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1 Materials

2 Natural or Man Made? Natural materials can come from living things
Natural materials can be used in their natural state Wool Leather

3 Natural Materials A cotton field This is rubber tapping

4 Natural Materials A Silkworm Diamond Mining An Oil Rig

5 Iron age tools and weapons
Metals are Natural Metals taken from ores are natural Gold Bullion A Silver Nugget Iron age tools and weapons

6 Synthetic (Man Made) Materials
These are materials that are not made by animals or plants or found naturally in the ground They are made by man Nylon Toothbrush Bristles Rayon Fibres

7 Synthetic Materials Plastics are man made Polystyrene Packaging
Polythene Plastic Bags Polycarbonate CDs

8 Synthetic Materials The Delorean was made from Stainless Steel
Bricks and Cement are man made Glass is made from Sand, Soda and Limestone

9 Raw Materials Oil is a raw material, it can be separated into:
Diesel for cars Petrol for cars Kerosene for Lamps Bitumen for laying roads Plastic is made from Oil These are all manufactured materials

10 Manufactured Materials
A raw material is found naturally A manufactured material is the finished product that can be sold in shops Cotton is a raw material It is manufactured into thread and sewn to make garments e.g. socks, t-shirts etc. Iron is a raw material It has to be manufactured into Steel car bodies

11 Questions We get Aluminium from Aluminium ore, is it a natural material? Yes Brass is an alloy of Copper and Zinc, is it natural? No it is man made Is petrol a natural or man made material? Manufactured because it has to be removed from oil in a factory

12 Conductor or Insulator?
Metals conduct heat and electricity Most non-metals are insulators Copper electrical wire, with plastic insulator Metal Saucepan conducts heat, the plastic handle insulates

13 Strong or Brittle? Brittle materials break easily
Glass and Porcelain break easily Strong materials are difficult to break This Iron bridge is strong

14 Transparency? Transparent means that you can see through it e.g. glass and Perspex You can not see through opaque objects e.g. curtains, blinds Translucent objects let some light through e.g. frosted glass

15 Flexible or Rigid? Flexible materials can bend easily, without breaking Rigid materials do not bend easily, when bent to far they break Flexi Rulers A Rigid Wooden Ruler

16 Hard or Soft? Hard materials are difficult to scratch e.g. diamond, enamel and glass Soft materials are easy to scratch and cut Diamonds are difficult to damage, they can cut through glass and metal

17 Other Properties Malleable materials can be hammered into shape e.g. Lead Ductile materials can be stretched into wires e.g. metals Shiny materials reflect lots of light e.g. when you can see your reflection in polished cars Dull materials do not reflect light

18 Questions What materials is used to make windows? Glass
What property make it good for this job? It is transparent Why do some saws have diamond teeth? It is the hardest material on Earth Why is polystyrene used for packaging brittle materials? It is flexible and won’t damage the materials

19 States of Matter The Particle Theory states that all substances are made of tiny atoms (particles) Substances are either a: Solid e.g. ice Liquid e.g. water Gas e.g. steam

20 Solids have fixed shape and volume (they can not be compressed)
The atoms are close together, they can not move about, but are always vibrating They are arranged in a regular pattern Solids have fixed shape and volume (they can not be compressed)

21 Liquids The atoms are quite close together, but are able to move past each other Liquids can flow They take the shape of their container They can not be compressed

22 Gases The atoms are far apart The atoms are moving very quickly
They fill a container They are easy to compress

23 Questions Which state can be squeezed easily?
Gases e.g. an empty bottle Which out of solids, liquids and gases can flow? Liquids Gases In which state can the atoms not move around freely? Solids In which state are the particles moving very quickly? Gases


25 Questions What is the process when solids change to liquids? Melting
Liquids to solids? Freezing Gases to liquids? Condensation Liquids to gases? Evaporation

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