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1. Objective: To raise awareness for pedestrian and driver safety by educating and influencing people to recognize dangerous behaviors and limit them.

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Presentation on theme: "1. Objective: To raise awareness for pedestrian and driver safety by educating and influencing people to recognize dangerous behaviors and limit them."— Presentation transcript:

1 1

2 Objective: To raise awareness for pedestrian and driver safety by educating and influencing people to recognize dangerous behaviors and limit them. Enforcement Infrastructure Awareness/Education Mayor’s Office of Transportation & Utilities

3 Target: People who live and/or work in Philadelphia County Statistics show that offenders/incidents occur more frequently amongst a younger demographic, 18-34 Message Focus: Three (3) pronged nexus of responsibility Equitably cover issues inherent in each group: DRIVER, BICYCLIST, and PEDESTRIAN Media Execution: Transit Outdoor Highly cost effective Message-action adjacency PHASE 1

4 It’s Road Safety Not Rocket Science

5 Campaign Creative Samples





10 Target: People who live and/or work in Philadelphia County Statistics show that offenders/incidents occur more frequently amongst a younger demographic, 18-34 Message Focus: Two (2) pronged nexus of responsibility Equitably cover issues inherent in each group: DRIVER and PEDESTRIAN Media Execution: Mix of mass and new media Video/guerilla campaign for owned and earned media sharing Police enforcement/education initiative(s) Microsite Social media presence PHASE 2


12 Campaign Creative Samples



15 15

16 Campaign Creative Samples



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