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Skeletal System. What is this bone called? a)Patella b)Vertebrae c)Cranium d)Sternum.

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Presentation on theme: "Skeletal System. What is this bone called? a)Patella b)Vertebrae c)Cranium d)Sternum."— Presentation transcript:

1 Skeletal System

2 What is this bone called? a)Patella b)Vertebrae c)Cranium d)Sternum

3 What is this bone called? a)Femur b)Tibia c)Humerus d)Fibula

4 What is this bone called? a)Tarsals b)Phalanges c)Metacarpals d)Carpals

5 Participant Scores 300 300 300 300 300 300 300

6 5 Functions of Skeletal System 1.Framework gives shape & support to body

7 5 Functions of Skeletal System 1.Framework gives shape & support to body 2.Bones protect the internal organs

8 Skeletal System 1.Framework gives shape & support to body 2.Bones protect the internal organs 3.Major muscles of body are attached to the bones

9 5 Functions of Skeletal System 1.Framework gives shape & support to body 2.Bones protect the internal organs 3.Major muscles of body are attached to the bones 4.Blood cells are formed in red marrow of some bones

10 5 Functions of Skeletal System 1.Framework gives shape & support to body 2.Bones protect the internal organs 3.Major muscles of body are attached to the bones 4.Blood cells are formed in red marrow of some bones 5.Skeleton is a place where major quantities of calcium and phosphorus compounds are stored

11 Which is NOT a function of the skeletal system? a)To make new blood cells b)To protect vital organs like your heart, lungs & brain c)To store nutrients d)To move your body

12 Bone Structure 1.Surface: covered with tough, tight fitting membrane called periosteum a)Blood vessels carry nutrients into the bone b)Important in the growth and repair of bone

13 Bone Structure 2.Compact bone: under the periosteum a)Contains bone cells, blood vessels, minerals and elastic fibers b)Elastic fibers keep bone flexible

14 Bones 2.Compact bone: under the periosteum a)Contains bone cells, blood vessels, minerals and elastic fibers b)Elastic fibers keep bone flexible c)2 diseases that result from a lack of mineral in bone: rickets, osteoporosis Rickets Osteoporosis

15 Bones 3.Spongy bone: found towards the end of the bone a)Less compact b)Has many small open spaces that make the bone light weight

16 Bones 4.Marrow: a fatty tissue that fills the cavities, or spaces, in bones a)Produces red blood cells—2-3 billion per second b)Produces white blood cells

17 Bones 5.Cartilage: thick smooth layer of tissue that covers the ends of the bones a)Flexible, important at the joints because it absorbs shock and makes movement easier

18 What part of the bone contains elastic fibers for flexibility? 1.Bone marrow 2.Compact bone 3.Cartilage 4.Spongy bone

19 What part of the bone makes new blood cells? 1.Bone marrow 2.Compact bone 3.Cartilage 4.Spongy bone

20 What part of the bone makes new bone cells? 1.Bone Marrow 2.Compact bone 3.Periosteum 4.Spongy bone

21 Participant Scores 700 700 700 500 500 500 500

22 Joints Any place where 2 or more bones meet Ligaments: tough bands of tissue that hold bones together at the joints

23 Joints Classification of Joints a)Immovable: allows little or no movement Skull, pelvis

24 Joints Classification of Joints b)Movable: allows body to make a wide range of movements 1.Pivot: 1 rotates in the ring of another (arm, head)

25 Joints Classification of Joints b)Movable: allows body to make a wide range of movements 1.Pivot: (arm, head) 2.Ball and socket: 1 bone has a rounded end that fits into a cup-like cavity on another bone (shoulder, hip)

26 Joints Classification of Joints b)Movable: allows body to make a wide range of movements 1.Pivot: (arm, head) 2.Ball and socket: (shoulder, hip) 3.Hinge: has a back and forth movement (elbow, knee, fingers)

27 Joints Classification of Joints b)Movable: allows body to make a wide range of movements 1.Pivot: (arm, head) 2.Ball and socket: (shoulder, hip) 3.Hinge: (elbow, knee, fingers) 4.Gliding: 1 part of the bone glides over another bone (wrist, ankle)

