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Agent Orange And its effects on the environment By: Anthony Quintero-Castañeda, Justin Giebler, and Ben Parrea.

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Presentation on theme: "Agent Orange And its effects on the environment By: Anthony Quintero-Castañeda, Justin Giebler, and Ben Parrea."— Presentation transcript:

1 Agent Orange And its effects on the environment By: Anthony Quintero-Castañeda, Justin Giebler, and Ben Parrea

2 Overview 1. definition 2. history 3.How it is affecting the Environment 4. What we can do to help 5. Credits

3 Definition Agent Orange is a herbicide containing trace amounts of the toxic contaminant dioxin that was used in the Vietnam War to defoliate areas of forest. It was also used in Desert Strom

4 History Approximately 20 million gallons of herbicides were used in Vietnam between 1962 and 1971 to remove unwanted plant life and leaves which otherwise provided cover for enemy forces during the Vietnam Conflict.

5 Effects Agent orange is a herbicide that kills many plants around a surrounding area. But many Vietnam Veterans experienced illnesses.

6 Effects continued Purpose was to deny enemy cover The name agent orange comes from the orange band that was on the drums that contained it. It was spread over large areas by planes.

7 Health Health concerns are with the chemical TCDD a.k.a. dioxin these are found in nature TCDD found in Agent orange is thought to be harmful to man Lab tests on animals proved it caused many disease most of them fatal

8 Solution Test herbicides before they are brought to the battle field Do not ignore warning signs if they are there Don’t let the government do as it pleases Stand up for environmental protection

9 Herbicides Herbicides are powerful pesticides used to kill unwanted plants. Herbicides are usually used in crops to just target unwanted plants and leave good crop

10 Its also a band

11 Sources non_pathogenic/triazin1.jpg non_pathogenic/triazin1.jpg

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