Social Studies Teachers  Team 701 – Mr. Rollins, Ms. Boyd, Mrs. French  Team 702 – Mrs. Watkins  Team 703 – Mrs. Ratliff, Mrs. Hannah, Ms. Strange.

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2 Social Studies Teachers  Team 701 – Mr. Rollins, Ms. Boyd, Mrs. French  Team 702 – Mrs. Watkins  Team 703 – Mrs. Ratliff, Mrs. Hannah, Ms. Strange

3 STAY CONNECTED  Remind 101 (subscribe TODAY!)  Text @watkins4p to 678.804.7116  Check INFINITE CAMPUS regularly  Email  Teacher’s webpages

4 Educational Resources  (use nightly!)  Infinite Campus    Kahoot  POINT ( more information coming soon… )

5 Curriculum Outline Unit 1 : Connecting Themes Unit 2 : Geography of Africa Unit 3 : Development of Africa Unit 4 : Political and Economic Development of Africa Unit 5 : Geography of Southwest Asia (Middle East) Unit 6 : Development of Southwest Asia (Middle East) Unit 7 : Political and Economic Development of Southwest Asia (Middle East) Unit 8 : Geography of Southern and Eastern Asia Unit 9 : Development of Southern and Eastern Asia Unit 10 : Political and Economic Development of Southern and Eastern Asia Unit 11 : Personal Finance *pacing is based on the students’ mastery of content*

6 Academic Profile  Report Cards every 9 weeks  Progress Reports every 4 ½ weeks

7 End of Year Assessment  Georgia Milestones Georgia Milestones (Click link to Review Assessment Goals) Summarily, Students will be required to demonstrate their comprehensive knowledge through higher- order response : constructed response and exploration of real-world connection.  Social Studies [Georgia Performance Standards] – will require understanding of the past and its influence on the present and future – including the interconnectedness of history, culture, geography, economics, and governments/civics

8 What we expect for...  Classwork  Research based learning requiring access to the internet  Homework  Extension of classroom lesson also requiring access to the internet  Class Participation  Gaining experience and a deeper understanding through communication and interaction with peers and teacher  Behavior  Must align to the expectations of teacher, policies of school, must not hinder the learning environment  Attendance  Show up DAILY  attendance is a direct correlation to academic success!!

9 Questions? Thank you for coming!

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