28 What is the tissue called that holds bones together at the joints? 1.Joint 2.Ligament 3.Tendon 4.Cartilage

29 What type of joint only allows movement going backward and forward? 1. 2. 3. 4.

30 What type of joint allows for the greatest range of movement? 1. 2. 3. 4.

31 Participant Scores 1000 900 900 800 800 800 800

32 Bone Dance dK4T7WUrA&feature=related dK4T7WUrA&feature=related

33 Brain Pop Skeletal System systems/skeleton/zoom.wemlJoints systems/joints/zoom.weml systems/joints/zoom.weml

34 Muscular & Integumentary Systems

35 What is this muscle called? 1.Gluteus maximus 2.Quadriceps 3.Gastrocnemius 4.Soleus

36 What is this muscle called? 1.Pectoralis 2.Deltoid 3.Trapezius 4.Triceps

37 What is this muscle called? 1.Biceps 2.Triceps 3.Internal Obliques 4.External Obliques

38 Participant Scores 1200 1100 1000 1000 1000 900 900

39 Functions of the Muscular System 1.Muscles are the motors that move body parts a)Muscles always pull, they never push

40 Functions of the Muscular System 1.Muscles are the motors that move body parts a)Muscles always pull, they never push b)Pairs of skeletal muscles work together: 1 muscle contracts while the other muscle relaxes

41 Functions of the Muscular System 2.Maintain homeostasis by keeping body temperature constant a)When muscles contract, chemical energy (glucose) is converted to thermal energy (heat)

42 When sitting, what must your thigh muscles do to straighten your legs? 1.One muscle contracts & the other relaxes. 2.Both musts contract. 3.Both muscles relax. 4.One must pulls on the bone & the other pulls on the first muscle.

43 Groups of Muscles 1.Voluntary—you can control these Arms, legs, hands, face 2.Involuntary—you can’t control these, don’t have to decide to make these muscles work Muscles around heart

44 Types of Muscle Tissue 1.Skeletal muscle a)Most numerous in body b)Voluntary c)Looks striped (striated) d)Contract quickly, tire easily e)Attached to the bones by tendons (thick bands that pull on the bone as the muscle contracts)

45 Types of Muscle Tissue 2.Smooth muscle a)Found in: walls of stomach, intestine, uterus, etc. b)Involuntary c)No striations d)Contracts and relaxes slowly

46 Types of Muscle Tissue 3.Cardiac muscle a)Only found in heart b)Involuntary c)Has striations d)Contracts 70 times per minute (heartbeat)

47 What attaches muscles to bones? 1.Cartilage 2.Muscles 3.Tendons 4.Ligaments

48 Which picture shows smooth muscle? 1. 2. 3. 4.

49 What type of muscle is involuntary and striated? 1.Skeletal 2.Smooth 3.Intestinal 4.Cardiac

50 Which is NOT a function of the muscular system? 1.To move your body 2.To help protect other organs 3.To help digest food 4.To help pump blood

51 Participant Scores 1600 1500 1400 1400 1300 1300 1300

52 Functions of the Integumentary System 1.Forms a protective covering over the body

53 Functions of the Integumentary System 1.Forms a protective covering over the body 2.Maintains homeostasis—regulates bodytemperature

54 Functions of the Integumentary System 1.Forms a protective covering over the body 2.Maintains homeostasis—regulates body temperature 3.Excretes wastes— sodium chloride (salt), water, urea

55 Functions of the Integumentary System 1.Forms a protective covering over the body 2.Maintains homeostasis—regulates body temperature 3.Excretes wastes— sodium chloride (salt), water, urea 4.Sensory organ— nerve endings are sensitive to temperature, pressure, & touch

56 Functions of the Integumentary System 1.Forms a protective covering over the body 2.Maintains homeostasis—regulates body temperature 3.Excretes wastes— sodium chloride (salt), water, urea 4.Sensory organ—nerve endings are sensitive to temperature, pressure, & touch 5.Produces vitamin D in the epidermis using sunlight

57 Which is NOT a function of the integumentary system? 1.To prevent substances from entering the body 2.To help keep body temperature stable 3.To remove wastes from the body 4.To absorb oxygen into the body

58 Layers of Skin 1.Epidermis = surface layer a)Cells on top are dead b)New cells are constantly produced at the bottom c)Cells produce melanin (pigment that gives you skin color)

59 Layers of Skin 2.Dermis = layer under epidermis a)Thicker than epidermis b)Contains blood vessels, nerves, oil and sweat glands c)Fat cells stored under the dermis

60 Which part of the skin makes new skin cells? 1.Epidermis 2.Dermis 3.Fat cells 4.Sweat glands

61 Participant Scores 1800 1600 1500 1500 1400 1400 1400

62 Brain Pop Muscles systems/muscles/preview.weml systems/muscles/preview.wemlSkin systems/skin/preview.weml systems/skin/preview.weml

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