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7 Head and Neck Anatomy. 2 Landmarks of the Face and Oral Cavity Landmarks of the face Labial tubercle Labial commissure Vermilion border Labiomental.

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Presentation on theme: "7 Head and Neck Anatomy. 2 Landmarks of the Face and Oral Cavity Landmarks of the face Labial tubercle Labial commissure Vermilion border Labiomental."— Presentation transcript:

1 7 Head and Neck Anatomy

2 2 Landmarks of the Face and Oral Cavity Landmarks of the face Labial tubercle Labial commissure Vermilion border Labiomental groove Vermilion zone Nasolabial groove Philtrum

3 3 Landmarks of the Face and Oral Cavity Landmarks of the oral cavity –Vestibule –Vestibule fornix –Labial mucosa –Buccal mucosa –Parotid papilla –Stensen’s duct

4 4 Landmarks of the Face and Oral Cavity Landmarks of the oral cavity –Linea alba –Fordyce's spots –Alveolar mucosa –Gingiva –Labial frenum –Buccal frenum

5 5 Landmarks of the Face and Oral Cavity Palate area of the oral cavity –Hard palate Incisive papilla Palatine raphe Palatine rugae Torus

6 6 Landmarks of the Face and Oral Cavity Palate area of the oral cavity –Soft palate Uvula Anterior tonsillar pillars Posterior tonsillar pillars Palatine tonsils Fauces

7 7 Landmarks of the Face and Oral Cavity Palate area of the oral cavity Uvula Incisive papilla Palatine tonsils Fauces Palatine rugae Palatine raphe Anterior tonsillar pillar Posterior tonsillar pillar

8 8 Landmarks of the Face and Oral Cavity Tongue –Dorsal or top Sulcus terminalis Circumvallate papilla Filiform papillae Fungiform papillae Foliate papilla Median sulcus

9 9 Landmarks of the Face and Oral Cavity Tongue –Ventral or underside Lingual frenum Lingual veins Fimbriated folds

10 10 Landmarks of the Face and Oral Cavity Floor of the mouth –Sublingual caruncles –Sublingual folds –Sublingual sulcus

11 11 Salivary glands –Parotid –Submandibular –Sublingual Landmarks of the Face and Oral Cavity

12 12 Bones of the Head Bones of the cranium –Frontal bone(1) –Parietal bones(2) –Temporal bones(2) –Occipital bone(1) –Sphenoid bone(1) –Ethmoid bone(1)

13 13 Bones of the Head Bones of the face – Nasal bone(2) – Vomer bone(1) – Inferior nasal conchae(2) – Lacrimal bones(2) – Maxillae bones(2) – Zygomatic bones(2) – Palatine bones(2) – Mandible bone(1)

14 14 Bones of the Head Bones of the face Frontal bone Splenoid bone Ethmoid bone Lacrimal bone Inferior nasal concha Vomer bone Mental foramen Parietal bone Symphysis Alveolar process Mandible Alveolar process Maxilla Zygomatic bone Nasal bone

15 15 Landmarks of the maxilla –Frontal processes –Zygomatic processes –Alveolar process –Palatine process –Infraorbital foramen –Maxillary sinus –Maxillary tuberosity Bones of the Head

16 16 Bones of the Head Palatine bones –Palatine suture –Incisive foramen –Greater palatine foramen –Lesser palatine foramen

17 17 Bones of the Head Landmarks of the mandible –Rami –Condyloid process –Coronoid process –Temporomandibular joint

18 18 Bones of the Head Landmarks of the mandible –Mandibular notch –Mandibular foramen –Internal oblique ridge –Mylohyoid ridge

19 19 Bones of the Head Landmarks of the mandible –Angle of the mandible –Mental foramen –External oblique ridge –Retromolar area

20 20 Bones of the Head Landmarks of the mandible –Symphysis –Mental protuberance –Lingual foramen –Genial tubercles

21 21 Bones of the Head Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) –Glenoid fossa of the temporal bone –Articular eminence of the temporal bone –Condyloid process of the mandible

