side plates alternate in adjacent modules

27 GDE (Design) (Construction) Technology Choice Acc. 2004200520062007200820092010 CDR TDRStart Global Lab. Det. Detector Outline Documents CDRsLOIs R&D Phase Collaboration Forming Construction Detector R&D Panel Tevatron SLAC B LHC HERA T2K Done! Detector “Window for Detector R&D

28 CALICE SiW ECAL CALICE TILE HCAL+TCMT Combined CALICE TILE OTHER ECALs CALICE DHCALs and others Combined Calorimeters PFA and shower library Related Data Taking 2008200720062005 2009>2009 ILCD R&D, calibration Phase I: Detector R&D, PFA development, Tech. Choice Phase II Phase 0: Prep. Timeline of Beam Tests , tracking, MDI, etc From Jae Yu

29 Many challenging and exciting projects on Linear Collider R&D! -> Detector design -> Prototype construction/testing -> High speed electronics -> Computer simulations (need help!) -> Physics studies (need help!) x22812 Room 241

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