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Nola ILC Forum 2013 Find, retrieve, organize and use information: Rudolph Matas Library of the Health Sciences Resources for Research The Emerging Scholars.

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Presentation on theme: "Nola ILC Forum 2013 Find, retrieve, organize and use information: Rudolph Matas Library of the Health Sciences Resources for Research The Emerging Scholars."— Presentation transcript:

1 nola ILC Forum 2013 Find, retrieve, organize and use information: Rudolph Matas Library of the Health Sciences Resources for Research The Emerging Scholars Environmental Health Sciences Academy Elaine R. Hicks, MSLIS, MPH, MCHES Education/Health Literacy Librarian Rudolph Matas Library of the Health Sciences 2/3/20161

2 Workshop sponsors National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health Rudolph Matas Library of the Health Sciences 2/3/20162 Tulane University Center for Gulf Coast Environmental Health Research, Leadership, and Strategic Initiatives

3 2/3/20163

4 Session Content 2/3/20164 – Develop a research question – Use the Matas library resources and consult librarian if needed – Use database features to develop and execute successful search strategies – Compare results from two different sources of information – Create a report with bibliographic information in appropriate format

5 Outcome, Activity & Assessment Use database features to develop and execute successful search strategies (AASL S1) 2/3/20165 Comprehension Check #1: Share some ways a search in Web of Science differs from a Google search

6 2/3/20166 PMID 21755186 Keyword searching and controlled vocabulary--MESH PMID 23192090 Features: Link Out- more resources MedlinePlus Hazardous Substances DataBase (HSDB)

7 Assessment: Complete the poll on the LibGuide 2/3/20167

8 Natural language: air pollutant AND Keyword Search Worksheet: PubMed/MEDLINE Rudolph Matas Library of the Health Sciences, Tulane University Elaine Hicks, MS, MPH, MCHES; (504) 988-2785 Topic: Combine natural language (author keywords) with keywords (related terms) provided by indexers OR Instructions: Using the PMID, locate the article below in PubMed/MEDLINE. Using related words (MESH terms) assigned to the article. Using those terms, locate a similar article in the comparison database. AND OR MESH terms Svendsen ER, Gonzales M, Mukerjee S, Smith L, Ross M, Walsh D, et al. GIS-Modeled Indicators of Traffic-Related Air Pollutants and Adverse Pulmonary Health Among Children in El Paso, Texas. Am.J.Epidemiol. 2012 OCT 1;176:S131-S141. PMID: 23035137 Natural language: traffic Geographic Information systems Motor vehicles/statistics & numerical data Natural language OR MESH terms AND natural language OR MESH terms = results OR MESH terms Natural language: pulmonary health Natural language: children Natural language: GIS Air pollution/adverse effects Lung disease/chemically induced child Compare results from two different sources of information (AASL S1)

9 Natural language: traffic AND Keyword Search Worksheet: EBSCO/MEDLINE Rudolph Matas Library of the Health Sciences, Tulane University Elaine Hicks, MS, MPH, MCHES; (504) 988-2785 Topic: Combine natural language (author keywords) with (related terms) provided by indexers OR : Instructions: Select Advanced Search’. Using the MESH terms found in PubMed/MEDLINE, locate a similar article in EBSCO/MEDLINE. Record topic and the PMID. AND Natural language: air pollutant Geographic Information systems Motor vehicles/statistics & numerical data Natural language OR MESH terms AND natural language OR MESH terms = Results OR MESH terms OR MESH terms Similar article PMID: Natural language: pulmonary health Natural language: children Natural traffic language: GIS Air pollution/adverse effects Lung disease/chemically induced child Compare results from two different sources of information (AASL S1)

10 Outcome, Activity & Assessment Create a report with bibliographic information in appropriate format (AASL S3) 2/3/201610

11 Thank you! Elaine R. Hicks 988-2785 What 1 thing will you remember? 2/3/201611

12 2/3/201612

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