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ME 143 VEHICLE DESIGN Vehicle Suspension Simulation with Nastran4D Jeffrey H. Cho.

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Presentation on theme: "ME 143 VEHICLE DESIGN Vehicle Suspension Simulation with Nastran4D Jeffrey H. Cho."— Presentation transcript:

1 ME 143 VEHICLE DESIGN Vehicle Suspension Simulation with Nastran4D Jeffrey H. Cho

2 Problem Statement  Creates 3D vehicle suspension parts in SolidWorks, then utilize Nastran4D for dynamic system modeling.

3 SolidWorks Parts Vehicle: 1969 Chevrolet Camaro

4 SolidWorks Parts Upper Control Arm

5 SolidWorks Parts Lower Control Arm

6 SolidWorks Parts Rotor

7 SolidWorks Assembly

8 Nastran4D Export  Use MSC.visualNastran tool to export parts from SolidWorks to Nastran4D

9 Nastran4D Assembly  Revolute joint constraint allows proper relative movement of upper control arm relative to vibration input. Only one is necessary.

10 Nastran4D Assembly  Revolute joint constraint allows proper relative movement of lower control arm relative to vibration input. Only one is necessary.

11 Nastran4D Assembly  Revolute joints allow rotor to properly pivot between upper and lower control arms.

12 Nastran4D Assembly  Spring / Damper System –Spring Force:1000 ft/lb –Damper Force:900 lb*sec/ft

13 Nastran4D Assembly  Input force: 800 lb –Initially active, then relaxes after 0.2 sec at which point the spring / damper restore equilibrium.

14 Nastran4D Assembly  Complete system assembly in Nastran4D.  Click Here for Nastran4D Simulation. Click Here for Nastran4D Simulation. Click Here for Nastran4D Simulation.  Click Here for.AVI Simulation. Click Here for.AVI Simulation. Click Here for.AVI Simulation.

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