A New Era of Molecular Line Studies in Early Universe Galaxies: Prospects of the (E)VLA The EVLA Vision: Galaxies Through Cosmic Time DSOC, Socorro, NM.

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Presentation on theme: "A New Era of Molecular Line Studies in Early Universe Galaxies: Prospects of the (E)VLA The EVLA Vision: Galaxies Through Cosmic Time DSOC, Socorro, NM."— Presentation transcript:

1 A New Era of Molecular Line Studies in Early Universe Galaxies: Prospects of the (E)VLA The EVLA Vision: Galaxies Through Cosmic Time DSOC, Socorro, NM December 16-18, 2008 Dominik A. Riechers California Institute of Technology The EVLA Vision: Galaxies Through Cosmic Time DSOC, Socorro, NM December 16-18, 2008 Dominik A. Riechers California Institute of Technology Hubble Fellowship HST-HF-01212.01-A F. Walter (MPIA), C. Carilli (NRAO), F. Bertoldi (AIfA), A. Weiss (MPIfR), P. Cox, R. Neri (IRAM), G. Lewis, B. Brewer (U Sydney), J. Wagg (NRAO), R. Wang (U Peking), C. Henkel (MPIfR), J. Kurk (MPIA), E. Daddi (CES), H. Dannerbauer (MPIA), N. Scoville (Caltech), M. Yun (UMASS), K. Menten (MPIfR), E. Momjian (NRAO), M. Aravena (AIfA)

2  Most galaxies in the universe have a central black hole  QSOs:  high accretion events  special phase in galaxy evolution  most luminous sources in universe The role of Quasars (QSOs) bright! complication: Ideally, want to study mass compositions as f(z) Question: do black holes and stars grow together? do black holes and stars grow together? currently favored theories: yes (=> common, growth-limiting mechanism, ‘feedback’) stellar mass black hole mass e.g., Häring & Rix 2004  Origin of ‘Magorrian relation’ at z=0 ? M stars ~700 M BH M stars ~700 M BH [masses are correlated on size scales [masses are correlated on size scales spanning 9 orders of magnitude!] spanning 9 orders of magnitude!]

3 Earliest epoch sources: longest ‘time baselines’ longest ‘time baselines’ z = 6 z = 0 Z = 1000 z = 15 critical redshifts/timescales: critical redshifts/timescales: - z=4-6.4 (highest z QSO) corresponds to: - 0.8-2 Gyr after Big Bang …going to highest redshifts M BH black hole M bulge stars M gas gas (& dust) M dyn dynamical mass Basic measurements: Credit: Caltech Media EVLA/ALMA

4 VLT M BH : NIR Spectroscopy of SDSS z~6 QSOs black hole masses M BH from line equivalent widths : black hole masses M BH from line equivalent widths : [empirical, based on reverberation mapping-calibrated relations] [empirical, based on reverberation mapping-calibrated relations] few 10 9 M sun few 10 9 M sun ISAAC NIR spectra of z~6 QSOs: key AGN lines: key AGN lines: MgII, CIV (broad) MgII, CIV (broad) Kurk, FW et al. 2007 M BH black hole M bulge stars M gas gas M dyn dynamical mass Kurk, …, DR, ea. 2007  [nm] S

5 Obtaining stellar disk masses difficult… Jahnke ea., in prep. e.g., QSOs in COSMOS HST imaging M BH black hole M bulge stars M gas gas M dyn dynamical mass z=0.3 z=2.0 QSO+host host PSF subtraction …almost hopeless at z>~2 Main challenge: - central AGN overshines host by orders of magnitude in the optical/IR - surface brightness scales with z -4  Need to subtract bright point source (=HST PSF) and examine residuals

6  detailed studies of molecular gas in the early universe: a main science goal for ALMA (see DSRP) a main science goal for ALMA (see DSRP)  but: even ALMA (alone) will not be able to tell us the full story M gas : Molecular Gas at High z ALMA  molecular gas observations at high-z help to constrain: at high-z help to constrain: M gas (fuel for SF & evol. state) M gas (fuel for SF & evol. state) M dyn (hierarchical models, M-  ) M dyn (hierarchical models, M-  ) n gas, T kin (conditions for SF) n gas, T kin (conditions for SF) SFR (cosmic SF history) SFR (cosmic SF history) evidence for mergers evidence for mergers (triggering of QSO activity & SF) (triggering of QSO activity & SF) Image courtesy: NRAO/AUI & ESO EVLA

7 Resolving z>4 CO Emission Paving the Road for EVLA & ALMA Only VLA can observe CO in z>4 QSOs at 0.15”/1 kpc resolution (B array @ 7mm)  We don’t need ALMA to achieve this! Caveat: needs 50-80 hours per source & the best weather conditions  molecular gas: >99% H 2 – difficult to observe, use CO as tracer  ultimate goal: resolve CO emission spatially/kinematically  Dynamical masses, host galaxy sizes, disk galaxies vs. mergers  compare to AGN diagnostics: evolution (?) of M BH -  relation critical scale: 1 kpc = 0.15” @z=4-6 VLA M BH black hole M bulge stars M gas gas M dyn dynamical mass 10 km baselines

