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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME TO DAY four OF YOUR ONLINE RETREAT Continue when ready."— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME TO DAY four OF YOUR ONLINE RETREAT Continue when ready

2 NINE DAYS WITH MARY mACKILLOP Continue when ready

3 Be still

4 Breathe deeply Continue when ready

5 God is with you

6 Continue when ready Open the eyes and ears of your heart To the indwelling god

7 As you read the scripture passage on the slide that follows become aware of what word or phrase speaks to you? Continue when ready

8 You are the salt of the earth. Matthew 5:13 Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer everyone. Colossians 4:6

9 Sit with that word or phrase. Ponder it. Let it speak to your inner spirit. Continue when ready

10 In the Gospel Jesus tells us that we are the salt of the earth and challenges us to not lose our “saltiness”. In the Letter to the Colossians we are encouraged to be seasoned with salt. Continue when ready Mary constantly encourages us to be “salt” in our everyday life in the way we speak with and about others.

11 Continue when ready Never by word or deed give others the slightest cause to be disedified in you. Let them always hear you speak kindly to each other. And when you must correct anyone do so in a gentle yet firm manner. 28/5/1896

12 Continue when ready What stirs in your hearts as you hold these words of Mary MacKillop?

13 Continue when ready (your name) let your speech always be gracious. ( your name) let others always hear you speak kindly. I listen with the ears of my heart to where the “saltiness” of God is drawing me to be salt for...

14 Continue when ready Flavour me with the saltiness of your presence God. May my living, loving, being and doing be seasoned with salt. May my words and thoughts be gracious and life-giving. May I be salt for all your creation. Amen.

15 WE look forward to praying with you on day Five.


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