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A Perfect Day? Task 1: Lead-in What are your favorite kinds of TV programme? Do you ever watch too much TV? How much time do you spend watching TV every.

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Presentation on theme: "A Perfect Day? Task 1: Lead-in What are your favorite kinds of TV programme? Do you ever watch too much TV? How much time do you spend watching TV every."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Perfect Day? Task 1: Lead-in What are your favorite kinds of TV programme? Do you ever watch too much TV? How much time do you spend watching TV every day?

2 Task 2. Description Look at the photos and describe these two people’s lifestyle? (Using key words) A couch potato: lazy, free, relaxing A Workaholic: busy, boring, stressful (give you reasons.)

3 Task 3: Listening Listen carefully and pay attention to the pronunciation of difficult words. Task 4: the structure of text Read the text quickly and find out the main ideas of each paragraph.

4 A Couch Potato Para 1. I watch much TV everyday. Para 2: I also do some exercise Para 3: I can live this lifestyles because I have a good wife. A Workaholic Para 1: I go to work quickly Para 2: I am busy at day. Para 3: I’m also busy at night. Para 4: Why am I so busy?

5 Task: 5: Fast Reading (Ex 3) Tips: the skill of skimming 略读 TV programmes: children’s programmes, old movies, news, TV series, sports, play Kinds of work: meetings, phone calls, paperwork, personal e-mails, documents

6 Task 6: Detail Reading Tips: 问题的顺序和课文的顺序基本一致。 (question 简写为 Q) Q1: Yes / doesn’t get up early / doesn’t work but his wife works and make his meals. Q2: He has a successful life because he can watch anything he likes on TV. Q3: Morning…busy / little time to get dressed and ….breakfast / urgent matters Evening…also busy…documents to read /sleep around mid-night

7 Q4: …seldom has time for fun and other activities with his family. Q5: make more money / like being busy Task 7: Voice your opinion Are their lifestyles healthy? Why? (don’t work /too much TV / lazy) What can they do to improve their lifestyles? (make a plan / play)

8 1. 我每天看两个小时的电视。 2. wake up 醒过来 get up 起床 switch on = turn on 打开 switch off = turn off 关掉 switch over 交换位置,转换 3. go upstairs 上楼 go downstairs 下楼 stairs 楼梯 I spend two hours (in) watching TV every day. I watch TV for two hours a day. You drive first and then we can switch over.

9 4. while conj. 当 …… 时候 5. go off ① 熄灭 ② (爆竹,闹钟)响. 6. 句型: It takes sb time to do sth. 做 某事花费某人多少时间 (It 代替不定式 to do sth, to do sth 是真正主 语,主语要先译, it 是形式主语 ). My wife kept silent while I was writing. The light went off suddenly My alarm clock goes off at 7 every day. 我花了三个小时来完成作业。 It took me three hours to finish the job

10 7. take up 占去,占据 (时间,空间) 8 . fill vt. 使充满 be filled with = be full of 充满 9. so that 以便 The table take up too much space (= room. 不可数名词 空间 ). I filled the bottle with oil. (with: 用 ) The bottle is filled with oil. = The bottle is full of oil. I got up early so that I could catch the first bus. 目的状语从句

11 10 . be ready for 为 …… 做好准备 11. complain about 埋怨,抱怨 Task 9: Phrasal verbs 短语动词 1. filled with 2. take up 3. switches over 4. switch off 5. Switch on 6. bring back 7. complaining about Are you ready for the English exam? The boy often complains about his food.


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