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EE 495 Modern Navigation Systems Wednesday, January 8 EE 495 Modern Navigation Systems Slide 1 of 18.

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1 EE 495 Modern Navigation Systems Wednesday, January 8 EE 495 Modern Navigation Systems Slide 1 of 18

2 Course Outline Wednesday, January 8 EE 495 Modern Navigation Systems Course Web Page:   Blackboard Blackboard Required Textbook:  Principles of GNSS, Inertial, and Multisensor Integrated Navigation Systems 2E, by Paul Groves, Artech House. Principles of GNSS, Inertial, and Multisensor Integrated Navigation Systems Recommended Software:  MATLAB Student Version and  Simulink Slide 2 of 18

3 Course Outline Wednesday, January 8 EE 495 Modern Navigation Systems Lectures:  When: M/W/F 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.  Where: King Eng. Rm 117 Instructor:  Dr. Stephen Bruder Dr. Stephen Bruder  Office: King Eng. Center Rm. 108  Email: Slide 3 of 18

4 Course Outline Wednesday, January 8 EE 495 Modern Navigation Systems Course Description  This course will cover the basics of terrestrial location and navigation with an emphasis on practical exposure to the technology.  Students will develop and present a final project o Subject to instructor approval Slide 4 of 18

5 Course Outline Wednesday, January 8 EE 495 Modern Navigation Systems Course Description  Key components of the course include: o GPS fundamentals; o an overview of inertial navigation technology; o principles of strapdown inertial navigation systems including coordinate frames, attitude representation, and mechanization in various coordinate frames; o sensor technology covering a wide range of accelerometers and gyroscopes; o sensor specifications and characterization; o testing and calibration approaches; o effects of inertial sensor error and compensation methods; and o introduction to unmanned systems; analysis of real sensor data and simulation and modeling using MATLAB/Simulink. Slide 5 of 18

6 Course Outline Wednesday, January 8 EE 495 Modern Navigation Systems Grading Scheme  Homework Assignments: 30%  Three mini-projects: 10% each  Final Project and report: 35%  Class Participation: 5% Slide 6 of 18

7 Course Outline Wednesday, January 8 EE 495 Modern Navigation Systems Navigation Mathematics  Introduction to Navigation  Coordinate frames  Kinematics  Earth surface and Gravity  Frame Transformations Chapter 2 of the textbook Slide 7 of 18

8 Course Outline Wednesday, January 8 EE 495 Modern Navigation Systems Navigation Sensors and INS Mechanization  Accelerometers  Gyroscopes  Error Characteristics  Inertial Navigation Equations  Course self-alignment Chapters 4 & 5 of the textbook Slide 8 of 18

9 Course Outline Wednesday, January 8 EE 495 Modern Navigation Systems INS/GPS Integration  GPS  Kalman Filtering  Integration Architectures  System Model  Measurement Model Final Project Presentations (All) Chapter 8 Chapter 3 Chapters 14 & 15 Slide 9 of 18

10 EE 495 Modern Navigation Systems Introduction to Navigation Wednesday, January 8 EE 495 Modern Navigation Systems Slide 10 of 18

11 Introduction to Navigation: What is Location and/or Navigation? What is Navigation?  The process of determining a vehicle’s “course” by geometry, astronomy, radio signals, or other means o Often described by Position, Velocity, and Attitude (PVA)  This can be accomplished via “position fixing” or “dead reckoning” o Position Fixing - Directly measuring location o Dead Reckoning - Measures changes in position and/or attitude – Need to be initialized and then “integrate” the  ’s – Inertial sensors measure the  ’s without requiring an external reference Wednesday, January 8 EE 495 Modern Navigation Systems Slide 11 of 18

12 Introduction to Navigation: A Simple Example of Dead Reckoning A Dead Reckoning Example:Example  At each epoc we measure  x and  y with noise (  =1m)  Then add to the prior location Wednesday, January 8 EE 495 Modern Navigation Systems Slide 12 of 18

13 Introduction to Navigation: A Simple Example of Dead Reckoning A Dead Reckoning Example  Radial error at each update (in m): o 1.49, 1.97, 2.46, 2.83, 3.16, 3.42, 3.68, 3.94, 4.18  r =1.49  r =1.79  r =2.46  r =2.83  r =3.16  r =3.42  r =3.68  r =3.94  r =4.18 1,000 Monte Carlo Runs Wednesday, January 8 EE 495 Modern Navigation Systems Slide 13 of 18

14 Introduction to Navigation: Navigation Examples DARPA Grand Challenge  PVA needed in terms of a local datum o Local coordinate system Wednesday, January 8 EE 495 Modern Navigation Systems Slide 14 of 18

15 Introduction to Navigation: Navigation Examples Aircraft or high-altitude UAV  Location relative to the earth o Earth Centered Earth Fixed coord. Sys. Wednesday, January 8 EE 495 Modern Navigation Systems Slide 15 of 18

16 Introduction to Navigation: Navigation Examples Spacecraft  Relative to inertial or space coords o Earth Centered Inertial coordinate system Wednesday, January 8 EE 495 Modern Navigation Systems Slide 16 of 18

17 Introduction to Navigation: Navigation Concepts There exists a wide variety of information sources (i.e. sensors)  Inertial, Doppler, GPS, radar, compass, cameras, odometry, barometric, … How should I describe my location?  Position, velocity, and attitude? o Orientation can get a bit tricky!! When answering the question of “Where am I?” the wrt must be very clearly defined!!!  Lead in to the notion of coordinate systems Wednesday, January 8 EE 495 Modern Navigation Systems Slide 17 of 18

18 Introduction to Navigation: Navigation Sensors/Instruments Navigation Sensors: Past, Current, and Future Sextant Compass Lat/Lon GPS Receiver Star Tracker MEMS Inertial Sensors Wednesday, January 8 EE 495 Modern Navigation Systems Slide 18 of 18

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