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1 Tango Meeting (Elettra, December 2004) Tango Archiving Service What’s new ?

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1 1 Tango Meeting (Elettra, December 2004) Tango Archiving Service What’s new ?

2 2 Tango Meeting (Elettra, December 2004)  Recall  Homogeneous solution  Configuration

3 3 Tango Meeting (Elettra, December 2004) Recall  Historical Archiving  Slow and perennial  Temporary Archiving  Fast and volatile  Snapshots  Instantaneous and perennial

4 4 Tango Meeting (Elettra, December 2004) Homogeneous solution  Historical Archiving  HdbArchiver  HbdExtractor  Temporary Archiving  TdbArchiver  TbdExtractor  ArchivingManager  ArchivingGUI  Snapshots  SnapArchiver  SnapExtractor  SnapManager  SnapshotingGUI

5 5 Tango Meeting (Elettra, December 2004) Configuration  Class Property  DbHost Server name where the database resides (  DbName Database’s name (HDB)  DbSchema Schema used (hdb, tdb or snap)  DServer’s Classes  HdbArchiver  TdbArchiver  SnapArchiver

6 6 Tango Meeting (Elettra, December 2004) Configuration  Common Device Properties  DbUser Login used to connect the database  DbPassword Password used to connect the database  Devices  HdbArchiver  TdbArchiver  SnapArchiver  HdbExtractor  TdbExtractor  SnapExtractor  SnapManager

7 7 Tango Meeting (Elettra, December 2004) Configuration  Specific Device Properties  HdbUser Login used to connect the historical database  HdbPassword Password used to connect the historical database  TdbUser Login used to connect the temporary database  TdbPassword Password used to connect the temporary database  Devices  ArchivingManager

8 8 Tango Meeting (Elettra, December 2004) Configuration  Specific Device Properties  DsPath Path used by the device to store temporary files  DbPath Path used by the database to access temporary files  Cleaner True if temporary files are automatically deleted  Devices  HdbArchiver  TdbArchiver  SnapArchiver

9 9 Tango Meeting (Elettra, December 2004) Configuration  Graphical User Interfaces  4 arguments : 1.HdbUser 2.HdbPassword 3.TdbUser 4.TdbPassword  GUIs : archivingGUI snapshotingGUI mambo

10 10 Tango Meeting (Elettra, December 2004) Miscellaneous  Archiving Modes :  Absolute Mode ≠ Threshold Mode  Facility  About to be removed from full_name (ADT) ?  Source forge  Source file available

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