 Arithmetic Operator :  Increment / Decrement Operator :  Assignment Operator :  Comparision Operator :  Logical Operator :  Ternary Operator : 

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Presentation on theme: " Arithmetic Operator :  Increment / Decrement Operator :  Assignment Operator :  Comparision Operator :  Logical Operator :  Ternary Operator : "— Presentation transcript:

1  Arithmetic Operator :  Increment / Decrement Operator :  Assignment Operator :  Comparision Operator :  Logical Operator :  Ternary Operator :  String Operator :

2 $a + $b = Sum of $a and $b $a - $b = Subtraction of $a and $b $a * $b = Multiplication of $a and $b $a / $b = Division of $a and $b $a % $b = Modulus of $a and $b

3 ++$a = Pre-increment. $a++ = Post-increment. --$a = Pre-decrement. $a-- = Post-decrement.

4 = $a = $b $a= $b += $a += $b $c= $a + $b -= $a -= $b $c= $a - $b *= $a *= $b $c= $a * $b /= $a /= $b $c= $a / $b %= $a+=$b $c = $a % $b

5 $a == $b Equal to $a != $b Not Equal to $a <> $b Not Equal to $a < $b Less than $a > $b Grater than $a <= $b Less than or Equal to $a >= $b Grater than or Equal to

6 $a And $b $a Or $b $a Xor $b !$a $a && $b $a || $b

7 Syntax : Test-exp ? Yes-exp :No-expression Example : $a=10; $b=20; (a>b) ? Echo “$a” : echo “$b”;

8 Syntax : (‘. ‘) (‘.= ‘) Example : <?php $a=“hello”; $b=$a.“World !”; $a=“hello”; $b.=“World”; ?>

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