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Page 1 Envisat Validation Workshop – 9 Decembre Esrin ENVISAT PDS Status & Performance.

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Presentation on theme: "Page 1 Envisat Validation Workshop – 9 Decembre Esrin ENVISAT PDS Status & Performance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Page 1 Envisat Validation Workshop – 9 Decembre 2002 @ Esrin ENVISAT PDS Status & Performance

2 Page 2 Envisat Validation Workshop – 9 Decembre 2002 @ Esrin PDS Overall Status and Plans: Points to be addressed Ø Operation strategy (the Kiruna-only and Kiruna-Svalbard scenario) Ø Encountered difficulties and progress Ø Objectives for the validation u Stabilisation of the PDS towards a sustained throughput u Consolidation of the data dissemination u ENVISAT Mission to be operational by end 2002 for a subset of products and services Ø Objective for the Operations phase u Initial Operations phase u Evolution of the operation scenario (Kiruna-Artemis) u Progressive opening of the User services and phase in of the Users

3 Page 3 Envisat Validation Workshop – 9 Decembre 2002 @ Esrin PDS system (Kiruna Only) scenario) ENVISAT IndustryRGTIECF AOIPAux dataNSFS X-band data FOS FOCC Kiruna X-band TM/TC X band data E_PAC I_PAC F_PAC D_PAC UK_PAC S_PAC PDCC PDHS-E PDHS-K LRAC PDASUET Fin Co PAC PDS

4 Page 4 Envisat Validation Workshop – 9 Decembre 2002 @ Esrin PDS Data Flow 1-LR Level 0 Unconsolidated (Doris, Scia) 2- HR Level 0 Unconsolidated 3- Browses 4- RA2/MWT L 1b Uncosolidated 5- LR Level 2 FD Products PDHS PACs LRAC 1-Consolidated level 0 (Doris, Sciamachy) 2- Consolidated LR level 1b 1-LR Unconsolidated level 0 2- ASAR Wave and MR 3- MERIS RR Level 2 PDCC 1-Auxiliary Data 2- HR Calibration and Configuration 3- Monitoring and Control

5 Page 5 Envisat Validation Workshop – 9 Decembre 2002 @ Esrin Kiruna Only Scenario data acquisition Ø From Launch to 6 th of November 2002 Ø Kiruna Station Data Reception u Receives the complete global mission data dump ¯ 8 orbits are received nominally ( dump of the previous orbit within the Kiruna visibility) ¯ 4 to 5 orbits out of visibility are recorded and dumped in the first two orbits of the morning, together with the nominal preceding orbit u Receives all recorded ASAR HR and MERIS FR u Receives ASAR HR and MERIS FR in direct visibility Ø Matera Station Operation u Receives ASAR HR and MERIS FR in direct visibility (2 orbits in the morning, 2 orbits in the evening) u Copies the data on D1 tapes, sent to ESRIN u Processing at ESRIN PDHS-E

6 Page 6 Envisat Validation Workshop – 9 Decembre 2002 @ Esrin Kiruna Blind Orbits Ø 5 consecutive blind orbits (marked 1 to 5) recorded on SSR 1 and 2 Ø Dump of the recorded data over Kiruna on the first two orbits of Kiruna (first orbit marked 6 ) 3 2 1 4 5 6

7 Page 7 Envisat Validation Workshop – 9 Decembre 2002 @ Esrin Kiruna Only Scenario data processing Ø Global Mission archiving and processing strategy u Generation of all level 0 (recovery of any missing level 0 offline over night) u Processing of all level 1B and 2 for the nominal 9 to 10 orbits per day u Dissemination of level 0, level 1B and level 2 products to Cal/Val users from PDHS (DDS, FTP server, media) u All level 0 copied on NTP tapes for the LRAC, where they are consolidated, processed to level 1b, and circulated to PACs, where they are further processed to level 2. Ø Regional Mission archiving and processing Strategy u All ASAR HR and MERIS FR (Kiruna and Matera) processed to level 0 and sent, on NTP tapes, to the relevant PACs (recovery of any missing level 0 offline over night) u Processing of all level 1B at PACs and dissemination to Cal/Val users (media)

8 Page 8 Envisat Validation Workshop – 9 Decembre 2002 @ Esrin Mission Planning Ø Global Mission defined using the RGT ( Reference Ops Mission generation Tool) Ø Regional Mission u ASAR operation and on request processing defined by the Cal/Val coordinator via a USF script u MERIS operation and on request processing defined by the Cal/Val coordinator via a script u Background mission defined by the Mission Manager and entered via the USF u Additional PR images requested by ESRIN via the USF Ø All above nominally defined one week ahead of its execution schedule

