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Project for the Continued Growth of Via Voice Presented by: Cheryl Aupperle.

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1 Project for the Continued Growth of Via Voice Presented by: Cheryl Aupperle

2 Executive summary The purpose of this marketing plan is to answer the question of how IBM (International Business Machines) intends to raise sales of its Via Voice software package. IBM needs to define how to increase marketing.

3 I ntroduction  IBM has an excellent reputation in the computer industry. They make everything you would need for an entire system, the server, the desktop or laptop computers, peripherals and the software. Software is a small part of the companies profit. However, with increased marketing of Via Voice, that part of the profit could easily grow quite larger.

4 The Product  Via Voice allows your speech to appear on screen as type.  Via Voice is available on the most popular operating systems  Via Voice Version 9.1, Windows versions 95, 98, Me, 2000, XP - $24.00 - $29.95  Via Voice Version 10, Windows versions 98SE, ME, 2000, XP Home, XP Professional - $59.99 – $189.99  Via Voice Version 3, Mac OS X - $59.99 - $124.99

5 Marketing Situation  Currently, we are marketing to semi experienced computer users as our market segment.  Other segments of interest:  Generation Y  Baby boomers  The disabled

6 Current Market Segment  Via Voice appeals to semi- experienced computer users because of how it simplifies business applications.  Since Via Voice is sold mainly on the web, it is easy for these users to find.  Most of these users are familiar with IBM from their workplaces, so when they buy software from IBM they exercise brand loyalty.

7 Generation Y segment  Many consumers in this segment are in the market for a new computer. This maybe because they are starting college or entering the business world. We need to let them know that using their new computer will be easier with Via Voice.  Via Voice will save them time when typing up reports  Could be used with computer games.

8 Baby Boomers Segment  Consumers in this segment are also likely to purchase a computer. Many of them are newly retired and may be looking for a way to pass the time or to stay in contact with their family.  Via Voice will help users with arthritis because they will not have to click and type so much to use the computer.  For those who think using a computer is too complicated, this will make it easier.

9 The Disabled Segment  Via Voice can become an adaptive technology tool for the disabled.  Physically disabled users  These users maybe unable to type or use a mouse.  Via Voice would be the only way they could use a computer.  Visually impaired users  If they have trouble seeing the keys, by speaking Via Voice can put their text on the screen.  Can be used with a screen magnifier

10 SWOT of IBM Strengths: It is a well known and trusted company in business for many years. They were one of the first computer manufactures and still have kept up with modern technology. Weaknesses: Often, their products are more expensive than those of their competitors Opportunities: They can use their current market position to help them continue to do well. Work on purchasing programs for schools and universities so perhaps more will be bought from IBM instead of their competitors (Dell and Apple) Threats: They may lose customers to their competitors who offer similar products at cheaper prices.

11 SWOT of Via Voice  Strengths: Includes the necessary headset for free. F rees users from dependence upon keyboard and mouse. Mac version first on the market. Available at many online stores. A version for every os.  Weaknesses: Via Voice is higher priced. If you would like a different type of headset have to buy separately. Different versions/ options is confusing. H ard to find in stores. o Opportunities: May eliminate the competition. Bundle their IBM Via Voice software computers and software.  Threats: Low price of similar software by competitors. Lose business, Via Voice is not easy to find. Via Voice may be difficult to use. Competitors may lure customers away.

12 SWOT of Dragon (Their main competitor)  Strengths: Naturally Speaking comes in foreign languages. Special versions for medical use. High quality for professionals  Opportunities: Their marketing has more of an appeal to businesses than IBM. * Weaknesses: Naturally Speaking is very high priced. Hard to find in stores, found online only. Headset must be bought separately.  Threats: May turn consumers away. They may be ignoring some good customers because their marketing campaign seems to be focusing on businesses

13 Marketing Strategy  We will use the trusted, solid reputation that the IBM Company has built to sell Via Voice software. Even if not very many people know what Via Voice is, they know what IBM is. The convenience of Via Voice will be a key aspect of the product to market. There is a version for every popular operating system. Some even let you choose if you would like to use a USB headset over the standard one. Our current marketing strategy is working well because we are selling product, but there are still lots of consumers who we have not yet reached.

14 Action Programs  Get the product sold in more retail outlets, while still selling in online stores. That way we could reach the large market segment of new computer users, and hold onto our current market  Create TV and print ads designed for each segment of our target market. All ads will demonstrate ease of use of the product.  Tell doctors and advocacy groups about our product to get word out the disabled.

15 Ads for Generation Y  All ads will show members of Generation Y using Via Voice for things like chatting on aim with friends, ‘typing’ up reports, web meetings/video conferencing and for video games.  Print ads will be featured in Fast Company, Newsweek, PC World, Seventeen, Cosmo Girl and YM  TV ads will air on networks such as MTV, MTV2, VH1, WB, Fox and BET.

16 Ads for Baby Boomers  These ads will focus on making a computer easy to use and feature baby boomers composing e-mails to friends and family and finding information online.  The ads will be featured in magazines such as Readers Digest, Better Homes and Gardens Cooking Light, Time and the New Yorker  Ads will air on TV stations such as PAX, Lifetime, CSPAN, CNN,TMC and TLC.

17 Ads for the Disabled Segment  This market segment is a challenging one because these users are spread out across the generation gap.  Ads would feature disabled people experiencing using a computer for the first time.  Print ads would be featured in the newsletters and magazines of advocacy groups.  TV ads would be featured on ABC, CBS and NBC when there is a special featuring disabled people.

18 Positing Statement Use advertisements to position Via Voice as being accessible to everyone who uses a computer. It makes computer use easier and faster. For business users, we need to position it as a necessary tool to increase productivity. Position it, as a necessary tool would also work well for those with disabilities and world use Via Voice as an adaptive technology.

19 Budgets and Controls  Using the objective – and – task method would be the best way for IBM to increase sales of Via Voice. For the first step, they would have to decide that they wanted to sell more Via Voice Software Packages. Next, they would have to decide if they need to increase production or just to keep making and selling the amount they currently do. They also would need to put more effort into marketing. Getting Via Voice into retail stores would really help the marketing effort. Print ads and TV commercials would be a good way to accomplish their goal of increasing sales. The last part is the most difficult, estimating the costs of performing these tasks.

20 First Quarter of 2004  The software division generated 3,466 million dollars in external revenue. That division made the second lowest amount of money for IBM  There are 16 categories within the software division. So Via Voice as an individual product is only responsible for a very small part of that revenue. It is difficult to say how much of that was from the profits of Via Voice sales.  ngs.phtml

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