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By Sabrina Almaraz MESOPOTAMIA SCAVENGER HUNT. RIVER VALLEYS Why were river valleys the first place for complex societies? River valleys were the first.

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Presentation on theme: "By Sabrina Almaraz MESOPOTAMIA SCAVENGER HUNT. RIVER VALLEYS Why were river valleys the first place for complex societies? River valleys were the first."— Presentation transcript:


2 RIVER VALLEYS Why were river valleys the first place for complex societies? River valleys were the first place for complex societies because there was water to drink from. Also, you could travel in the water. What are the advantages of residing in a river valley? The advantages of residing in a river valley were, to get to different places, heave a home close to water, and to hunt and find food in the water and near the water.

3 FARMERS AND FLOODS How were farmers able to control seasonal floods and bring water to their fields? They built dams to keep the water from flooding their land. They used resources to send the water to there crops by diverting flood waters to manmade rivers. They would trap the water in aqueducts so they could use all year long.

4 ANCIENT SUMERIANS What is cunieform? Cunieform was the system of writing used in the middle east. What is a rebus? A rebus is a puzzle which is represented by combinations of pictures. Why was it so important to develop a writing system? So they had something to represent words in a way than painting or drawing pictures.

5 SUMERIANS INVENTIONS The 3 inventions the Sumerians invented were: writing, printing, and fore-runner. 3 mathematical ideas of the Sumerians were, the Sumerian System, the place concept, and the 360 degree circle. The way we use the inventions the Sumerians created everyday. Is with writing, we communicate and learn. In printing, we use this all the time when we are using a computer. A forerunner, could also be called a press and is the way most t-shirts or stamped medals are made. The way we use the mathematical ideas everyday are with the Sumerian system we are able to do fractions, multiply, and divide. The place concept allows us to place numbers in tens, hundreds, thousands, etc. The 360 degree circle allows us to measure inches and feet. We use these methods every day.

6 STORY OF GIGLAMESH My favorite part of the story of giglamesh was, when enkidu came down to earth, they fought long and hard. But then they realized it was wrong to fight so they laughed and became best friends.

7 ZIGGURAT A ziggurat is a large structure that resemble a pyramid or temple. This huge structure was built in the center of the town. Like many ancient people, Sumerians believed that powerful gods lived in the sky. They used the ziggurat for religious ceremonies and would bring food and wine all year long to the steps of the ziggurat to worship the gods. To construct my own ziggurat I would use sugar cubes to build a huge but strong structure. Use toothpicks to support the structure. Then I would use peanut butter for its color and to coat the sugar cubes. This would give the model a great ancient look.

8 HAMMURABI Hammurabi was the sixth king of babylon. He became king following the footsteps of his father. He extended control by winning series of wars against neighboring kingdoms. Hammurabi was known for making laws called the Hammurabi code. His codes were so important because they brought stability and justice to the babylonians. The type of leader he was, was a leader that had to win at everything and who believed in a saying called, “An eye for an eye” and “ a tooth for a tooth”. Hammurabi’s reign was called the golden age of babylon, because of his accomplishments that improved the lives of the babylonians. He was the best commanding king they’d ever had. Hammurabi needed 282 laws,to keep his city safe, and make things fair.

9 IRON WEAPONS The Hittites developed how to use iron weapons. The Assyrians stole the technique from the Hittites. The assyrians used chariots, calvary, and infantry. Example: Bows and spears, swords, and slings.

10 ANCIENT WORLD OF BABYLON One of the seven wonders is the hanging gardens of Babylon. It was a vaulted terrace raised one above the other. It rested on pillars. These were hollow and filled with dirt so trees and plants could be planted with in them. The hanging gardens of babylon was constructed because the king, Nebuchchadnezzar wanted to please his homesick wife, who longed for trees and fragrant plants of her homeland.


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