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Juliann Dibble Director Professional and Organizational Development.

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2 Juliann Dibble Director Professional and Organizational Development


4 Please stand Walk around Find a space

5  Facilitator will identify categories  Participants will group themselves into smaller groups by which they belong  Once in groups, participants will briefly introduce themselves and explain how they became part of the group  When directed, participants will repeat the process  Participants will move three times.

6 What is your favorite season and why?

7  How many siblings do you have and how has that influenced who you are?

8 Where do you prefer to vacation and why?

9  Instructional Leadership

10 “People of capability inspire us.” - Samaveda ( Sacred Hindu Text )


12 Talents -Natural gifts and strengths Attitudes -Our ways of seeing and being Skills -Our proficiencies, the things we do well Knowledge -Our learning, insight, understanding, and awareness Style -Our unique approach and personality




16 NTC partners with school districts, policymakers, and leaders in education to design and implement comprehensive, mentor-based support programs that improve teacher retention, build career pathways, and transform schools into vibrant learning communities.


18 http://www.newteach p


20 Teacher Mentoring Meetings, Ten Oaks Ballroom, 1-4 PM September 15 October 20 November 10 December 8 February 2 March 1 April 19 May 17 June 14



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