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I N S U R I N G I N V E S T M E N T S E N S U R I N G O P P O R T U N I T I E S Coverage of Sovereign and Sub-sovereign Risks in Infrastructure Multilateral.

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Presentation on theme: "I N S U R I N G I N V E S T M E N T S E N S U R I N G O P P O R T U N I T I E S Coverage of Sovereign and Sub-sovereign Risks in Infrastructure Multilateral."— Presentation transcript:

1 I N S U R I N G I N V E S T M E N T S E N S U R I N G O P P O R T U N I T I E S Coverage of Sovereign and Sub-sovereign Risks in Infrastructure Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency Second International Conference on FINANCING MUNICIPALITIES & SUB-NATIONAL GOVERNMENTS The Role of Specialized Local Funds and Financial Intermediaries, Washington DC October 1, 2004

2 MIGA Guarantees Program Commercial Risk Investors/ financial institutions MIGA Coverages Transfer restriction and currency inconvertibility Expropriation War and civil disturbance Breach of contract Non-commercial Risk

3 MIGA’S GUARANTEE PROGRAM Expropriation Protects against losses arising from  Nationalization and confiscation  Creeping expropriation  Partial expropriation (limited coverage) Non-discriminatory measures not covered

4 MIGA’S GUARANTEE PROGRAM Breach of Contract Protects against losses arising from:  Breach or repudiation by Host Government of a contract with the investor  Non-payment of an arbitration award  Wrongful call of Performance Bonds

5 Termination Amicable Resolution Mediation Successful Resolution International Arbitration Unsuccessful Arbitration Successful Arbitration Host Government Pays MIGA Pays Claim Enforcement Local Court MIGA’S GUARANTEE PROGRAM Breach of Contract Mechanism

6 MIGA Eligibility of Sub-Sovereigns Article 3 of the Convention  “Host Government means a member, its government, or any public authority of a member in whose territories... an investment... is to be located”

7 Expropriation Breach of Contract Probability that a sub-sovereign will exercise public authority Probability of a non-enforcement of an arbitral award against a sub-sovereign MIGA Risk

8 MIGA – Sub-Sovereign Risk Framework  Sub-sovereigns includes State Governments (under Federal system), Provincial Governments, Municipalities, Councils, Boroughs, Regulators and others with public authority  Sub-sovereigns normally do not include State- owned enterprises operating on a commercial basis

9 MIGA - Sub-Sovereign Risk 5 Existing Due Diligence Guidelines  Legal: bankruptcy/insolvency of sub-sovereign  Privatization of sub-sovereign  Credit: Creditworthiness of sub-sovereign  “Neutrality” towards Arbitral Forum (I.e. MIGA does not influence the choice of arbitral forum)  Premium

10 Case Studies  PPP  City of Light

11 PPP Structure EPC Contractor Sovereign/sub- sovereign Public Works MIGA Lenders EPC Contract Performance Bond Guarantee BoCBoC MIGA’S GUARANTEE PROGRAM

12 Technical Services SOE Technical Services SOE Western Europe Border Central Europe Equity + Shareholder Loan Service Contract Municipality Payment Guarantee Main Contract Build Operate Transfer Main Contract Build Operate Transfer Delivery & Service Bank Sub- contractor Sub- contractor Parent Company Parent Company SPC Know-How Transfer Contract for Lighting City of Light, Central Europe PROJECT STRUCTURE

13 City of Light, Central Europe PROJECT SUMMARY  Special Purpose Company (SPC) owned by West European Bank  Project financed by the Bank through a shareholder loan  Main BOT Contract (consisting of a lease contract and a lighting contract, both linked together) concluded between SPC and Technical Services SOE for the  Constuction, Operation and Service of Public Lighting  Service Contracts between SPC and subcontractor  Payment by Technical Services SOE to SPC (20 years financing period) for SPC obligations  Payment Guarantee by Municipality for payments to SPC  MIGA’s coverage against the inability to enforce the final and binding award or judicial decision  20 years coverage  Dispute Resolution – Local Courts

14 Thank you! Please visit us at Thank you! Please visit us at


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