22 22 Bones of the Head Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) –Synovial fluid Thick, sticky fluid that provides nourishment and lubrication so bones can glide without friction

23 23 Muscles of the Head and Neck Muscles of mastication –Temporal muscles –Masseter muscles –Internal pterygoid muscles –External pterygoid muscles

24 24 Muscles of the Head and Neck Muscles of mastication Temporal muscle Angle of the mandible Internal pterygoid muscle External pterygoid muscle Neck of the condyle Masseter muscle Zygomatic bone

25 25 Muscles of the Head and Neck Muscles of facial expression –Orbicularis oris –Buccinator –Mentalis –Zygomatic major

26 26 Muscles of the Head and Neck Muscles of the floor of the mouth –Digastric –Mylohyoid –Stylohyoid –Geniohyoid

27 27 Muscles of the Head and Neck Muscles of the floor of the mouth Styloid process Tongue Digastric muscle (anterior belly) Mylohyoid muscle (cut) Geniohyoid muscle Mandible Digastric muscle (posterior belly) Stylohyoid muscle Hyoid bone Loop for digastric muscle Body Greater cornu Lesser cornu

28 28 Muscles of the Head and Neck Muscles of the tongue –Genioglossus –Hypoglossus –Styloglossus

29 29 Muscles of the Head and Neck Muscles of the tongue Hypoglossus muscle Genioglossus muscle Dorsum of tongue Styloglossus muscle Palatoglossus muscle Styloid process Hyoid bone

30 30 Muscles of the Head and Neck Muscles of the soft palate –Palatoglossus –Palatopharyngeal

31 31 Muscles of the Head and Neck Muscles of the soft palate Palatoglossus muscle Palatopharyngeal muscle Uvula Nasopharynx

32 32 Muscles of the Head and Neck Muscles of the neck –Platysma –Trapezius –Sternocleidomastoid

33 33 Nerves of the Head and Neck Maxillary nerves –Zygomatic –Infraorbital –Posterior superior alveolar –Pterygopalatine

34 34 Nerves of the Head and Neck Maxillary nerves Pterygopalatine nerve Zygomatic nerve Maxillary division of trigeminal nerve Trigeminal ganglion Pterygopalatine ganglion Posterior superior alveolar nerve Middle superior alveolar nerve Infraorbital nerve Zygomaticofacial nerve Anterior superior alveolar nerve Lateral nasal branches Nasopalatine branch of pterygopalatine (sphenopalatine) nerve

35 35 Nerves of the Neck and Head Mandibular nerves –Buccal branch –Lingual branch –Inferior alveolar branch

36 36 Nerves of the Neck and Head Mandibular nerves Hyoid bone Mylohyoid nerve Inferior alveolar nerve Mylohyoid nerve Inferior alveolar nerve Posterior division of mandibular nerve Buccal nerve Lingual nerve Mental nerve at mental foramen Incisive nerves Terminals of lingual nerve to tongue

37 37 Circulation of the Head and Neck Arteries of the face and oral cavity –Common carotid artery External carotid artery Internal carotid artery

38 38 Circulation of the Head and Neck External carotid artery branches –Lingual artery –Facial artery –Maxillary artery –Mandibular artery –Pterygoid artery

39 39 Circulation of the Head and Neck Arteries of the face and oral cavity Posterior superior alveolar artery Infraorbital artery Middle superior alveolar artery Anterior superior alveolar artery Descending palatine artery Facial artery Inferior alveolar artery Lingual artery Maxillary artery Internal carotid artery External carotid artery Superficial temporal artery

40 40 Circulation of the Head and Neck Veins of the face and oral cavity –Superficial veins Facial, deep facial, retromandibular, lingual –Deep veins Maxillary, pterygoid plexus –Jugular veins External, internal

41 41 Circulation of the Head and Neck Veins of the face and oral cavity Superficial temporal vein Maxillary vein Anterior retromandibular vein Posterior retromandibular vein Posterior auricular vein External jugular vein Pterygoid plexus of veins Deep facial vein Facial vein Common facial vein Internal jugular vein

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