8  M gas = 2 x 10 10 M 0  M dyn ~ 6 x 10 10 M 0  M BH = 3 x 10 9 M 0 M dyn ~ M gas M dyn ~ M gas M dyn = 20 M BH M dyn = 20 M BH breakdown of relation seen at z=0? but: only one example/source Resolving the Gas Reservoirs Walter ea. 2004 DR ea. 2009 J1148+5251 (z=6.4) Perhaps best known example: J1148+5251 at z=6.42 Perhaps best known example: J1148+5251 at z=6.42 M dyn =M BH +M stars +M gas +M dust (+M DM ) 5 kpc reservoir CO(7-6) opt./NIR spectroscopy [Mg II, C IV ] & L edd dust SED L’ CO IRAM PdBI

9 PSS J2322+1944 (z=4.12): A Molecular Einstein Ring DR ea. 2008a HST ACS F814Lensed CO(2-1) VLA  v=42 km/s CO velocity channel maps - 70h VLA B/C array - 0.30” resolution  Molecular Einstein Ring  Optical: double image  Differentially lensed  Lensing helps to zoom in, but interpretation depends on lens model - 70h VLA B/C array - 0.30” resolution  Molecular Einstein Ring  Optical: double image  Differentially lensed  Lensing helps to zoom in, but interpretation depends on lens model Image courtesy: NRAO/AUI NRAO Press Release 2008 Oct 20

10 A z=4.12 Molecular Einstein Ring CO(2-1)  v=42 km/s CO velocity channel maps Source Lens Data - CO emission spatially & dynamically desolved - Grav. Lens: Zoom-in: 0.30” -> 0.15” (1.0 kpc) Magnification: µ L =5.3 (CO) & 4.7 (AGN) - 5 kpc reservoir, AGN not central: likely interacting M gas =1.7 x 10 10 M o M dyn =4.4 x 10 10 sin -2 i M o M gas =1.7 x 10 10 M o M dyn =4.4 x 10 10 sin -2 i M o M BH =1.5 x 10 9 M o M dyn /M BH =30 M BH =1.5 x 10 9 M o M dyn /M BH =30 Bayesian Reconstruction & Lens Inversion (Method: Brewer & Lewis 2006 ) DR ea. 2008a 8.5 kpc

11 BRI 1335-0417 (z=4.41): Interacting Galaxy CO(2-1) in BRI 1335-0417 (z=4.41)  v=44 kms -1 CO channel maps (red to blue) 10 kpc spatially & dynamically spatially & dynamically resolved QSO host galaxy resolved QSO host galaxy DR ea. 2008b Not Lensed 50h VLA BC array 0.15” resolution (1.0 kpc @ z=4.4) CO(2-1) - M gas = 9.2 x 10 10 M o - M dyn = 1.0 x 10 11 sin -2 i M o - M BH = 6 x 10 9 M o (C IV)  M dyn /M BH =20  CO: 5 kpc diameter, v co =420 km/s

12 BRI 1335-0417 (z=4.41): A Major ‘Wet‘ Merger? CO(2-1) in BRI 1335-0417 (z=4.41) CO(1-0) in the Antennae (z=0) Both CO maps: 1.0 kpc resolution Wilson ea. 2000 Wilson ea. 2000 CO(1-0) on optical Nearby Major Merger: NGC4038/39 – the Antennae - M gas = 2.4 x 10 9 M o, 7 kpc scale, SFR=50 M o yr -1 Distant Quasar Host Galaxy: BRI 1335-0417 (z=4.41) - M gas = 9.2 x 10 10 M o, 5 kpc scale, SFR=4650 M o yr -1  same scale, higher gas mass & SF efficiency in BRI1335 DR ea. 2008b

13 Nearby Counterparts CO Imaging of PG QSOs at z=0.06 - 0.13 at 0.5”-0.7” (1 kpc) resolution PdBI CARMA Imaged 5 sources with CARMA (320hr) & PdBI (20hr) : - optical/FIR selection like high-z sources - M BH from reverberation mapping - 2-4 kpc scale CO reservoirs - some clear double sources/mergers - M dyn /M BH = 250 – 700 => comparable to optical M * estimates (vel. disp.) => compatible with z=0 M BH -M bulge relation DR ea. in prep.

