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GCSE Mathematics How to support your child. Recent Changes There are 3 types of questions on the paper:  AO1  Straightforward maths questions  AO2.

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Presentation on theme: "GCSE Mathematics How to support your child. Recent Changes There are 3 types of questions on the paper:  AO1  Straightforward maths questions  AO2."— Presentation transcript:

1 GCSE Mathematics How to support your child

2 Recent Changes There are 3 types of questions on the paper:  AO1  Straightforward maths questions  AO2  Students select which maths to use to solve a problem  AO3  Deciding how to solve a problem and explaining why Students find the last two most challenging and this is where you can help

3 Real life questions  Changing money into different currencies  Finding areas involving gardens, wallpaper, carpet and paint  Finding the cost of 8 cakes if you know the cost of 5  Calculating best buys  Working out postage & packing charges for online goods  Planning a visit to Grandma given a bus timetable and when to be back for  Filling in missing amounts in a bank statement or invoice

4 How you can help  Involve your child in everyday calculations  Ask them to explain what they have been doing in lessons  Be sensitive to the way they are being taught and not rehearsing the tricks you may have learned at school  Involve them in do-it-yourself projects like designing their bedroom  Help them in discussions to make links with other subjects


6 Transferable skills v answers

7 What can you do now?  Little and often is best – encourage bite sized moments of maths  Don’t give answers, ask questions instead  Ask your child to explain/teach you a topic – you learn 95% of what you teach to someone else  Don’t undermine the subject  The only way to learn mathematics is to DO mathematics

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