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3. Tornadoes are good 4. Tsunamis are good 5. Thunderstorms are good 6. Winter storms are good 7. Hurricanes are good 8. Drought are good 9. While pools.

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Presentation on theme: "3. Tornadoes are good 4. Tsunamis are good 5. Thunderstorms are good 6. Winter storms are good 7. Hurricanes are good 8. Drought are good 9. While pools."— Presentation transcript:


2 3. Tornadoes are good 4. Tsunamis are good 5. Thunderstorms are good 6. Winter storms are good 7. Hurricanes are good 8. Drought are good 9. While pools are good

3 Tornadoes are the most Violent storms. In America they have storm Shelties that is a safe room That they can go in when a Storm is there.

4 Tsunamis are the biggest Waves in the entire world. They are caused by earthquakes under the sea. They can be 100 feet high. They can reach 450 miles pre Hour.

5 Thunderstorms are dangers Because they are strong. If you have one where you live Stay in inside. It will hit certain objects

6 Winter storms Are the colds storms Ever in world. They are blizzard ice cold. They can cover a hole land of snow. If you get cart in one You can die.

7 They are a tropical storm. They can reach trees and cars They are very mean.

8 They are when All of the water Gets all dry. And Some animals die because all the water has gone.

9 Whirl pools are In the sea they can Suck up people so they can die. It is coasted by Sea animals.



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