9 Page 9 Envisat Validation Workshop – 9 Decembre 2002 @ Esrin Problems Encountered Ø Lack of robustness of the PDS facilities; Ø Missing/incomplete functionalities (e.g. concatenation of product slices to make complete instrument operation segments, incomplete follow up and reporting of orders, recovery of failed orders, etc…); Ø Misfit between the installed Kiruna configuration and the Kiruna only scenario Ø Very poor reporting capabilities Ø Irregular production throughput at PDHS and LRAC Ø Weakness of the data dissemination scenario mainly linked to the Archiving Facility architecture and the dissemination scenario To be noted: Ø The Kiruna Only scenario is much more demanding for this station than any future nominal scenario Ø Testing of the operation, pre-launch, was very much constrained by the limited set of satellite simulated data available ( 2 orbits)

10 Page 10 Envisat Validation Workshop – 9 Decembre 2002 @ Esrin Corrective Actions Implemented Ø PDCC ( mission planning): problems circumvented and planning loop stabilised Ø PDHS configuration substantially upgraded ( processing facility, archiving facility) Ø Dissemination scenario (electronic and media) optimised in view of the new configuration, in particular to minimise tape access Ø Procedures and scripts put in place to recover failures and missing products Ø Instrument Processors corrected to reflect current Cal/Val status and Ø Kiruna – Svalbard scenario implemented and active on 6 th of November 2002

11 Page 11 Envisat Validation Workshop – 9 Decembre 2002 @ Esrin PDS system (Kiruna-Svalbard) scenario) ENVISAT IndustryRGTIECF AOIPAux dataNSFS X-band data FOS FOCC Kiruna X-band TM/TC X band data E_PAC I_PAC F_PAC D_PAC UK_PAC S_PAC PDCC PDHS-E PDHS-K LRAC PDASUET Fin Co PAC PDS Svalbard X-band data ISPs

12 Page 12 Envisat Validation Workshop – 9 Decembre 2002 @ Esrin Kiruna-Svalbard Scenario data processing Ø Global Mission archiving and processing strategy u Generation of all level 0, 1B and 2 for the orbits recovered in Kiruna (9/10) within 3 hours from sensing (recovery plan during the night) u Generation ay PDHS-E of all level 0, 1B and 2 for the orbits recovered in Svalbard (4/5), after transmission to ESRIN via DDS, i.e. within 12 hours from sensing u Dissemination of level 0, level 1B and level 2 products to Cal/Val users from PDHS-K (DDS, FTP server, media) and PDHS-E (FTP server, media) u All level 0 copied on NTP tapes for the LRAC, where they are consolidated, processed to level 1b, and circulated to PACs, where they are processed to level 2 (1 week delay wrt Kiruna only scenario). Ø Regional Mission archiving and processing Strategy u All ASAR HR and MERIS FR processed to level 0 and sent, on NTP tapes, to the relevant PACs (recovery of any missing level 0 offline over night). Kiruna within 3 hours, Matera within 5 days, Svalbard within 2 weeks (sent to ESRIN via DLT) u Processing of all level 1B at PACs and dissemination to Cal/Val users (media)

13 Page 13 Envisat Validation Workshop – 9 Decembre 2002 @ Esrin Data Distribution Current Status Ø Global Mission Data Products u Meteo products on FTP server u Media copying at PDHS-K of level 1B and 2 products for distribution to Cal/Val PIs u Product dissemination via DDS and FTP server u Electronic dissemination enhanced through upgrade of disk space, change in subscription strategy and data-driven implementation for systematic dissemination Ø Regional Mission Data Products u ASAR and MERIS FR images produced at PACs u NRT production at PDHS-K has started

14 Page 14 Envisat Validation Workshop – 9 Decembre 2002 @ Esrin Acquisition Planning Ø Operational Status at 1st Dec. u Operated in manual mode  no planning on week-ends & holidays u ASAR/MERIS HR planned as per user requests (Cal/Val, PIs, DEs), 20% rejections of Cat1 requests due to higher priority Cal/Val requests u Background Regional Mission progressively implemented as per HLOP requirements u All confirmed requests are scheduled – no deletion after confirmation of planning Ø Performances u Nominal planning accepted up to 10 working days before acquisition u Late planning accepted up to 4 working days before acquisition u Emergency planning only exceptionally up to 2 working days u No On-call service during the weekends u Acquisition reporting required to confirm successful acquisition Operations Responsible: S. Jutz

15 Page 15 Envisat Validation Workshop – 9 Decembre 2002 @ Esrin Production Planning Ø Operational Status at 1st Dec. u Operated in semi-manual mode  no delta-plans on week-ends & bank holidays u Generating plans for ESA Stations (PDHS-K/E, PDAS-S/F, LRAC), PACs (all), Foreign Stations (Tromsø, Gatineau, Prince Albert) u Station reporting disabled due to excessive load on the GSP Ø Performances u Fragile database design causes inconsistency with in avg. 1 crash event / month u Production plans generation too long: 4.5 hours in average (PDHS-K: avg. 1.5 hours)