14 M dyn and the High-z M BH -M bulge Relation Now: 4 sources at z>4 studied in detail In all cases: M gas ~ M dyn M dyn ~ 20-30 M BH [cf. 700 M BH ]  no room for massive stellar body within central ~5kpc -Did black holes form first in these objects (z-evolution of M BH -M bulge )? - Does M BH -M bulge change toward high-mass end? Bulge buildup through SF & mergers takes time Now: 4 sources at z>4 studied in detail In all cases: M gas ~ M dyn M dyn ~ 20-30 M BH [cf. 700 M BH ]  no room for massive stellar body within central ~5kpc -Did black holes form first in these objects (z-evolution of M BH -M bulge )? - Does M BH -M bulge change toward high-mass end? Bulge buildup through SF & mergers takes time J1148+5251 (z=6.42) B1335-0417 (z=4.41) APM08279+5255 (z=3.91) z=0 J2322+1944 (z=4.12) Haering & Rix 2004 DR ea., in prep. PG 1440+356 (z=0.079) PG 1426+015 (z=0.086) PG 1351+640 (z=0.088) PG 1613+658 (z=0.129) PG 2130+099 (z=0.063)  Need improved theoretical framework for interpretation (Desika Narayanan’s Talk)

15 Really want to go beyond z>7 to probe into the Epoch of Reionization earliest structures in universe sources that contributed to reionization Are CO observations w/ ALMA the answer? Moving towards the EVLA & ALMA era

16 CO Excitation in High-z Sources Weiss ea., in prep. CO at J>8 not highly excited! Observed CO Line Excitation low z high z Low-excitation: Also z=1.5 BzKs Daddi ea. 2008 Dannerbauer ea. 2009 => Emanuele Daddi’s Talk Milky Way

17 EoR Sources: CO discovery space EoR CO NOT EXCITED CO discovery space almost an ‘EVLA exclusive’ area Freq. of [CII]BzKs DR 2007, PhD thesis Walter, Weiss, DR ea. 2008

18 J1148+5251 (z=6.4) CO, FIR continuum, and Ionized Carbon at z=6.42 COFIR continuum [CII] [CII] (ionized carbon): major cooling line of the ISM 2 P 3/2 - 2 P 1/2 fine-structure line -- PDR / SF tracer Rest frequency: 1900 GHz (158 microns) ISO observations: [CII] carries high fraction of L FIR, much brighter than CO Same dynamical width, but CO & [CII] not 100% aligned  [CII] traces 1.5 kpc SF region within 5 kpc molecular reservoir with SFR surface density of ~1000 M 0 yr -1 kpc -2 (Edd. limited) Same dynamical width, but CO & [CII] not 100% aligned  [CII] traces 1.5 kpc SF region within 5 kpc molecular reservoir with SFR surface density of ~1000 M 0 yr -1 kpc -2 (Edd. limited) Walter ea. 2004 Walter, DR ea. 2008 DR ea. 2009 Need both [CII] with ALMA & CO with the EVLA VLAPdBI 0.32”x0.23” res.

19 Summary ‘mass budget’ of QSOs out to z=6.4 (multi- ) ‘mass budget’ of QSOs out to z=6.4 (multi- ) M BH, M gas, M dyn can be measured M BH, M gas, M dyn can be measured density, temperature, dynamical structure of gas reservoirs density, temperature, dynamical structure of gas reservoirs 4 objects at z~4-6: M dyn ~ M gas 4 objects at z~4-6: M dyn ~ M gas M dyn ~ 20-30 M BH [vs. ~700 today] M dyn ~ 20-30 M BH [vs. ~700 today] evolution with redshift or change toward high-mass end? evolution with redshift or change toward high-mass end? black holes in QSOs may form before bulk of stellar body black holes in QSOs may form before bulk of stellar body theories need to account for this (=> Desika Narayanan’s Talk) theories need to account for this (=> Desika Narayanan’s Talk) demonstrated: demonstrated: [CII] will be key diagnostic line for z>7 Universe for ALMA [CII] will be key diagnostic line for z>7 Universe for ALMA but: complementing observations of CO with EVLA essential but: complementing observations of CO with EVLA essential now: tip of the iceberg: now: tip of the iceberg: ‘new’ IRAM PdBI, and soon EVLA & ALMA: ‘new’ IRAM PdBI, and soon EVLA & ALMA: bright future for dark ages bright future for dark ages

20 EVLA: spectral resolution, - coverage and bandwidth VLA CO @z=6.4, VLA 3 separate observing setups 250 MHz total, 50 MHz resolution CO @z=4.7, GBT Multiple lines per observing setup z=3.9 Walter ea. 2003 DR ea. 2006a Tracers of dense, SF gas Detected @ high z: HCN, HCO +, CS, CN, HNC => Yu Gao’s Talk Initial detections: Barvainis ea. 1997, Solomon ea. 2003, DR ea. 2006b, 2007, 2009, Guelin ea. 2007, Henkel ea., i.p. High spectral resolution HCO + (1-0) VLA z=2.6 Multiple CO isotopomers: Direct Estimates of M gas

21 EVLA: Prospects EVLA

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