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Online/offline integration - Aart Heijboer - sector/soft - Cern june 2002 Integration Online and Offline software Run Control Ligier (dispatcher) Data.

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Presentation on theme: "Online/offline integration - Aart Heijboer - sector/soft - Cern june 2002 Integration Online and Offline software Run Control Ligier (dispatcher) Data."— Presentation transcript:

1 Online/offline integration - Aart Heijboer - sector/soft - Cern june 2002 Integration Online and Offline software Run Control Ligier (dispatcher) Data Filter Data Writer Frame generator Reconstruction off line MC event file ROOT file Event Display

2 Online/offline integration - Aart Heijboer - sector/soft - Cern june 2002 Data Filter Data Writer Frame generator Online dataformat Dataformat conforming detector output New binary data-format specified: C++ classes to facilitate IO: SPE_Hit / AWF_Hit / DWF_Hit PhysicsEvent Datawriter writes these to a ROOT file In offline software these objects are translated to the standard Hits/HitsEvent classes

3 Online/offline integration - Aart Heijboer - sector/soft - Cern june 2002 Communication with database Reconstruction needs to read Detector information from database. Awaiting final DB-design: for the moment reading temporary tables (created by P. Payre). Implemented DB-reading in offline OM_detector class Using OTL library to connect to Oracle server.

4 Online/offline integration - Aart Heijboer - sector/soft - Cern june 2002 Event Display Online mode can read detector from database can connect to Ligier to receive events from the datastream. reading root-files foreseen (should be trivial)

5 Online/offline integration - Aart Heijboer - sector/soft - Cern june 2002 Reconstruction Reconstruction reads data-filter output Tracks are being reconstructed (with toy-MC frame-generator) Awaiting real Monte Carlo: work on frame-generator in progress. Reading ROOT-files should be very easy to implement.

6 Online/offline integration - Aart Heijboer - sector/soft - Cern june 2002 Conlusions " Reconstruction and event display reading (temporary) database " Format of data-filter output and ROOT-files defined " this data is read into standard off-line classes that are used in the reconstruction. " Data-Writer is operational - offline will read ROOT-files soon. " Working on interface with off-line Monte Carlo files (B. Warnaar)

7 Online/offline integration - Aart Heijboer - sector/soft - Cern june 2002

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