16 Page 16 Envisat Validation Workshop – 9 Decembre 2002 @ Esrin Catalogues Ø Status at 1st December u Online catalogues opened for browse of HR data. Other instrument catalogues and online ordering not activated until data quality and data handling chain sufficiently robust to serve demand. u EOLI-Envisat (MUIS) online catalogue opened to all users since Oct. 2002 for browse of HR data, performance good, does not yet have ordering interface u DESCW offline catalogue made available to all users in Oct. 2002.

17 Page 17 Envisat Validation Workshop – 9 Decembre 2002 @ Esrin Envisat on-line catalogue (open since mid-October)

18 Page 18 Envisat Validation Workshop – 9 Decembre 2002 @ Esrin Envisat on-line catalogue (browse images) Japan – 5 Dec. 2002 ASAR WS Mekong River – 26 Oct. 2002 ASAR IM MERIS AATSR

19 Page 19 Envisat Validation Workshop – 9 Decembre 2002 @ Esrin Acquisition performance Ø PDHS-K (Kiruna, X-band) Ø PDAS-F (Matera, X-band) Ø PDAS-S (Svalbard, X-band) TransmittedAcquiredSuccess rate HR151493.33% LR363494.44% TransmittedAcquiredSuccess rate HR52151799.23% LR (MERIS FR)29229199.66% TransmittedAcquiredSuccess rate HR1618160599.20% LR2742272999.53%

20 Page 20 Envisat Validation Workshop – 9 Decembre 2002 @ Esrin Production performance ( (*) does not take into account satellite unavailability (*)

21 Page 21 Envisat Validation Workshop – 9 Decembre 2002 @ Esrin Circulation and dissemination performance Ø In the last six month, 1600 tapes (NTP) circulated between the various centers, corresponding to 185000 products Ø In the last six month, 150000 products disseminated to users by media Ø In the last two weeks, 25000 products distributed to users via electronic link, (12000 via DDS, 13000 via ftp)

22 Page 22 Envisat Validation Workshop – 9 Decembre 2002 @ Esrin Maintenance performance Ø On 1st of January 2002, 400 open SPRs Ø On 1st of December 2002, 300 open SPRs Ø During that period, 700 new SPRs opened. Ø Reception and installation of 59 system deliveries corresponding to 106 facilities, and 2000 installations since launch

23 Page 23 Envisat Validation Workshop – 9 Decembre 2002 @ Esrin Future Plans Ø Upgrade of the PDCC and PDHS-E HW u PDCC WS (racked) u PDHS-E WS (racked) u PDHS-E processing nodes (to cope with Artemis scenario) u All FEPS (obsolete HW, no further maintenance) Ø Upgrade of the PDS to cope with reprocessing, in particular the dissemination to users Ø Kiruna-Artemis scenario to be tested mid February 2002, operational in March 2003

24 Page 24 Envisat Validation Workshop – 9 Decembre 2002 @ Esrin PDS system (Kiruna-Artemis) scenario) ENVISAT IndustryRGTIECF AOIPAux dataNSFS X-band data FOS FOCC Kiruna X-band TM/TC X band data E_PAC I_PAC F_PAC D_PAC UK_PAC S_PAC PDCC PDHS-E PDHS-K LRAC PDASUET Fin Co PAC PDS Svalbard X-band data ISPs Ka-band dataDRS TM/TC DRS DRS Mission Control center Ka-band data

25 Page 25 Envisat Validation Workshop – 9 Decembre 2002 @ Esrin Services to non-Cal/Val users Ø Beyond Commissiong Phase services to Cal/Val teams, progressive access to Envisat products and services to non-Cal/Val users: u started at mid-September, u by staggered groups of users (essentially AO projects), u supported by order desk and help desk, u with reduced set of products and services: ¯ ASAR Image Mode and Wide Swath Mode level 1b products, ¯ MERIS Full Resolution level 1b products, ¯ limited amount of products by projects. Ø Progressive access also granted to Distributing Entities in order to smooth the transition to a fully operational commercial distribution.

26 Page 26 Envisat Validation Workshop – 9 Decembre 2002 @ Esrin Conclusion Ø Some of the PDS facilities still require consolidation Ø Substantial progress on consolidating the planning, production and dissemination of products since the Svalbard scenario Ø PDS platform needs to be upgraded to support reprocessing Ø Transition to Initial Operations phase following ORR1 (gradual phase-in of non cal/val projects and commercial users) Ø ORR 2 and full operations expected mid-2003

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